Vocal Fusion is performing at Fashion Show. We're doing a Fighter/Dirty Pop/Sexy Back/Womanizer super-mash-up. We're cool. 8) (Ms C was slightly disturbed by our choice of Womanizer. "Why are you guys singing Britney Spears? It's not right! D8")
We discussed personalized hoodies on the Facebook group. Alyssa suggested we put nicknames on the sleeve. Eric was unaware that we had nicknames. Alyssa admitted that we don't, but we could make them. And then randomly nicknamed Eric "Oh-bama". And then me "Zou-bama". I showed my mom, because it was just too hilarious, and she said the last thing I expected her to say: "(after laughing) Can I call you Zou-bama from now on? :D"
Yeah, no.
Also, I posted that conversation from some time ago about my slip-up and inadvertent asking if one wears clothes to a fashion show. (That wasn't my intention, by the way.) I'm not sure if the fact that four people "liked" my stupidity should offend me or not.
Also, apparently Callum was present during that conversation. Was that the one we had on top of the main staircase? I can't remember. I vaguely remember Shander being there, but that's about it.
... In any case, I should stop talking about things that happen on FB.
I'll shut up now.
So what's up, guys. I'm feeling surprisingly sleepy. At 9:10 PM. Not sure if this is something to be celebrated or concerned about.
Maybe it's because I've been exercising lately. Stupid fat legs. They're trolling me.
My parents neglected to buy me a bag of Pocky this week. I am shell-shocked and also slightly annoyed. Except the former may be a bit of an exaggeration.
Damn it. Now I have no class-appropriate snack,
... Speaking of Science, I have a Bio test this week. And a summative due next week. That I haven't started. At all. I don't even have a topic yet. This probably means I'm screwed.
... I'm going to go downstairs and look for prospective snacks for tomorrow's third period class. Byeguys.
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