Think of 8 people! Go!
Challenge: Use only RHHS'ers. Meaning no Crosbians. D:
1. Joanne
2. Tom
3. Tanyerson
4. Linh
5. Catherson
6. Yang? (LOL random)
7. MS. C 8D
8. Peter N? xD
Basic Questions...
Who have you known the longest?: I met all of them this year, so. xD
Who have you known the shortest?: Yang or Peter, I think D:
Are any of them your best friend?: Not really? D:
Who is the youngest?: No clue. I don't know when all of their birthdays are. xD
Who is the oldest?: Ms. C. :P
Are they your only friends?: 'course not. o_O
Who of them were your childhood friends?: n/a. D:
Who are in your main circle of friends nowadays?: Not really. D:
Who makes you laugh the hardest?: Joannerface. She's always smiling, even when she's mad. 8D
Who is the most serious?: Joannerface? Linherson? (Heh, that looks weird :P) (Sorry Linh xD)
Have you ever been two faced or betrayed by one of your friends?: Nahh
Are any of them ugly?: No. It all depends on perspective though. :D
How many boys? 2
How many girls? 6 (heh)
Number One - Joannerface :)
Name a time that he/she made you smile: That time when she got mad at her french horn in the band room but she was still laughing. xD I think that was before Holiday Serenade?
Name a time that they made you sad: Not really. :P
Would you ever go out with this person?: Uhm, no. xD
What was your first impression of this person?: A random Asian girl in my Vocal class. :)
Is this person your best friend?: Not besties yet D:
Is it a boy or a girl? girl
Does this person make you laugh?: chyeahhhh
What word reminds you of them?: Joannerface. :)
Do you trust them?: Sure? :D
Do you love them?: Platonically :)
Would you/have you kiss/kissed them? No thanks. :P
What is your best memory with them?: Holiday Serenade. Babysitting her french horn. xD
Number Two - Tom
How old is he/she?: 14 (I think o_O)
Do they live near you?: don't know. I'm not a stalker. D:<
Do they ever get on your nerves?: He makes me sad. :(
Whats your best memory with them?: Lauckerstalker. D: (Although that's more of a memorable memory than a best one D:)
Have you ever cried in front of them?: nope
Have you ever had a crush on them?: no.
Do you love them?: He makes me sad, so no. :(
How did u meet them?: RHHS, math class.
Have you ever met this persons parents?: Neh.
What would you label them if you had to?: ... whut. D:
Does this person play an instrument?: I think so? o.o
Does this person have your number?: no. I'd rather not, thanks. D:<
Whats something that reminds you of this person?: His math project. o_O
When was the last time you hung out?: Define "hang out". o_O
Number Three - Tanyerson :D
Do they play any sports?: No clue. D:
Do they go to your school?: Yea
Whats their name?: what's the point of this question. o_O <-- I agree with my younger self.
Do you love this person?: Sure? :D
Have you ever been in a fight with this person: I think so o_O
Do you have any nicknames for this person?: Tanyerson, Tanyerface ;)
Does this person play an instrument?: SINGING. IF IT COUNTS. 8D
Does this person have your number?: nope.
Are they in any of your classes?: Math, vocals
When was the last time you hung out?: Define "hang out" D:< Probably right before math class when we were waiting for the door to be unlocked :P
Number Four - Linherson (hehe 8D)
What is their name: =_=
Boy or girl?: female.
Hair color?: Black.
Have you ever been shopping with this person?: Nope D:
What's their best quality?: She's reallyyyyy hyper sometimes 8D
Whats the nicest thing they've ever done for you?: BS health proj with me and Aruvi ;D
Have you ever done any thing crazy with this person?: crash her house and eat sandwiches and asian snacks and discuss life ;D (shuddap, that's crazy in its own right :P)
Have you been to their house before?: yep. Long walk. D:
Have they ever had an awesome party?: I haven't been there D:
How long have you known them: October-ish, maybe? forgot
Do you love them?: Sure? :D
Number Five - Catherson
Where does this person live?: Where Linh lives. D:
Do they have any nicknames for you?: nope
Do you have any nicknames for them?: Catherson (although I rarely use it :P)
Are you two close?: meh.
Have they seen you naked?: No.
Have you seen their underwear/boxers?: No. I don't look at people when they change for gym. It's awkward D:<
Have you ever worked with this person?: Gym class? o_O VOLLEYBALL SKILL TEST YES
How did you meet?: Gym class
When did you meet?: When she and Linh and Ocean transferred to our gym class. :P
Have you ever had a crush on this person?: nope.
Has this person ever spilled one of your secrets?: She doesn't know any of my secrets. xD
Whats an inside joke of yours?: don't really have one :/
Whats your favorite thing about this person: Her insanity. ;D
Number Six - Yang (random person I don't really know that well D:)
What color hair do they have?: Black
Why are you their friend?: Daryna and Mich and Yuedi :P
Whats an inside joke between you two?: Uh. D:
What school do they go to?: RHHS.
Do you know them well?: Not really. We don't really talk to each other much D:
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of them?: Tallness. D:
When was the last time you guys hung out?: Some lunch break a long time ago o_O
Do you hang out a lot?: no D:
Number Seven - Ms. C ;D
What’s the nicest thing you've ever heard them say?: I forgot, but there was this one time after Irene went up and did her solo and we all went like OMFGWTFSOGOOOOD and yea D:
single or taken?: she's engaged ;D
Do they love you? whut o_O
Are you related to them?: No. That would be weird o_O
How old are they?: Don't know D:
What is the most fun you've ever had with this person? JERSEY BOYS xDD
Do you know their favorite band?: Nope D:
Do you talk to this person often?: she's my vocal teacher? :D
Are they a virgin?: Let's not go there, thanks.
Are they pretty?: Why you asking me? xD
Do they have bad habits?: Don't know. D: (LOL, Fandi you were sorta right D:)
Number Eight - Peter N (moar random people :P)
Is the reason they're 8 because you don't care about them as much as 1-7: not really. Most of the people on this quiz are pretty random xD
Did you lie on the last question: Nope. Why would I. o_O
Do they have a nice smile: whut o_O
Are they funny?: I suppose? o.o
Whats a quote from them?: Bad memory is bad xP
DO they have MSN: yepp
How do you see them?: I see him in math class, if that's what you mean... o_O
Have u ever wanted to see them fall just because it would be funny? No. That's cruel :(
Do you fight with this person?: Nahh
Would you let them live with you if they had no where else to stay?: That would be extremely awkward. o_O;;
Who is the richest: HAHA. If you're talking about individually, then probs Ms. C. Only cuz she actually has a job. :(
who is the hottest?: No.
Would you date any of them?: No.
Do you have a crush on any of them?: No.
Ditzyist?: Joannerface. ;D (don't worry, it's cute when you do that kind of stuff xD) (unlike me, I just look stupid ;P)
You talk online with the most? no. D:
You hang out with the most: Err, out of these people, then probably Tanyerson or Joannerface or maybe Linherface and Catherson. Or Tom, if you're pushing it. :P
Have you ever traveled anywhere with anyone on your top 8?: Top 8? whut
Have you ever hated anyone on your top 8?: no hate. D: According to Fandi, I am incapable of hate. xP
Have you ever played on a sports team with anyone on your top 8?: I don't do sports teams. -unathletic- :(
Have you ever kissed anyone in your 8? Nope, and I don't plan to, thanks.
Have you ever told any of the 8 you loved them? i love each and every one of them <3 ;D
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