Thursday, September 25, 2008

Parent-Teacher BBQ tonight.

Met Andrew, aka the No-Life Guy (according to Mich). xD He was there cuz his sister still goes to Crosby.

Me: Hey, you're the person who asked me if I was a guy! :P
Andrew: ...Are you? :O
Me: NO! T__T;;

Me: Is it just me, or do you look different?
Sandy: ...Yeah, you do look different somehow. o.O
Andrew: It's cuz I'm more wonderful. :)
Me and Sandy: -sweatdrop-

Nalini: Is it just you who came?
Andrew: Pretty much.
Nalini: What about other people, like Richard?
Me, Andrew, Sandy: Why would he be here? o.O
Nalini: You know, to visit Rachel?
Me: -promptly kills her- T__T;;;;

I saw Ramez too.

Me: ...You look shorter than you were last year. o.O
Ramez: ...Shut up! I will grow! I will! >8O
Everyone: xDD

At the actual session thingy:

Mr. Lew: Uh, yeah, in Music right now, we're doing-
-random announcement-
Mr. Lew: ........Yeah. Uh, as I was saying, we-
-another random announcement-
Mr. Lew: ._.;;;
Everyone: xDD

We got CLOWN MUSIC again in Band. .___. This time it's called like, ___ of the Clown (fill in the blank; I forgot what goes there xP). When we asked him why he likes clown music so much, Mr. Lew said something like, "Because of last year, you know? It's your fault! >8O" And we're like, "......o__O;;; How's it our fault?! D8<<" And yeah. xD

Tomorrow's a PA Day. That means I get to sleep in. ;3

1 comment:

j said...

lmao mr lew
it's the portrait of the clown
awkward name, non?

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