Thursday, January 28, 2010

My blog has been taken over.

By Rachel's inner rabid fangirl, which came out again while she was playing Pokémon Platinum.

For one of the least important NPC's in the game, no less. |D;;

Buuut, the guy is pretty hot, so it's all good. 8)

Mostly in the fanart though. Not too crazy 'bout the official stuff. Blech. :P

And who is this new guy who has found his way onto Rachel's (ever-growing) obsession list?

... Not telling. ;D

Just kidding. It's Riley. The guy on Iron Island that gives you a Riolu egg.

Full story: While Rachel was training her 'mons on Iron Island with Riley tagging along as the stat trainer (taking advantage of stat trainers is soooo much easier xP), her overactive imagination started acting up again. Then she decided to search up some fanart of mister Sir-Aaron-from-the-eighth-movie-Expy (Rachel DARES you to say they're the same D<<<) and then it just went on from there. Yeah.

Rachel does not particularly like the name of the ship though. IronWillShipping. whut. xP

This is strange though. Usually Rachel squees over stoic, cold, rude, moody guys who are actually (somewhat) nice people deep down inside. (Waaaaaay deep down inside.) (Yes, Vaughnerface, Yuecchi, and Silver, I'm looking at you three in particular xP)

Butbutbut, Rye-Rye (lolwhut? xD) actually has social skills. And he's polite. And nice. Right off the bat. ZOMFG. :O

I'm going slowly mad, I tell you.

In other news, tomorrow is Exam Review Day. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU-

Although, granted, the only mark I'm actually stressing over is Vocals. Must not lose 99% average rawrrrrr D8<

Rachel will now go back to her fangirling heaven, brb 8)

1 comment:

michh said...

you still have your 99% in vocalllssss!!! 8DDDD
my music mark dropped

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