Friday, October 8, 2010

New Discovery of the Day.

Out of the nine(?) watches Sarah has stolen from several guys (well, I'm assuming they're all guys), Jacob was the first to have two. And he wore his second one today.

And then she promptly stole it. During the Students For Children meeting this afternoon.

Me: -in regards to the first watch- Don't tell me you slept with that last night. |D
Sarah: Yeah, of course!
Me: -facepalm-
Sarah: I mean, what else could I do with it? -thinks about what she just said and starts giggling-
Me: ... Do I even want to know what else you did with that watch?
Sarah: 8D
Me: |D

(By the way Tony, Shandershon makes a much more productive secretary than you. Just sayin'.)
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