Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Andddd back.

Off the contemplative stuff now.

I decided on Snubbull and Togepi in the end.

Bio test today. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, surprisingly. Questions about plants kinda killed me though. Got eureka moments for those in like the last twenty/fifteen minutes. Also there was this one question I wanted to add a final note to, and I was writing like MACHSPEED trying to get it down in like the last ten seconds and then the bell rang and I was like "OHSHIT" and I practically scribbled down the final few words and if he can't read it it's not my fault.

Merrick called me out on my tiny, scribbly writing in Careers today, when I handed in the class assignment. She linked it with low self-esteem. Apparently I write small because I don't think much of myself...? (I'd hate to see what kind of state Van's self-esteem is in then. /shot)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


'low self-esteem'

I'm sorry, but I'm just LOLing my head off here at her reasoning. XD Honestly, it's more like OMG MUST GO FAST AND WRITING SMALLER EQUALS FASTER

And smaller is prettier most of the time, anyways. The low self-esteem thing is really far-fetched.

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