Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On a Harvest Moon high. (Happy birthday Jason! ♥)

Before I get back to my mining (remember to get Orichalc on floor 25 this time, Rach D:<), I'm gonna make a quick post to thank my dad for leaving that gaming magazine out that day, which was a loooong time ago. If not, I would never have seen that advertisement for Magical Melody, and then I would never have looked up Harvest Moon, and then I would never have heard of DS/DSC/IoH/SI, and by extension would never have heard of Vaughn or Julia or Skye or Celia or Nami or Lanna or Sabrina or Mark or Mayor Thomas the stalker or Dr. Trent or Shea or all the other awesome fictional characters in the games. ♥ (Even though they're all just a bunch of pixels... WHO CARES. Pixels are awesome friends when you don't have a social life. Which is all the time for me during the holidays. xP xD)

Also, I want to write a Harvest Moon crackfic someday. Sounds like fun. 8)

Back to mining. ♥ (ORICHALC, RACH, ORICHALC. D8<)

PS. I would also like wish Jason Lauckerface a happy, happy birthday, since it is currently 12:01 AM on the 31st of December, regardless of what that inaccurate Blogspot clock says. :D


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