Friday, January 8, 2010

Enough of that.

I am eating a carrot as we speak as I type this. Carrots are delicious, right, Vaughnie? I SAID NOTHING.

Today, somebody had a seizure. It was some kid guy in Lauckerface/Fanderson/Micherface's business class. He may or may not have fainted. An ambulance came and hauled him on a stretcher and into another room so people would stop gawking at him.

Daryna was out for lunch. Micherface was observant enough to notice that this is the second time something bad happened at school while she was away. This may or may not mean something.

I feel like writing a CCS/RL crossover. The frick is this.

Some time ago, I asked Fanderson for a word starting with the letter A. She gave me apple. I never really elaborated on that idea with a HM fic, but now I may or may not do it with CCS/RL. Mwahaha.

What would happen if Yuecchi had the same reaction to sweets as Suppi?

I really should stop doing that.

Nine days to my birthday. ♥

1 comment:

Ms. D said...

What happened on the first time? :OO

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