Monday, January 31, 2011

Last moments of freedom.

Before the dreaded semester two starts.

And guess what Rachel spends her time doing?


"We're learning how to do contests!" Kotone announced proudly, puffing out her chest.

"Oh, are you now? That sounds lovely. And how is that going?"

"Wallace is a weirdo," Hibiki piped up, to which Rei smirked, Phoebe suppressed a giggle, and Sidney choked on a piece of dinner roll as he tried to refrain from bursting into laughter.

"But he's a good teacher!" Kotone amended, over the sounds of Sidney spluttering and Rei thumping forcefully on his back in the background. "I learned sooo much today, even though most of my Pokémon kinda sucked at all his training exercises... oh well, at least Reese and Missy did pretty good, so I'm happy! Better than Hibiki anyway—"

"Hey!" Hibiki cut in defensively. "Maribo and Chikki weren't that bad, and besides, my team could own yours in battle any day—"

"No they can't—"

"Wanna bet?"

"I'll bet even Silver could beat you—"

"'Even' me?" Silver's eyebrows shot up, and Hibiki kicked him good-naturedly under the table.

"C'mon Silver, you know me and Kotone are too beast—"

"You mean Kotone is too beast," the girl in question corrected. "I told you, Silver could beat you in a battle—"

"No way! Nooo way! I'll even prove it to you! Silver, battle me after dinner!" Hibiki demanded, pointing his fork challengingly towards the redhead like a spear and accidentally upsetting a glass of water on the table. Phoebe hurried off to retrieve towels to clean up the spill before it stained too much of the wood.


... I should stop spamming my blog with fanfiction. wat.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today, I woke up at approximately 1PM. I got out of bed at approximately 2PM, and only because I was getting hungry.


Not sure if Shandershon and I are having a birthday party. Typing up prospective invite atm to gather opinions. Even though I should've done this last week lazy lazy Rachel

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Exams end today!

Or rather, have already ended, because I just finished my Japanese (written) exam and am being distracted from owing people roleplaying posts by Sapphire. Currently trying to play through Sapphire with underused, commonly forgotten 'mons (plus the Treecko line). So far I have Grovyle, Pelipper, and Torkoal in my lineup, with Banette and maybe Seviper coming soon. Torkoal is actually a pretty good tank. Level grinding atm because I'm lame. LEARN THAT IRON DEFENSE/AMNESIA COMBO ALREADY GOSH


Yeah I should stop talking about that now shouldn't I.

Weirdest Japanese exam ever. Multiple choice answers: a, a, a, a, a, a, a, d. Literally. And they were questions like "What grade is this dude in?" with the passage saying like "I am in grade whatever" so you just copy-paste PICK OUT THE ANSWERS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME and I got really confused when the a's started to stack up but I was pretty sure I wasn't getting anything wrong. (And then there was that random d at the end, but yeah.)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Exams today!

DAHAHAHAHAhahahalaalsdjfljdldsldsjfla lka[ wqweoilkjweq; lqwejfl;qfjfassdfasfffasffffffffffffffff

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I should be studying.

The wall wasn't very interesting to look at. Maxwell rolled over onto his other side, tossing his blankets fitfully around his legs and looking out at the other sleeping figures around him. He stared. The glowing hour hand on the clock hovered at one. He shut his eyes for about three seconds. Then they snapped impatiently open again.

"This sucks," he whispered loudly to himself, and there was a sudden movement through the darkness as one of the other grunts sharing the room shifted in their bed. Maxwell caught a vague mumble of "... no... not the duck..." before the sleeptalker fell still again with a sigh, and a dead silence settled over the space.

It was too quiet, and he couldn't sleep. This called for drastic measures. This called for an adventure.

Making sure to move slowly as not to make any sudden noises, Maxwell slid out of his annoyingly-lumpy-because-the commanders-were-cheap bed and onto the carpet, tiptoed to the door, and eased it open with a tiny creak. As soon as his bare foot made contact with the cold tile floor in the hallway, he squeaked but then instantly clapped a hand over his mouth and whipped his head around to glance behind him.

Nothing but soft snoring. Okay, he could do this. Of course he could.

Biting his lip as he made his way quietly down the deserted hallway and past the doors of the other grunt bedrooms, Maxwell focused on getting to the warp panel sitting at the end rather than the frozen surface his bare skin was contacting with every agonizing step. Ten more steps... five more... three more... and when he finally reached the glowing metal circle, he pumped his fist silently into the air and whirled around—

—only to see that he had accidentally left his room door open. Oops.

But then again, between pressing forward on this adventure and dealing with all that just to go back and close the door... it wasn't even a contest. Max hopped onto the glowing metal panel and immediately felt the familiar whooshing sensation wrapping around him as he was carried off to another room in the headquarters.

Right, left, left, centre... maybe... uhm, which one was next again? Why do Galactic hideouts have to have so many confusing warp panels anyway? he wondered with a pout as played eeny-meeny-miny-moe to decide which panel to take next. Talk about paranoid. It wasn't like some random ten-year-old could break in and infiltrate the place, right? If he hollers let him go, eeny meeny miny... moe. Left it was, then.

After spinning to a halt and stumbling dizzily off the panel for what seemed to be the umpteenth time (well, fifth really), it took Maxwell a few seconds to realise that he had ended up on the dining level. The empty mess hall, still boasting forgotten bits of food and dried spill stains here and there, looked even bigger than usual without its usual crowd of Galactic members jam-packed inside at mealtimes. But the most important thing happened to be on the other side of the room: the doorway to the kitchens was right there, unlocked at the perfect time and left slightly ajar by some careless cook... Maxwell took one glance at it and his face cracked into a wide grin.

"Whee, profit!" he yelled delightedly, completely forgetting about stealth as his excited voice echoed loudly around the empty hall. "Aw-right! Midnight snack, heeeere I come!"

And then he was off in an instant, sprinting like a maniac towards the kitchens wherein lay his precious, delicious treasure.

This was actually inspired by me sneaking cheesecake from the fridge in the middle of the night. Don't judge.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blurb of the day.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

... Shaap.

"*graughhh its over 2a, not just over two."

... Shaap Richerface, I knew that. I just forgot to put the a in the post. REALLY. I SWEAR TO GIRATINA IT'S TRUE SO YOU SHOULD STOP JUDGING ME IMMEDIATELY. :c

Instead of studying...

I create trap characters and stalk cboxes instead. |:

But ^THAT > math + english any day.

"i tried writing 'DOUBLE RAINBOW!!'.. came out 'DOUBLE PAINCOW!!'"

Thursday, January 20, 2011


negative b plus or minus square root of b squared minus four a c over two.

cos A is equal to b squared plus c squared minus a squared over two b c.

length equals square root of x two minus x one squared plus y two minus y one squared.

x plus h all squared over m squared plus y plus k all squared over n squared equals one.

sine law cosine law sohcahtoa circumcentre orthocentre centroid euler line hate everything fffffff.


One good thing about the gifted math exam tomorrow: it'll probably make the academic exam next week seem a lot lighter. Probably.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Uhm, what?

So the roleplaying forum I'm on is holding OTM nominations, which basically means people vote for which characters they think are the best/they like the most/they think contribute a lot to the forum. Right now, most of the nominees are characters who post fairly frequently, with good, decent-length, literate posts, and the members who play them are also really nice and friendly in the cbox too.

Problem is, they're all canon characters, and there's this one person who got mad because it seemed like we were all voting for the same canon people (he played an OC, fyi). But those people do deserve it, so... it's not exactly canon bias, is it?



At least ISP and solo are done, so all I gotta do now is study for math and owe people posts. FALLING DOWN ICE AND ROCKS AND MUD PUDDLES FTW

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yeah, I'm slick.

I was going through my old math tests and notes for studying, and then I came across a quiz which I thought the mark said 3/44, and naturally I was like "WAIT WTF SINCE WHEN DID I GET 3 OUT OF 44 ON A QUIZ", but then I looked closer and saw that it was actually 31/44. Which is still really bad, but it's better than 3. xP

Bludgering math. >:c

(... waitwhat. "Bludgering"?)

This is good, I suppose?

People seemed to enjoy my ISP, even though my singing was absolutely, horrifically batshit terrible (shut up, that phrase works) because I was talking for like 5-10 minutes before that and I forgot to drink water in between. /stupid

Okay have to study for math and practise for solo tomorrow, I am screwed forsrs


Monday, January 17, 2011


If I keep roleplaying Phoebe at this rate, I swear I'm gonna pick up on her habit of calling everyone "dear". And saying things like "oh my". And "for heaven's sake". And "apologies" although I kinda already do that a lot.


English ISP got pushed back to tomorrow. Presenting first tomorrow. Blahhh.

Solo on Wednesday. Haven't practised all that much. Shit.

Math exam/summative/"activity" Friday. Really haven't studied. FFFFFFFF

Turned 16 today. Getting my G1... sometime. Ate fruit sponge cake. It was delicious. c: (But coffee, Jacob. DOHOHO YES I WENT THERE.)

Volunteering at what's-its-face Winter Carnival Feb 4th, the Friday, at "popcorn". Which means operating a popcorn machine. Which means listening to incessant popping noises for three hours and I guess also selling the stuff to little kids. Fun. |D

... I need some more Flint/Volkner bromance in my life, forsrs. And the other Sinnoh E4 people, really. I've pretty much given up on finding any good stuff on the Hoenn E4, nobody seems to love them xD

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Practising ISP.

"This is good because that means there's a greater chance of somebody wanting to sponsor them. See, people in the audience can choose to 'sponsor' a tribute, which basically means sending them gifts while in the arena: things like food, water, tools, weapons, medicine, basically anything that might help improve their chances of winning. (beat) And no, I don't think you can send a bomb or something to blow up a tribute you don't like, I'm pretty sure that's against the rules."

This is annoying.

People keep misspelling Phoebe's name as "Pheobe". Annoying for the person who's roleplaying her. >:/

On the bright side, I finished my ISP.

On the not-so-bright side, I haven't started studying for math yet.

Furthermore, I might've actually failed the test on Friday. Like, legit fail, not just Asian fail.

I honestly couldn't remember what I did in the homework which happened to be the same as that one question on the test. It's like my brain was blanking out at that specific, worst-possible time wtf. I even went home and looked back at what I did for that homework question, and now I feel like a fucking moron. >>

Also, for some reason I randomly calculated the area when the question asked for dimensions. Hate rushing at the last minute.

... OKAY now this post is just degenerating into BAWWW MY LIFE IS SO HARD complaints, so I'm going to stop now.

I think I should calm down a little by burying myself in fanfiction. Can't look at math right now.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Math test tomorrow English ISP due Monday solo next week voice dying birthday in four days G1 test two exams for math haven't studied alsdjflasdjflajsdlkfjalsdfjffffffff

... One of these things is not like the others.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Avoiding stuff.

Screw English and Math. :c


"I'm not killing myself," Flint deadpanned. "I cut myself shaving yesterday and it wouldn't stop bleeding. Just imagine how bad it'd be if I killed myself! I'd probably die!"

Volkner facepalmed.


"Well, since I'm sure that you would attempt murdering me in the middle of the night if we dyed it, we're gonna straighten it," she said. "But first, I have to get this brush through it..." She gave a particularly hard yank, and Flint yelped. And then her words sank in.

"S-straighten?" he gulped. "As in take a flat iron and defy laws of physics and make my hair flat? With a hot iron?" He had heard the shrieks and shouts coming from Cynthia in the bathroom and too many times seen the bright red scorch marks on her neck and fingers to ever want that thing near him.

"Your hair defies the laws of physics as it is," Bertha snapped and yanked again. "Besides, you can't possibly tell me that Flint, the master of Fire in the Elite Four of Sinnoh, is scared of a straightener."

"Yes, I can," he said, flinching at another yank. "Because you can dodge a Fire Blast attack, but you can't dodge a small piece of hot metal!"

"If you can dodge a Fire Blast, you can dodge a straightener," Bertha informed him.


"Hey," Flint's voice suddenly cut through the awkward, bored silence. "How much would you give me if I ate all seven of those bananas there?" He was staring at the bowl of fruit the Elite kept for snacks in the center of their table.

"Five bucks," Aaron said. Flint sat up a little straighter.

"Throw in ten more and I'll do it." He glanced over at Lucian and Bertha, who were looking at each other.

"Alright, we'll each pitch in five." He shrugged.

"But only if you keep it down," Bertha bargained. "Or I'm out."

"Done." Flint reached into the bowl, pulled out the bunch of bananas, and began eating. Lucian was shocked at how fast that guy could breeze through those bananas! Aside from that, he'd heard very bad things about eating too many of them in one sitting; Flint wouldn't be leaving the bathroom anytime soon tomorrow.

"You know, Flint, this says so much about your sexuality." Bertha said with a smirk, just to get a reaction. And a reaction she did get. Flint paused his face-stuffing for a moment, winked flirtatiously in her direction as if to say, "You know it, Bertha baby." and began eating again. She huffed and rolled her eyes and slumped back against her chair again. Lucian shook his head at that; they all knew Flint, and he didn't swing that way. In fact, he didn't swing at all. Boy, girl, tree, it never really mattered to him. Love was love was love. However, he wasn't about to get into that.

Aaron slapped down a five on the table along with Bertha and Lucian once Flint finished, pushing the seven banana peels away from him triumphantly.

"Flint, you have a black hole where your stomach should be." Bertha said, though she was impressed. Flint glossed his fingernails on his sleeve arrogantly.

"I know."


"That's a fascinating machine," Cynthia commented over her glass of wine, casually peering over Thorton's shoulder. She seemed genuinely interested, which wasn't particularly surprising when it was taken into account that, alongside her duties as the Sinnoh League Champion, she was also an avid researcher. "If you don't mind me asking, what does it do?"

Across the table, Palmer relaxed slightly, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. To say that he was feeling stressed right now would be an understatement, to say the least. After all, it wasn't often that the Frontier played host to such an important person as the Champion, and he was determined that the evening would go well. And Thorton, despite his age, was one of the more mature Brains by far. Miles ahead of, say, Dahlia in terms of seriousness. A nice, safe conversationalist.

"It's a dumbass-detector," the Factory Head deadpanned after a short pause, and the blond man slapped his forehead in disbelief. Seemingly to further illustrate his point, the boy waved the little blue gadget around in Palmer's direction as if it were a metal detector. A series of beeping noises emitted from it, and he hummed in satisfaction. "Which, you see, explains why it always goes off around the Tower Tycoon."


It was only when the chitchat started to go in a direction he didn't like that he decided to break in:

"All right, Dahlia, that's enough," he said sternly. The aforementioned Arcade Star pouted.

"Don't be a spoilsport, Palm. I'm just telling Cynthia a funny story, that's all."

Palmer groaned. "Dahlia, your 'funny story' happens to be about the time you put itching powder in my underwear drawer."

"So, what's your point?"


"So, Argenta." The Tower Tycoon stretched his long limbs, yawning, and took a huge gulp from the steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "Listen, I've been thinking lately..."

"Thinking? You?" His magenta-haired coworker's reply was clearly lighthearted, but Palmer still set his beverage down with a scowl.

"That's not funny," he grumbled, annoyed. "I do too think. Hell, where d'you think my son gets his smarts from?"

Argenta tapped her chin in contemplation. "Your son?"

"Blond hair, orange and white striped shirt, has an Empoleon. He was at the Frontier just a few days ago. Surely you must have seen him?"

"Now that you mention it, a boy of that description did come to challenge the Hall..."

"And?" Palmer puffed up his chest proudly.

"Well, I seem to recall him struggling to enter the facility for a full ten minutes, before one of my assistants informed him that the door was a 'push' and not a 'pull.'"


Thorton spoke up before Palmer could voice an angry response, holding out his hand and narrowing his half-lidded eyes. "My analysis machine, Dahlia," the teen stated exasperatedly. "Give it back. Now."

The black-haired woman furrowed her eyebrows in disappointment. "Oh, not now, Thor," she huffed. "I haven't even figured out how to work it yet! All I've managed to do so far is change the password to 'Mudkip power.'"

"Give it back!"

"Why should I?" The female stuck her tongue out, purposely being difficult. Thorton was beginning to lose his patience.

"It's mine, that's why," the teen seethed. "You stole it!"

"I did not steal it, I just borrowed it... without permission."

"Isn't that the same thing?" The boy threw his hands up into the air, clearly frustrated.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Personal preferences.

I just read Sarah's post about the tank bottle of ice wine (good job, by the way xD) and for a minute I wondered why they would even bother in the first place. Why do people like wine? It tastes so... like a combination of sour and bitter. Which is not exactly tasty, except people seem to find it so.

Or maybe I'm just the outlier here. I think this is likely to be the case.

In other news, I managed to successfully hack Platinum again with Pokésav. Considered making a Wondereye (Sableye + Wonder Guard) but then realised it would be boring.

I currently have no motivation to do anything that requires using an excessive amount of brainpower right now. This includes math, English ISP, roleplaying, and also fanfic-writing, even if it's still a self-insert thing with no plot.

I think I'll just go bury myself in my hacked Platinum again and RILEY I said nothing.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Typed evelen at first. Spelling fail

Four whole days of the new year without any blogging! Gasp! Rachel really has died. :|

So, happy new year guys! According to somebody (I think it was Tanya), this year is gonna be the worst year because we're all gonna be preparing for our doom in 2012. When I pointed out that, by that logic, it should be worse next year because the apocalypse whatever happens in December, she said that the actual year of 2012 would be better because... we're preparing for our doom in 2012?

Yeah, it didn't make much sense.

But anyway, I had a miniature mini-rage at my mom today because she wouldn't let me eat cheesecake, and she had a plate right in her hands. Trolling me. With chocolate cheesecake. :| (It tastes better than it sounds, I ended up sneaking some anyway xD)

Yesterday, I discovered that Steven's voice acting is very, very, very disconcerting (and slightly scary) in the anime. Even in the original Japanese. It's nothing like how I imagined him to sound like in my head. But then again, I imagined him as this clumsy, adorable, dorky guy in my head, not some tank with a scarily deep bass voice and who can, say, jump over a crevice at least two metres wide with at least 100 extra pounds attached to him.

... I think I like my dorky!Steven better. The one who obsesses over rocks and fails at making tea and can't cook anything properly except macaroni and cheese and instant noodles.


Two years of blogging and the nerdy obsessions still have not gone away. Rachel predicts that this will carry on all the way until when this blog dies, which may or may not be soon because surprisingly enough, she rarely has anything to blog about real life anymore. o____o

... This is most likely a problem.

Perhaps I should just blog about my obsessions and not care if people don't get a word of what I'm saying? Also, I should get that self-insert stuff off the front page of my archives, it's starting to get embarrassing. RACHEL TIME TO START WRITING SOME REAL FANFIC INSTEAD OF BLATANT MARY-SUES KTHX :|
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