... That reminds me of a habit I had in grade two or something, when I kept saying "actually" even when I wasn't contradicting anybody and the teacher called me out on that. She was nice about it though, even though she kept cutting off my sentences whenever I said the word "actually," even when I didn't, and even when I actually meant it. (Like so.) But I digress.
Anyway, yeah. So I was digging through all these old blog entries and making comments in my head about how weird I was two years ago and how much of a complainer I was. Yeahh.
Also, apparently Kumon made me do grade 11 English stuff when I was still in grade 7. o_O Geez, that was so long ago I more-or-less forgot about it. I can't remember what the text was. I do remember having to read an excerpt of Dracula once, and I think To Kill a Mockingbird too, and maybe Brave New World. (For some reason, a part of me is wishing that Nineteen-Eighty-Four had been in there too. What.) Yeahh, that was kind of painful. Thankfully, the questions weren't all that hard, mostly just
So yeah, there's my little brain vomit on Kumon. That seems like so long ago now, it's surprising. When did I quit again? I forgot. o.o
In unrelated news, there is Vocal Fusion practice tomorrow. Yay! Except now Ms. C is challenging us to do duets (I think you can do three or maybe four people too, at which point it is no longer a duet; Ms. C just handwaved the technicalities) in two weeks. Apparently we have to get the backup track, the lyrics, (the harmony? I'm not sure if that's a requirement) and all that ready by ourselves in two weeks. I don't know who I want to do it with yet. Maybe Joannerface and Divya if three people are allowed? Or Tanyerson? Or Sarah, if she hasn't dragged Jacob away already? (100 wizard dollars that she's going to do just that. LOL MICH AND MADDY)
Or who knows, maybe Ms. C will just forget about that altogether. I think she forgot about our "Do, Do-Re-Do, Do-Re-Mi-Re-Do" testing, so. |D
Wow, a decent-sized post that's actually talking about normal, blog-worthy stuff for once. xD ACCOMPLISHMENT Y/Y?
PS. Yes, I renamed my blog. "I Really Lack a Life" was getting on my nerves. xD
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