Return of the Facebook Note Spam
Part II - Guys and Girls
(Challenge: Avoid one-liner/one-word answers when possible. They're boring. :P)
Name 3 guys in your life:
Jason, Richard... I really need to make more guy friends. Jacob? /random @_@
How many of them are family?:
Lauckerface and Richerface are mah bruzzerrrs :3 (Heh, I remember that email where Jason experimented with variations of "sister" with a "zer" sound at the end. Sitzer or siztzzer or whatever it was. xD)
How many of them are exes?:
Are any of them single?:
Not Richerface, he apparently walks Joannerface home holding hands with her. :P (I waved at them from the car the other day, but I think they
Are any of them gay?:
I'm presuming they're all straight, but who am I to tell? :P
Are any of them younger than you?:
Jason and Jacob, both by about a year. Or maybe more for the latter, I don't know when his birthday is.
Who’s the tallest?:
Ooh, a bit of a competition there between Jason and Jacob. (Sorry Richard, but you know it's true. xD) I think Jacob edges out by a little bit though, he's hugeee for a niner. :P
Who’s the smartest?:
Hard to say. Maybe Richerface just by the age difference, but I'm pretty sure they're all competent enough. |3
Who’s the oldest?:
Richard, the elevener. :P (Why do I even say that? What's it supposed to be, junior or sophomore? I think what the Canadians say are reversed from what the Americans say... I get them mixed up anyway. o.o)
Who’s the most talkative?:
Jason or Richard. Prolly Jason. Jacob doesn't really say much, surprisingly. (Or maybe it's just 'cause I don't know him that well. Sarah can confirm or deny that. xD /brick'd)
Who’s the most sensitive?:
Richerface? Heh. :3
Who’s the most relaxed?:
Either Jacob or Richard. Sorry Jason, but you can still be a little high-strung sometimes. |D (But it's gotten a lot better from grade school, so grats for that x3)
Who’s the biggest player?:
I believe Ms. C called Richard a player once, even though he has a girlfriend. xD
Who drinks the most?:
As in, alcohol? I hope none of them, considering their ages. o.o /feels like a killjoy when saying that
Can any of them drive?:
Good question. Richerface, when you planning on getting your G1? o:
Can any of them dance?:
Well, random dancing isn't all that hard, you just kinda jump around and bob your head and wave your arms around a lot. xD As for actual, coordinated, well-practised dancing, I don't think so... but Vocal Fusion might be able to do something about that when the time comes. 8D
Can any of them sing?:
Jacob obviously, although he's kind of really, unnecessarily loud. Jason's good too, when he sings in his own range. :P When he attempts to sing soprano... well, let's just say that could use a tad bit of improvement there. xD
Can any of them hold conversation?
... wat.
I'm presuming this question means something along the lines of, "Are any of them good at keeping conversations going and interesting?" In which case, uh... I have no clue actually. I'm a terrible conversationalist. xP
Have you ever kissed any of them?:
(... Can't really avoid a one-word answer here, nothing much else to say. xP)
Have you ever seen any of them drunk?:
I think seeing any of those three drunk would be highly amusing. 8D
Have you ever seen any of them high?:
... That would not be quite as amusing. I've actually seen someone semi-high on drugs before (I can't remember exactly what he said he was doing, but it was some kind of illegal drug). It was... disconcerting, to say the least. ._.
Have any of them ever made you jealous?:
Yes. Classified information. (Why do my anime references pop up even in FB quizzes...? |D;;)
Are there any of them you would swap for a celebrity?:
I said nothing. c:
Name 3 girls in your life:
Micherface, Fanderson, Sarserson
Are any of them family?:
Nuup. :P
Are any of them crushes?:
Ditto that. |D
Are any of them exes?:
Again. (I think my challenge is failing at the moment. |D)
Are any of them single?:
Micherface and Fanderson... is Sarah FB-married to someone right now, or something? :P I don't use my FB anymore, so...
Who’s the prettiest?:
I remember Vocals!Michelle and Kathy once commenting that Sarah was pretty at the awards assembly. They seemed kinda surprised by that, for some reason. xD
Who’s the most popular with boys?:
Well, considering Sarah regularly abducts Alex's sweater to Vocal Fusion practice, and stole nine watches from various guys so far, and somehow manages to con them into letting her keep them overnight (to sleep with them no less)... xD
Who’s the smartest?:
Rawr Mich with her stupid 89% average in math. >:c
Who’s the ditziest?:
Sarahsarahsarahsarah. Esophagus, anyone?
Who’s the friendliest?:
Probably Mich. Or Sarah, depending on the definition of "friendly". xD (... I think there were some rather unfortunate implications there, yeah? |D;;)
Who’s the bitchiest?:
Ehh, bitchy isn't exactly the word I would use. Fanderson isn't really "bitchy" per se, more like really bad-tempered and prone to flying into fits of loud rage when irritated. Particularly when it comes to academics. |D
Who’s the easiest to talk to?:
In terms of normal everyday conversation, probably Mich, since apparently she really likes to talk (as Fandi can attest to xD). Maybe Fandi too when she's not in a bad mood and won't snap at people for irrelevant things. xP
Who’s the best drinker?:
You mean who would be the best drinker, if we could drink. xD Sarah seems like the type, at least more than Mich or Fandi. (Although Daryna > all three, kthx.)
Who’s the most innocent?:
My first answer was Mich, but then I remembered Daryna. So no. :P
I don't think any of them fit the category of "innocent" anymore, to be honest. xD
Can any of them dance?:
Sarah should start dancing with everyone else in Vocal Fusion. >:c (I never knew she of all people could be such a wallflower. o.o)
... On the other hand, I've seen Fandi can do this weird snapping-and-spinning thing that looks sort of like a sad attempt at break dancing while standing up. /brick'd
Can any of them not swim?:
... Why does this thing insist on asking "not swim?" If I list the ones who can swim, clearly the others can't. ._.
Okay, that aside, I'm pretty sure they can all swim at least decently. I can't remember the last time we all went swimming together (maybe at one of Sarah's really old pool parties? Geez, that was a looong time ago... o.o) and besides, those pool parties aren't really accurate judges of swimming ability. |D
Can any of them drive?:
Not sixteen yet. Still at least half a year to go, for all three of them.
Have you ever kissed any of them?:
Nope, and honestly, I'd rather not. |P
Have you ever gone further with any of them?:
I'd really rather not. o.o
Have you ever told any of them that you love them?:
Okay no more Lady Gaga. |D And I love 'em alllll ♥
Have you ever seen any of them drunk?:
Nope. Though I would really love to see what they, particularly Sarah, would do when they're drunk. xDDD Reminder to go bar-hopping with them sometime. Or club-hopping. Or on a cruise. Or karaoke, which involves alcoholic drinks and singing and sometimes dancing too. 8D
Have you ever seen any of them high?:
Okay, dude not funny.
Have you ever been jealous of any of them?:
When Sarah acts like an idiot, she looks normal. When Rachel acts like an idiot, she looks idiotic.
... But then again, that may or may not be something to be jealous of. xD
Have you ever been scared of any of them?:
I am scared of Fandi and her academic-induced rages at least once a week. And also somewhat concerned.
Do you love any of them?:
... That was fairly pointless, I must say.
Bluh, audio production.
Tik Tok and California Girls are really easy songs to mash together. I think I did it satisfactorily. :D
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