Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UGH. (In which Rach has a bad day and complains about it.)

Haha Angie, I don't read smut fanfictions anymore, fyi xD

Okay, now this post officially turns SERIOUS.

I'm having such a bad day todayyyy. ;O; We got the marks for the Number Sense and Numeration test back, and I got a freaking. Ninety. Percent. T____T And when I show it to my dad, expecting at least SOME kind of encouragement ("Oh, you tried your best, maybe you should blah blah blah next time so you can get even better :D") I get something else entirely. Instead, I get a "WELL MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU SHOULD STUDY HARDER" in my face. =___= Ain't that oh-so helpful?

Then at lunch, me and Van and Nalini had to go lunch monitoring, where this one girl for some reason decided to run around making constipating sounds, spam up the board, and act like she's on drugs. We try to stop her, but noooo, she just flounces away like a little spoiled child who treats everyone like pieces of dirt on her shoe. Yes, it's the same girl who yelled across the room: "I NEED SOMEONE TO BEAT UP!!" She's probably going to end up in jail or something later in her life if she doesn't get therapy soon.

I went to the bathroom in the middle of lunch, and this other girl sees me when I was walking back to the portable, and she tells me (in a tone that grated on my nerves) that I'm supposed to be at their portable. You think I don't know that?? Dude, I'm still human, goddamnit. Why the fucking hell should I wet myself just for sake of "supervising" you people?? >.> (I know I'm overreacting, but I'm in a bad mood right now. -__-)

Oh, and I think I messed up in band today. Stupid Pathfinder's March... -.-

When I got home, I immediately went on the computer for something that could possibly lift my mood. And. It. Fucking. Crashed. Again. My computer is SO PAINFULLY SLOW now; half the time that I'm on the computer, I'm waiting for something to load. This is especially annoying when my mom says "I'll give you [insert number here] more minutes," and I end up not being able to do anything at all, since nothing loads in time and the internet keeps crashing. -__- I want my dad to get me more memory for my computer, but he said something like, "So what if it's slow? You can still do stuff, right?" Newsflash: my patience wears thin. Very, very quickly.

Sigh. End overreaction complaints here.

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