Friday, October 17, 2008


This is as close to an all-nighter as Rach can get before her parents demand that she goes to sleep. x__X

At chinese school today...


Jason Q: Hey Ms. Wong- I mean, lao shi!
Me & Shandy: LMAO xD

Terry: (randomly) STOP TOUCHING ME.

HAI GUYZ! (Nearly wrote "HAI GAYS" there o.o) Je is at chinese school. Er... wo zai zhong wen xue xiao. Yeah. I'm bored. Shandy's watching me. :P

My handwriting is so fugly. T.T
Waii! No!
(That was Shandy.)

I'm bored. We're supposed to be doing this thingy in the exercise book that neither of


That's where I stopped. Never got to finish that sentence. :P



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