Sunday, February 20, 2011

tic tac.

^Apparently it's supposed to be stylized like that. Personally, I love stylizing words with all lowercase letters. I don't know why, but I find it kind of pretty. :D

Listening to Taylor Swift's "Mine" for like the tenth time in a row. Still not sick of it. Is this a miracle?

Civics project is done, Anthro thesis thing for ISP may or may not be done (ever since she called me up in the middle of class and basically told me that my essay wasn't a proper essay, I'm all paranoid of doing it wrong again and now I'm majorly stressed. Over a thesis statement for Giratina's sake @_@), last Science question/conclusion is being stupid (copper chloride/magnesium ribbon, go die D<), and we presented History on Friday meaning no homework for that. Yay.

... I'm actually in pretty good shape, now that I think about it. o.o Perhaps I will have time to write a bit this long weekend. ♥

PS. You've probably noticed that I'm updating a lot more frequently and with decently-sized, real-life-relevant content now. I shall try to maintain this trend, because now my blog is starting to become an actual blog and not just a wasteland of fangirly crap. |D;

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