Thursday, October 7, 2010

Maaaajor squick.

I was looking through our cruise pictures (again) and I came across a bunch with my dad and I, because neither of us wanted to take ten thousanddd pictures of my mom and she gave up and started paparazzi-ing us but anyway, the point is that there are a bunch of random pictures in the middle of us two talking and fighting over his pro camera and stuff like that.

-catches breath-

Yeah. So, that reminded me of this reaaaally awkward moment on the ship, when my mom was... somewhere (forgot exactly where) and my dad and I were going to our cabin to get something. And we passed this random kid in the hall (looked about maybe twelve or so OKAY I CANNOT BE THAT FAR OFF THIS TIME) and he just kind of stared at us and then randomly asked me: "Is that your husband?"

Cue awkward pause, and then me bursting into laughter.

Naturally, I clarified that he was in fact my dad, and I think the kid was kind of embarrassed (who wouldn't be? xD) so I did him the courtesy of leaving him alone and acting as if it was no big deal. But I did find it extremely hilarious, and also kind of weird. How old do I look again? xP

I have no idea why this moment escaped my mind while I was gushing about my trip, but it gives me an excuse to write a decently-sized blog entry again.


1 comment:

[心怡] - vanessa said...

Cosplay... I dunno. :|

Hahaaaa, fff, you don't look old. It's just that... you look... like your mom? And you're really tall, so. Or maybe your dad's young-looking, I don't remember.

Well, my dad still gets carded sometimes, and people keep on mistaking my grandma for my mom, so.

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