Friday, February 18, 2011


We talked about them in Anthro today. Apparently Ms Woo has two older brothers.

Dude: Did you ever fight with them?
Woo: Oh yeah, definitely. I mean, never physically, but verbally, you know? We used to scream at each other a lot... sometimes I threw stuff at them.
Everyone: xDDD
Dude: Yes miss, because that's not physical at all.
Woo: Well, there was a distance, you know! So it doesn't count!
Girl: "The chair was all the way over there, mommy!"
Woo: Well no, I never threw a chair at them... I did throw a ladle at my brother once though. I think that's the worst I've ever done.
Girl: Why would you do that?? xD
Woo: I don't know, I just remember that he was like, provoking me and making me really angry about something. And then I threw the ladle.
Girl: Did he stop after?
Woo: Yeah. |3

Today in Science, we were doing a lab. I rediscovered my fear of Bunsen burners (and fire in general, really). I mentioned this to my parents later this evening but they weren't surprised; apparently I've been afraid of fire ever since I was little. (They even said I refused to sleep by myself in my own room for months because I was so paranoid of the house spontaneously combusting for some reason.)

In any case, this is a problem, considering I'm planning on taking Chem all the way till grade twelve and chances are those Bunsen burners are going to pop up again. With alarming frequency. What do.

1 comment:

O.OY said...

LOL. she really likes throwing things, doesnt she. especially course packs x)

why do u not like fire?

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