Sunday, December 20, 2009

Winter holidays!

Today, I discovered that MLIA is hilarious.

"Today, I went to the store and bought some Land o Lakes cheese. On the label, it said 'LOL Cheese'. I laughed. MLIA"

"Today, my mom told me to clean my room because the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow. I'm still confused. MLIA"

"Today, my boss passed me in the hall at work and asked me "Do you have a sec?". I was trying to be flippant and replied "I have tons of secs". We both pretended I didn't say that. MLIA"

"Today, during a test I did not know the answer to a question. Instead of guessing I drew an epic battle between pirates and ningas. Guess who got extra credit? No, not me. I just got a question mark. MLIA"

"Today, in Science class my teacher asked us what we thought of when we heard the word "evolution". I thought of Pokemon, but I didn't say anything. MLIA"

"A few days ago, I was walking into 5th period. No one was there, and the lights were off. I silently whipped out my pencil and shouted "LUMOS!". The lights came on. While being completely excited, I forgot that the lights were sound-sensitive. It still made my whole week. MLIA"


Anonymous said...


Congratulations, you're part of the club now.

FANGZ said...

They spelled ninjas wrong.

[心怡] - vanessa said...

Pfft, the lights. xD

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