Sunday, January 3, 2010

And yet another one... or two.

Because I want to take full advantage of my no-life-ness before I get hauled off to school again. >>



1. Vaughnerface
2. Yuecchi...erface o_O (that sounds awkward)
3. Kairi. (no clue why I suddenly remembered him o_O)
4. Trent. 'Cause his IoH/SI sprite is sexy as hell. AND THEN THEY WAVE HIM IN FRONT OF OUR FACES DAMN IT
6. Silver. He's just too adorable ♥
7. Fai D. freakin' Fluorite. (And yes, I know he has the hots for Kurosama, but... he's still pretty hot himself D<)

Would you ever date number 1?
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES - I got my point across, yeah? |D

Have you ever liked number 6?
Yeah, but later it felt kinda squickish 'cause he's more short and adorable and little-kiddish than hot o_O

Will you ever marry number 4?
Mebbe. If Vaughnie or Yuecchi or any of them didn't exist :P

Has number 3 ever eaten in front of you?
He ate a strawberry in one episode. Amu-chi fed him ♥

What would you do if number 1 confessed love for you?
ALKS*&@#IUF&*R#@*HF@*#RY*@#&$*#@H*@#&$^*&#@!!!!!! (if only D:)

Who would you say is the smartest?
They're all smart. :P I'd say Fai and Yuecchi are the most knowledgeable though (mainly cuz they're older, heh xD)

Would you tell a secret to number 3?
Sure why not. o_O It's not like he'd blab...

Would you ever trust number 2 with your life?
Chyeahh. He was created to be a Guardian, damnit. xD

Would you hold hands with number 5 for 5 bucks?
FWEEE yes. :)

If any of them sweet talked you, who would you believe the most?
Vaughnerfaissssse. Only 'cause Fai's homo, so I wouldn't believe him at all xD;;

Ever been on (or wish you could be on) a date with 7?
Again, he's homo. :P xD

Would you kiss number 2 for 10 bucks?
YAH. ♥ (Not that he'd be very... willing, though, I daresay xD)

Who has the nicest clothing?
Faiiiii. And Yuecchi. Their outfits are both pretty ♥
Vaughnie's cowboy-ness is more badass than "nice", so. xD

Have you ever liked any of them?
Pretty much each and every one of them. ♥ xD;;


You & your friends are trapped in the mall for a night whos in there with you?
1. Vaughnieee ♥
2. Yuecchi ♥ (noticing a pattern here? xD;;) (also, Yukito by extension ;D)
3. Shandershon
4. Lauckerface (LOL REAL PEOPLE FOR ONCE xD)
5. Micherface
6. Fanderson
7. Sakura 8D
8. Syaoran
9. To-ya
10. Kero-chan 8D

who is pigging out at the food court?
Kero-frickin-chan. And Yuki. And me. Who else? xD

Who is shoving clothes in there purse?
Pretty much only Sakura and I have purses. And we both have too much of a guilty conscience to steal xD

who is in lasenza trying on all the bras & is running around though the mall?
Ooh, me. FOR TEH LULZ, can't you tell? xD (And to see the looks on the guys' faces ♥)

Whos in cotten ginny acting like a grannies?
HAHAHAHAHA. <-- Ditto. xD

Whos in a shoe store re-enacting, "Shoes" by Kelly?
The frick? o_O

Whos in sears sleeping in a bed?
Me, dragging an unsuspecting Vaughnerface with me. >8D (And Yuecchi, if Yukito manages to stop eating and making out with Touya :P)

Who is in sobeys acting like a wild rockstar trashing the store?
Li Syaoran on crack I have no idea why I just wrote that. o_O

Whos in future shop jamming out to rock band?
Fanderson and whoever wants to join her, because according to her, it is "a pro game". :P

Whos in the pet store letting all the mice out ?
andrea, probs. (and the rabbits, and the hamsters, and the dogs, and the kitties... etc, etc.) <-- LOL. Same, 'cept maybe with Vaughnie? 8D

Who screams and jumps on the ceiling fan?
hahaha, jason when i try to greet him in my usual fashion. :) <-- LMAOO. Although I must say he's gotten a lot less dramatic nowdays. :P

Who jumps up thinking your gonna save them, but actually gets stuck on the fan?
haha, what? xD

Who puts on a blow up sumo suit & starts too fight?
fandi. 83 <-- LMAO. (And then Touya and Syaoran would beat her up with their EPIC MARTIAL ARTS SKILLAGES.) (And Sakura if she uses Fight. But she probably wouldn't. xD)

Who cheers them on?
everyonee, let's go watch fandi walk around in a sumo suit like an idiot!~ :D (sorry fandi, i couldn't resist :3) <-- LMAO. Go former self. xD

Who is making out with a boy manican?
you spelled mannequin wrong, HA. >:D <-- Ditto above. xD

Who is in Toys R' Us with a Hannah Montana wig on?
Just shove one onto both Syaoran and Touya's heads. They wouldn't mind crossdressing just one more time, nehhh...? xD (Although since they both possess EPIC MARTIAL ARTS SKILLAGES, that would probably be a bad idea. xD;;)

Whos in build a bear with the store full of stuffing swimming around?
DARYNA - wait whut. o_O
Me and Micherface? Stuffing's too awesome to resist ♥

Who's laughing because they're stuck?
everyone else. D: <-- haha, yeah D:

Who is in VIP Nails doing their nails?
HAHAHA nobody here is of that type, so. xD

Who is having a photo shoot?
Lauckerface and possibly Shandershon :P (although most likely not of people xD)

Who is playing Hide & Go Seek in Sears?
all~ hide&seek is funn :D <-- Mhmm ♥ ;D

Who is in the movie store, watching twelve different movies?
Fanderson. She loooves them movies xD

Who's having a fashion show?
Again, nobody of that type is present |D

Who comes out of Claires with at least three new piercings?
lolwhut? xD;;

Who is in the makeup store putting on makeup to make them look like hookers?
HAHAHA and no. xD

Who is starting a food fight?
Kero-chan and Yukito would be sad over wasting food, so no :P

Who's making dirty jokes?

Did you all have fun?


Mwee hee hee. My overactive imagination is running in overdrive. I'll stop nao. ♥


Anonymous said...

I think some of us (girls) would be forcing some of the others (guys) to dress up, nyah? You should have thrown in Tomoyo too. xDD

FANGZ said...

I'm a sumo wrestler?! Whut nao?! No, jks. I don't care. You always have an overactive imagination. Next time, try using all real people. Plus, iunno how you remember I ever said Rock Band was a "pro game" or how you deduced i <3 them movies, as true as it is. No, jks again. Movies are both good and bad.

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