Monday, March 15, 2010


This time, the title is actually important, and not just some random BS that came out of my dysfunctional, March-Break-mode brain. This is because I require another DS to transfer my AWESOMESAUCE, partially EV'd, perfectly-natured (Adamant), physical sweeper and sort-of-wall-due-to-his/its-insane-defense-base-stat Metang/soon-to-be Metagross onto my HeartGold from my Pearl. Plus my Misdreavus (who is waaaaay too cute to evolve into that ghosty, floating witch thing D8<) and Aron and Milotic (a male who I named after Wallace/Mikuri OHLOLZ x3). And Snorlax, but I digress.

Red, you will be frickin' screwed once I finally get to you. JUST WATCH ME. >8D

... But I need another DS first. Now I just have to wait until my dad finds a good enough deal on a DS Lite to get me another, non-broken one. :P

... If you didn't understand the above paragraph, that is okay. Instead, I will now commence talking about how Ferrero Rochers are rip-offs, because I found some Shoppers Drug Mart brand (Life, I think it was called?) chocolates that taste pretty much exactly the same and costs a dollar a box. (Even though the box is sort of smallish. It's better than the Ferrero Rochers' price of like, ten dollars for the same amount. xP)

March break is... very quiet. And uneventful. (Although I reaaaaally should be working on my Family Studies, or else I will be screwed by Sunday, since I am most probably going to hang out with people on Saturday and therefore would be leaving all my work to one day. And it's due next Monday.)

(... ... ... I have plenty of time.)

(... ... ... ... ... ... ... maybe.)

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