Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In which I'm really supposed to be in bed right now.

Maddeningly clicky keyboard makes a return. Unfortunately. >:/

Apparently, Richard is no longer O.OY. I am happy. No offense Richard, but O.OY is still kinda weird for me. Even though I got used to it. D: (... Or maybe it's because you're on ebuddy. Whut.)

Today, I was aware of tiny bubbles in my bottle of citrus green tea. At lunchtime, I become aware of a lot of things. Mostly the what-the-frick-ish stuff that nobody really cares about. Such as the digestive system. And then I lose my appetite. ._.

Bombed Geo test la la la

I have adopted Van's fail!logic of if you stay up late, then the day will magically extend by that many hours. It doesn't. :c

... Richard signed in as O.OY again. The frick. D:<

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I has a sad tonight. Perhaps this sad will go away tomorrow morning. Perhaps it will not. In which case I will probably be in an antisocial mood all day.

... I've been hasing a sads a lot lately. Maybe it's a sign. :c

Shit, dentist appointment tomorrow. I hate the dentist. They always draw blood while they're cleaning your teeth. And then you're not allowed to swallow and you start choking and you taste this bad thing in your mouth and you just want to spit it out and then you start drooling and choking and moaning like Frankenstein and then you rise up from the dead and - wait, whut. What is this. D:

I'm tired. I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

1 comment:

[心怡] - vanessa said...

It does extend by that many hours. The catch is that you feel like you're high while you're up. Yes.

D: DENTISTS ARE WORSE WHEN YOU HAVE BRACES. The pain lasts even when you're out of there.

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