Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Apparently Ms Woo breaks overhead projectors a lot. She broke one in Anthro today, and also in her first period class.

Pretty sure Sarah is shunning me now. Other people were also shocked surprised by this development. I am genuinely confused; what of this merits such a dramatic reaction? o.o

Science formative quiz was actually ridiculously easy. It was slightly suspicious. (I may or may not have done something stupid and got marks off though. If it's because I can't add, I'm going to throw something. D<)

Base/acid reactions. I googled it after school today because he wasn't here to teach and gave us this worksheet that I don't think anybody could make a head or tail of what to do. Google gave me answers. Mind was blown. At first I was like "... @_______@" and then I was like "... OHHHHHHH OOOOO8" and now I'm confused by perchloric acid. Apparently it's like chlorate with an extra oxygen, and aqueous to make it an acid. I kinda get the "per" and extra oxygen connection, but... what? @_@

... I blog an awful lot about science now. And Anthro. Kind of ironic considering HATE CHEMISTRY but yeah. An improvement over endless Pokémon/Harvest Moon/video game/whatever spam, I suppose. |D

By the way, Kryl caught me blatantly doing attempting to do my science homework in the middle of Civics. She immediately launched into a conversation with me about something else. I don't think she cared. |D

Spencer: (walks up to us) Hey. Do we have choir today?
Jacob: o.o No, it's Tuesday.
Spencer: o__o Really?? It's Tuesday??
Me: (facepalm) No, Spencer, of course it's Monday.
Spencer: o_____o Wait, are you serious??
Jacob: Yeah, we were just messing with you earlier. It's Monday.
Spencer: So we do have choir?
Jacob: Yup, we were just on our way right now.
Spencer: ........
Me: ... xD
Spencer: ... So it is Monday?
Me: No, it's Tuesday.
Spencer: @______@ (to a random other person) Hey, is today Monday or Tuesday?
Person: Tuesday.
Me + Jacob: xDDD
Spencer: So... we don't have choir?
Me + Jacob: No. xD
Spencer: Okayyy. I suppose you guys enjoyed that bit of fun at my expense, huh? =3=;;

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