Sunday, October 31, 2010


I got some of that manga proj done.

Happy Halloween, all. c:

"Most people should not be sure why L is a panda, but many people call him one anyway. And while some just say he has panda eyes, others outright call him a freakin' panda."

Did not go trick-or-treating tonight.

Attempted to write an intentionally Mary-Sue self-insert Pokémon fic. Got scared. o.o

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I was eating some lettuce at dinner today, when I realised I was chewing on millions of cooked little plant cells with little cell walls. For some reason, that made me lose my appetite for lettuce.

In other news, I discovered today that I have to do half our Japanese project by myself. In a group of four people. The project is manga-making, and I have to come up with a story, translate it, and draw and ink the whole thing by myself. In a week. Because apparently the other three need three whole weeks to write out the actual Japanese characters and colour the thing.


This sucks. Hard.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I gots it. :D

Well, one of it. Its. Whatever.

Now all my grandma will be hearing after school every day will be Don't Stop Believin' instrumental blasting in my room. And me karaokeing singing along with it. :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting serious for a moment.

The other day (or last week, I forgot), Fandi asked me who the person I was hinting to on my blog was. I refused to tell her, and then she asked why I would reference him in the first place if I never plan on elaborating on what I'm talking about.

And then I realised that Richard started updating frequently again. (You're back on my Links list, Richerface. Congratulations. c:)

But anyway, I was reading Richard's posts and that one about how having a blog is like having a loud-mouthed friend blare out your thoughts like a foghorn or something or other.

Okay, actual quote (no plagiarism :O) -- "I usually vent to a select few friends that I trust won't spread it around... And having a blog is kind of like having that loudmouthed friend blaring it for everyone to hear...."

Right. So that sorta reminded me of me and Fandi's conversation that other day, and now I feel like elaborating a little (just a little) on that.

I told Fandi already, but I feel like clarifying on here: this blog is actually not for you guys. (Yes, I went there. xD) Hence all the ambiguous posts and references that probably only one or two or even NO people except me would understand. (... Geez, that sounded kinda vain. o.o) But anyway, I was going back through all my old posts from like Grade 8 and I realised that, even though it's been two years, I still know exactly what I was thinking about and who I was talking about at those times (though yes, granted, two years isn't really all that much). I just don't feel like elaborating because this blog is public and if you guys found out what ridiculous things I was thinking, I'd never hear the end of it. So it's for my dignity too. |D

That being said... there are still plenty of times when I'm not being ambiguous and am basically writing down all my thoughts for the whole world to see. This may or may not be a good thing, but I don't know. xD

There's this guy who takes the 81 after school and who looks pretty similar to the Australian cruise ship guy. No, I don't have a crush on him, that's reaaaally awkward, I don't even know him. xD

... Maybe you could tell already, but I've realised that the things I'm willing to admit out loud (or type right upfront, if you want to be all technical) on my blog are the things that I don't take too seriously. So if you're trying to pry ~*~deep dark secrets~*~ or whatever from me, don't be expecting to get them through here. Just sayin'. xD

Sunday, October 24, 2010


"I do not expect that you shall ever read this; however, I do believe it pertinent to spend these final, miserable moments of solitude endeavouring to recall those virtues which, despite having been highly esteemed in the earlier terms of my existence, seemed to have dissipated from my conscience as my vices were manifested in the capacities of my sins."

In other news, I have a math test this week. And my solo. And my English assignment due. (Comm Tech has nothing, thankfully. :D)

ARIRANG. Must practise while doing English. MULTITASKING YES

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I'm slightly worried for Civics/Careers. I have no idea why.

Don't want to do English.

I was a really whiny brat once upon a time.

I think I'm still a whiny brat.

What is this self-deprecating brain vomit.



Again, my blog has become victim of my keyboard mashing.

... Again.

al;skdjfa;lsjfal; wjeo;qwiinh, jgrv34689 b46 7y4u6356 ri324a5u 4534 3u4io

Yes, I was actually smashing the keyboard. Don't think that's good for it. Anyway.

Go away, English. Nobody likes you, unless we're roleplaying.

Friday, October 22, 2010


... Why did I type the title in all-caps.

Finished my Tate & Liza app yesterday, got accepted yay :D (Now that I think about it, playing romance with these two at the same time might be a biiiiit awkward. |D)

Nothing to do. Parents at work. Grandma and aunt prolly sleeping. Playing music really loudly at the moment. Oops.

Can't practise for choir/solo. Bluh. :c

Reminder: burn duet instrumental on CD soooon. (Actually, rerecord it first, there's a random break in the middle that's prolly from the computer lagging o_O)

I feel lazy. I don't feel like doing anything. I think I'm done all my math homework.

Ew, English project.

Richerface just messaged me. Apparently he had gotten his G1 a while ago. Good job, Richerface. |D

Bluh bluh I'm bored.



Been a long time since I spammed excessive spacing, eh?

... Eh.



I'm bored. Can I talk to someone? :c

Actually no, screw that, talking is troublesome.



God, that seems so ancient. o.o

Haven't picked up my Sunshine Islands in a while.

Or any Harvest Moon, really.

I do use characters from the series for playbys all the time though. :D

Which, 'course, induces fanart searching.


Except no excessive fangirling this time.

Yeah, I kinda moved on from that stage.


Prolly 'cause ____ is kind of attractive.

And he's real.




Stupid celebrities with their pretty hair. :c

I wish my hair could do that.

Well, actually, I think a ponytail suits me better than letting it down. Unless my hair happens to be extra cooperative.

Also: Because Richard showed me just now.



Tate and Lizaaaa. ♥

I am not obsessed with those two, what are you talking about?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fifth period.

Been some time since I wrote a blog entry in class, eh? Well anyway, here I am in Comm Tech, finished my audio production radio project thing (shuup Fanderson, it’s perfectly audible now >:c) and I have no other work to do because I also had a free period earlier in English, and I don’t want to get started on the video thing because I feel lonely. Well, suppose I feel lonely in any case, because everyone else is pretty much working on their audio thing or doing their own business (Shiranka and Kyle are playing on Dreamweaver for some reason o_O) so yeah.

This girl just walked in late. Really late. It’s 2:30 already. D:

But this is actually pretty good, because I made the font in this Word doc like, size 7 Verdana (8.5 is too big LOL) and barely anyone can see what I’m doing. Oh yeah, and Johnson gave us this site that’s not Youtube but it’s like one of those streaming sites for songs, and I can listen to music while I’m doing this, which is pretty good. :D


What a fail, I said “sterio” at first. I don’t like typing on this keyboard, I keep making typos. >:c

What would happen if I don’t correct any typos? Let’s see just how fail I am xD Ready set GO!

Okay, so now that use of the backspae key is strictly forbidden (LOL mistake right there ) (and another one o_O) (fail, Word can auto correct my typos D: THIS SUCKS) (how do you turn autocorrect off anyway?) Okay so yeah. What should I talk about? There isn’t really much to do right now except rant on my blog about how there’s nothing to do. Uhm lessee.

I got back on Facebook. Whoopdeedoo. After abstaining for like, what, a few months? I think more than that ctually, like a year. (Yes, my no-backspace rulei s still in place xD) So I posetd all y pictures of the cruise from August/early september and particularly those adorable dotwl animals (TOWEL animals what the heck i s that xD_) (Wow, no backspace is actually pretty funny when you ame so many tpos) (*Make so many typos) (xDDD)

Right. yesterday was concert choir yay. :D Dana joined choir now for some reason, and now we have Dana, and Sarah switched targets. Now instead of lcinging (*cliging) (*gcling) (*WHAT A FAIL) (*CLIANG) (*how’d I swing that? o.o) (*clinging) (I can’t believe I have to type out each letter slowly and individually in order to spell it right |D) (okay better not start laughing out loud or else this would seem supicious) (*SUSPICIOUS FFFFUUUU)

Where was I. Oh right, okay, so, now instead of CLINGING to me for an hour after school, Sarah now plays with Dana’s hair for an hour and Dana needs to be resuced or all her hair will be gone. (*RESCUED WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU) But Rach does get where Sarah is coming from, so... WILL NOT DISSIPATE HER JOY SO SOON. :D

Listening to I Dreamed A Dream by Susan Boyle. I must say, I like her Britain’s Got Talent audition better o_O

Anyway, the reason I’m listening to this in the first place is because of Vocal Fusion duets, which I’m doing with Tanyerson and we actually got a harmoney (HARMONY BALONEY) completely by concidence (COIIIIIINCIDENCE). I will admit this: I actually recorded myself singing Tanyerson’s part so i can get used to singing the main melody with the higher harmony (which is actually harder than it looks, surprisingly o_O)

Well, there goes my abuse of the word “actually” again. I wish I could practice the duet some mroe. ._. Now that my gramndma (wat) and aunt ar e back home I don’t really want to parctice so loudly o.o It sounds wierd. (ALSKDFJLSJFDL stupid typos >:c)

There’s this kind of low note in the song that I have to sing. I can just barely reach it. :c WHERE ARE KYLE AND JACOB WHEN YOU NEED THEM GAWD

Well, Kyle’s sitting like, two computers in front of me right now, but that’s not the poing. (LOL poing?? Point xD)

Hrm. Now I’m not all that sure if the harmony would work anymore. o.o Apparently what Lea Michelle or Shelby Whats-her-face sings is different from what I’m used to singing... From my practices it doesn’t sound all that bad (I wrote “sond” there... okay, no-backspace rule is over now, it’s getting too annoying xP) but maybe it could be a lot worse... I don’t know. D: MUST PRACTISE WITH TANYERSON AGAIN.

If someone looks over my shoulder and starts reading this, they can clearly see that I’m not doing any work. Lots of red lines all over the place. :c

Maybe I should start brainstorming for my roleplaying application instead. But I’m claiming a canon (two canons, technically) so the appearance section at least is already done for me, I just have to put it in words. But then again, I’m making Tate and Liza like 4 years older than what (I presume) the canon makes them, so they probably changed a little. o.o For one, I think that by 16 years old, Tate would stop wearing those ribbons in his hair and look more like a dude. Like, you know? :P (Although, I think it would be appropriate to make it a running gag that Liza is so flat-chested, she’s still mistaken for her brother sometimes. :D) (And Tate still has long hair, I guess, so he’s sometimes still mistaken for his sister. LOL twin confusion even though they aren’t identical xD) (That’s actually physically impossible, since they’re different genders and therefore could not have come from the same egg. LOL why am I talking about this? xD)

So anyway... Johnson is like, right there... don’t come over here and inspect my monitor, please. :c I’M TOTALLY DONIG WORK. (I should stop caps-spamming, because it just makes it look more suspicious. And putting emoticons too, because Word thinks they’re wrong words and litters my screen with noticeable red lines. ._.)

Almost a page in size 7 Verdana font now. I don’t think you can really tell what I’m doing unless you look really closely... it’s 2:53PM. I’m probably going to get sick of I Dreamed A Dream soon, I’ve been listening to it over and over again for a few days. D: And singing it. This is like, the fifth time in a row I’m listening to this song. D:

I kind of wish I could access my actual blog. Well, technically I can, but that would look extremely suspicious. I wonder if I make the layout really plain and boring, it would get mistaken for an actual productive webpage and wouldn’t look suspicious from far away? Okay, new page, now let’s see if I can avoid red lines and green lines on my screen just to fake productiveness. Damn it, there’s one right there in that sentence. Ah well, it’s under the word “to” (??) and it’s hardly visible from far away, so I guess that doesn’t really matter. I’m almost afraid to look around now, because that just screams “Hey there, I’m doing something I’m really not supposed to!”

Okay, so anyway, enough of that. What else could I talk about in the span of half an hour without getting caught doing absolutely nothing? (Shut up, green lines. –ignore-) Maybe I could spend some time looking at logbook covers again... they’re all posted up on the bulletin boards. And I don’t think Johnson is going to catch me anytime soon, he’s too busy bantering with some troublesome girl and it looks like he’s trying to make a point, but I can’t really hear what he’s saying. I’m only half paying attention to that anyway, so – oh look-y here (no red lines, Rachel :c) he’s looking around at monitors. Well, he just kind of took a peek at what the girl next to me was doing, and I don’t think I was any cause for alarm. Yet.

Let’s see if I can make it to two pages by the end of the day. That’s two Word document pages, size 7 Verdana font, default margins (however big they are). I still have a long ways to go, I’m not even at half of my second page yet. :c

In other news, I bought fudge this morning. I also bought fudge yesterday and ate it after choir, but that flavour was caramel. It was pretty good. Today, I bought double fudge (or chocolate, or double chocolate, or whatever you want to call it) and I like that better than caramel... or maybe it’s because I just don’t like caramel all that much.

Now that I’m being extremely unproductive, I keep getting this feeling that I’m supposed to be doing something, and that I missed a bit of work and am wasting time doing this instead of this mystery piece of work. Okay then, time to run through all my courses and classes and see what I could possibly have missed.

Vocals: nothing much. Maybe study for chromatic scale test, or practise for solos (that Korean song! :D) but otherwise, nothing.

Math: I believe I finished all the homework he assigned. It was up to that first page with the graphs and squares on it, right? I forgot the page number, but it was like, sixty... something.

English: supply teacher today. I already finished reading Frankenstein some time ago. Handed in journal today.

Comm Tech: Well, clearly I don’t have anything urgent to do now, or I’d be doing it. Radio ID finished.

What else. Japanese? We got a project last class, but it’s a group project (manga-making! Yay!) I got assigned to be the “author” of the group of four, and I’m supposed to come up with a story and a script. (Why do I get the most pressured job? Everyone else is like, artist, or colourer, or handwriter. D:) I already came up with a sort of decent script and really simple storyline centering around Halloween (oh right, I have to look up those couple of words... okay, that can wait. Besides, it’s not like I have to do this alone, apparently I’m just the “supervisor” >:c).

Anything else? Roleplaying? Well, I have to get that Tate and Liza application done sometime soon, but that also involves a roleplaying sample. I have a bunch from my Neo RPs, but those are dependent on the situation, really. xD And besides, they’re all... happy. This forum has a plot where it’s like, future-esque and Team Rocket took over again and nobody trusts each other anymore and all the gym leaders have to ditch their gyms and fight. Or something. Well, people can go on their journeys like usual and stuff, and ~*~there is still hope~*~ or something weird and sparkly like that. Yeah. Fifteen minutes left of this class, how much more could I ramble about? D:

I’m kind of looking forward to writing about how Tate and Liza are ~*~growing~*~ and ~*~maturing~*~ and how they grow closer as twins and maybe quite possibly grow separate. It would interesting to see what happens when they join opposing sides in this war thing. :D (But I don’t think that would happen, because they were taught to be SENSIBLE and RESPONSIBLE as gym leaders from a young age and they’re all like THE GOOD GUYS SHALL PREVAIL and stuff. Yeah, I’m going to avoid saying just how old they were when they first became leaders, but in my own fanon they were twelve. That’s young enough to get their mindset going like that, right?)

Blah, I’m bored. Seven minutes left. I think I’ll terminate now. Don’t have to send email to myself, because I’m saving it on my USB. Yaaay USBs. c:

Can’t wait to start roleplaying Tate and Liza. Seriously, I am so happy that a forum actually allows canons 8D Maybe I’ll drag Kay (my dude-who-looks-like-a-lady) in there too later, and he shall start with a Mudkip and he shall become a Rock- and Ground-type specialist and he shall be a loving mommy to all his beloved pokeymans and will not be able to say no because he is just too soft with them. xD

Post terminating. Ciao everyone~

Monday, October 18, 2010


The fudge tastes more delicious this time round. I have no idea why.

In other news...


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tonight, I'm going to sleep early.

Music Council's selling fudge tomorrow morning. ♥ Totally gonna buy some and maybe eat it in English or something (not Vocals, for obvious reasons).

Wish I could eat some after school, but I have choir. D: Ah well, maybe I'll eat it after dinner then ♥


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Avoiding stuff.

I like graphic design projects better than audio production projects. :c

Return of the Facebook Note Spam
Part II - Guys and Girls

(Challenge: Avoid one-liner/one-word answers when possible. They're boring. :P)

Name 3 guys in your life:
Jason, Richard... I really need to make more guy friends. Jacob? /random @_@

How many of them are family?:
Lauckerface and Richerface are mah bruzzerrrs :3 (Heh, I remember that email where Jason experimented with variations of "sister" with a "zer" sound at the end. Sitzer or siztzzer or whatever it was. xD)

How many of them are exes?:

Are any of them single?:
Not Richerface, he apparently walks Joannerface home holding hands with her. :P (I waved at them from the car the other day, but I think they were too lovey-dovey at the moment didn't see me. |D)

Are any of them gay?:
I'm presuming they're all straight, but who am I to tell? :P

Are any of them younger than you?:
Jason and Jacob, both by about a year. Or maybe more for the latter, I don't know when his birthday is.

Who’s the tallest?:
Ooh, a bit of a competition there between Jason and Jacob. (Sorry Richard, but you know it's true. xD) I think Jacob edges out by a little bit though, he's hugeee for a niner. :P

Who’s the smartest?:
Hard to say. Maybe Richerface just by the age difference, but I'm pretty sure they're all competent enough. |3

Who’s the oldest?:
Richard, the elevener. :P (Why do I even say that? What's it supposed to be, junior or sophomore? I think what the Canadians say are reversed from what the Americans say... I get them mixed up anyway. o.o)

Who’s the most talkative?:
Jason or Richard. Prolly Jason. Jacob doesn't really say much, surprisingly. (Or maybe it's just 'cause I don't know him that well. Sarah can confirm or deny that. xD /brick'd)

Who’s the most sensitive?:
Richerface? Heh. :3

Who’s the most relaxed?:
Either Jacob or Richard. Sorry Jason, but you can still be a little high-strung sometimes. |D (But it's gotten a lot better from grade school, so grats for that x3)

Who’s the biggest player?:
I believe Ms. C called Richard a player once, even though he has a girlfriend. xD Poor Joannerface. /pelted with bricks

Who drinks the most?:
As in, alcohol? I hope none of them, considering their ages. o.o /feels like a killjoy when saying that

Can any of them drive?:
Good question. Richerface, when you planning on getting your G1? o:

Can any of them dance?:
Well, random dancing isn't all that hard, you just kinda jump around and bob your head and wave your arms around a lot. xD As for actual, coordinated, well-practised dancing, I don't think so... but Vocal Fusion might be able to do something about that when the time comes. 8D

Can any of them sing?:
Jacob obviously, although he's kind of really, unnecessarily loud. Jason's good too, when he sings in his own range. :P When he attempts to sing soprano... well, let's just say that could use a tad bit of improvement there. xD

Can any of them hold conversation?
... wat.
I'm presuming this question means something along the lines of, "Are any of them good at keeping conversations going and interesting?" In which case, uh... I have no clue actually. I'm a terrible conversationalist. xP

Have you ever kissed any of them?:
(... Can't really avoid a one-word answer here, nothing much else to say. xP)

Have you ever seen any of them drunk?:
I think seeing any of those three drunk would be highly amusing. 8D

Have you ever seen any of them high?:
... That would not be quite as amusing. I've actually seen someone semi-high on drugs before (I can't remember exactly what he said he was doing, but it was some kind of illegal drug). It was... disconcerting, to say the least. ._.

Have any of them ever made you jealous?:
Yes. Classified information. (Why do my anime references pop up even in FB quizzes...? |D;;)

Are there any of them you would swap for a celebrity?:
Well, as David Tennant is kind of good-looking...
I said nothing. c:

Name 3 girls in your life:
Micherface, Fanderson, Sarserson

Are any of them family?:
Nuup. :P

Are any of them crushes?:
Ditto that. |D

Are any of them exes?:
Again. (I think my challenge is failing at the moment. |D)

Are any of them single?:
Micherface and Fanderson... is Sarah FB-married to someone right now, or something? :P I don't use my FB anymore, so...

Who’s the prettiest?:
I remember Vocals!Michelle and Kathy once commenting that Sarah was pretty at the awards assembly. They seemed kinda surprised by that, for some reason. xD

Who’s the most popular with boys?:
Well, considering Sarah regularly abducts Alex's sweater to Vocal Fusion practice, and stole nine watches from various guys so far, and somehow manages to con them into letting her keep them overnight (to sleep with them no less)... xD

Who’s the smartest?:
Rawr Mich with her stupid 89% average in math. >:c

Who’s the ditziest?:
Sarahsarahsarahsarah. Esophagus, anyone?

Who’s the friendliest?:
Probably Mich. Or Sarah, depending on the definition of "friendly". xD (... I think there were some rather unfortunate implications there, yeah? |D;;)

Who’s the bitchiest?:
Ehh, bitchy isn't exactly the word I would use. Fanderson isn't really "bitchy" per se, more like really bad-tempered and prone to flying into fits of loud rage when irritated. Particularly when it comes to academics. |D

Who’s the easiest to talk to?:
In terms of normal everyday conversation, probably Mich, since apparently she really likes to talk (as Fandi can attest to xD). Maybe Fandi too when she's not in a bad mood and won't snap at people for irrelevant things. xP

Who’s the best drinker?:
You mean who would be the best drinker, if we could drink. xD Sarah seems like the type, at least more than Mich or Fandi. (Although Daryna > all three, kthx.)

Who’s the most innocent?:
My first answer was Mich, but then I remembered Daryna. So no. :P
I don't think any of them fit the category of "innocent" anymore, to be honest. xD

Can any of them dance?:
Sarah should start dancing with everyone else in Vocal Fusion. >:c (I never knew she of all people could be such a wallflower. o.o)
... On the other hand, I've seen Fandi can do this weird snapping-and-spinning thing that looks sort of like a sad attempt at break dancing while standing up. /brick'd

Can any of them not swim?:
... Why does this thing insist on asking "not swim?" If I list the ones who can swim, clearly the others can't. ._.
Okay, that aside, I'm pretty sure they can all swim at least decently. I can't remember the last time we all went swimming together (maybe at one of Sarah's really old pool parties? Geez, that was a looong time ago... o.o) and besides, those pool parties aren't really accurate judges of swimming ability. |D

Can any of them drive?:
Not sixteen yet. Still at least half a year to go, for all three of them.

Have you ever kissed any of them?:
Nope, and honestly, I'd rather not. |P

Have you ever gone further with any of them?:
I'd really rather not. o.o

Have you ever told any of them that you love them?:
Okay no more Lady Gaga. |D And I love 'em alllll ♥

Have you ever seen any of them drunk?:
Nope. Though I would really love to see what they, particularly Sarah, would do when they're drunk. xDDD Reminder to go bar-hopping with them sometime. Or club-hopping. Or on a cruise. Or karaoke, which involves alcoholic drinks and singing and sometimes dancing too. 8D

Have you ever seen any of them high?:
Sarah is high all the time, what are you talking about?
Okay, dude not funny.

Have you ever been jealous of any of them?:
When Sarah acts like an idiot, she looks normal. When Rachel acts like an idiot, she looks idiotic.
... But then again, that may or may not be something to be jealous of. xD

Have you ever been scared of any of them?:
I am scared of Fandi and her academic-induced rages at least once a week. And also somewhat concerned.

Do you love any of them?:


... That was fairly pointless, I must say.

Bluh, audio production.


Tik Tok and California Girls are really easy songs to mash together. I think I did it satisfactorily. :D

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Long time no see.

To celebrate finishing that English essay, math homework, and Frankenstein. :D

Return of the Facebook Note Spam

Have you ever...

1. taken a picture naked?

2. painted your room?

3. made out with a member of the same sex?
Haven't made out, period. (Haven't kissed, period. o.o)

4. drove a car?
No. I may or may not plan to soon. |D

5. danced in front of your mirror?
Haha yeah.

6. have a crush?

7. been dumped?

8. stole money from a friend?
No. Why would I do that :c

9. gotten in the car with people you didnt know?

10. been in a fist fight?
Uhm, not that I remember. I might have gotten into a light one a long, long time ago o_O

11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?

12. had feelings for a friend?

14. made out with a stranger?
No. o_O;;

15. met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
You mean like a date? /brick'd
Almost, but no. xD

16. left your house with out telling your parents?
... Actually, I don't think I have. Not sure whether that's sad or not xD

17. had a crush on your neighbor?
Never knew my neighbors, 'cept for Chadwick. In which case, no. xD

18. ditched school to do something more fun?
Yes. CRASHING SOBEY'S FTW :D (although I guess it wasn't really "crashing" per se o.o)

19. slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex?

20. seen someone die?
I might have seen... people being blown up? o.o;;

21. been on a plane?

22. kissed a picture?
No. Why did I think of twihards kissing posters of Edward Cullen when I read that

23. slept in until 3?
Ooh, don't think so. I believe the latest I've slept in was... maybe 1/2PM-ish? CLOSE ENOUGH.

24. miss someone right now?
Yes. ._.

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Prolly not. I should add that to my bucket list. :D

26. made a snow angel? yes- I’m from Canada
^ LOL that's what the person I stole it from wrote. And yes. xD

27. played dress up?
Plenty of times. My parents thought I was hilarious, dancing around waving scarves everywhere. |D

28. cheated while playing a game?
Sadly, yes. :c

29. been lonely?

30. fallen asleep at work/school?
Yeah. Not for too long though, maybe a few minutes. xD

31. been to a bar?

32. felt an earthquake?

33. touched a snake?
I... think so? Petting zoo or something.

34. ran a red light?
Can't drive.

35. been suspended from school?
No, thankfully. D:

36. had detention?
Haha yeahh, I remember in grade 3 my friend and I were caught passing notes in class. xD It wasn't a very long detention, the teacher just made us stay for a bit after school and lectured us.

37. been in a car accident that you didnt cause?
Yes. Our old car was black, and I remember crying a lot after the impact. o_O (I was, what, six?) Oh, and I also remember my parents telling me that the black car was going to get fixed and we were going to get it back, and I believed that for soooo long. Never saw it since. |D

38. hated the way you look?
Pretty much everyyyday. :c

39. witnessed a crime?
Maybe? Depends on if that includes little crimes that nobody would really care about.

39. been the person doing the crime?

40. pole danced?
LOL I think I tried once. On one of those support beams in a house. Yeah, that was awkward. |D;;

41. been lost?
Fun times. xD

42. been to the opposite side of the country?
Does China count? o: /geography fail

43. felt so sick you thought you might die?
Well, considering my parents insisted on burying me in like, five blankets, yeah I felt like I was overheating down there. xP

44. cried yourself to sleep?

46. sang karaoke?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

47. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Plenty of times. Results were mixed.

48. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Probably, although I don't really want to remember it. |D

49. caught a snowflake on your tongue?

50. kissed in the rain?
(For all you technical people out there, I'm presuming it means romantic kissing, not like parents or relatives. xP) Haven't kissed, period. (I think I said that already.)

51. sang in the shower?
Everyday. xD

52. had sex in a park?
I'd like to keep my dignity, thanks.

53. had a dream where you were married?
I don't remember a lot of my dreams. xD

54. glued your hand to something?

55. got your tongue/”arm” stuck to a flag pole?
I think my finger once? xD

56. ever gone to school partially naked?
Eurgh? o_O;;;

57. been a cheerleader?
I considered trying out, believe it or not. o: (Kinda glad I didn't, to be honest)

58. sat on a roof top?
I want to try D:

59. didn’t take a shower for a week?
Eurgh, no. o.o

60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Don't like to watch movies alone in the first place. Makes me feel... alone. :c

61. played chicken?
The heck? o.o

62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Not really pushed, but swimming fully clothed was part of lifesaving, so.

64. broken a bone?
Fandi nearly did today. o:

65. been easily amused?
Yeah, today. xD
"Your judge is dying." -Mich

66. laughed so hard you cried?

67. mooned/flashed someone?
Perhaps unintentionally. @_@

68. cheated on a test?
Yeahh, I remember in fourth grade or something, I had my science textbook hidden under my desk and I was peeking at it during the test. D: (Now that I think about it, I can't believe the teacher didn't notice. o.o)

69: forgotten someones name?
Plenty of times. Takes me a few tries to get them right, usually.

70. slept naked?
Maybe... not? I forgot. xD

71. gone skinny dipping?
Don't think so. o.o

73. blacked out from drinking?
Ew, alcohol.

74. played a prank on someone?
LOL fourth grade and pranking Mr. Whats-his-face with doodled-over photocopies of his face. xDD

75. gone to a late night movie?
Define "late night."

76. made love to anything not human?
No. o___O;;

77. failed a class?
Don't think so?

78. choked on something you’re not supposed to eat?
Generally speaking, I don't put non-food-items in my mouth. Y'know what I mean? |D

79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours in total?
That means not at once, right? xD;; In which case, fluteee. ♥

80. been cheated on?
Nope, thankfully.

81. did you celebrate the 4th of July?
I! AM! CANADIAN! /brick'd

82. thrown strange objects?
LOL yes. xDD

83. felt like killing someone?
Er, not really literally. o.o

84. felt like running away?
A few times.

86. did drugs?

87. had detention and not attend it?
Don't think so.

89. made a parent cry?
Yeah. ._.

90. cried about someone?

91. had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period?
Rather not, thanks.

92. dated someone you didn’t even like?
Rather not, thanks.

93. had/have a dog?
Nicole is luckyyy. D:

95. own an instrument?
Still have my flute ♥

96. been in band?
Used to.

97. drank 25 sodas in a day?
LOL no. And I don't think I'll put this one on my bucket list, thanks. |D

98. broken a CD?
Don't think so?

99. shot a gun?
Rather not, thanks.

100. had feelings for one of your best friends?


Mom chasing me off now, post terminating.

New Discovery of the Day.

Tanyerson and I want to do "I Dreamed a Dream" for our duet. She's used to the Glee version. I'm used to the normal version. The way we sing it almost sounds like it's in harmony, especially the last note. (I can't tell if the whole thing is in harmony since we haven't done the whole thing together yet.)

Still... this is pretty awesome. 8D WE SHALL BLOW THIS OUT OF THE BALLPARK Y/Y/Y/Y

(... why do I even use that expression anyway?)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Old stuff.

I was reading my old blog entries from October 2008 (which apparently is supposed to have been the month with the most entries - more entries than days in the month, actually o.o), wondering what kind of weird stuff I could write about that took up 5 more blog entries than the actual number of days in the month.

... That reminds me of a habit I had in grade two or something, when I kept saying "actually" even when I wasn't contradicting anybody and the teacher called me out on that. She was nice about it though, even though she kept cutting off my sentences whenever I said the word "actually," even when I didn't, and even when I actually meant it. (Like so.) But I digress.

Anyway, yeah. So I was digging through all these old blog entries and making comments in my head about how weird I was two years ago and how much of a complainer I was. Yeahh.

Also, apparently Kumon made me do grade 11 English stuff when I was still in grade 7. o_O Geez, that was so long ago I more-or-less forgot about it. I can't remember what the text was. I do remember having to read an excerpt of Dracula once, and I think To Kill a Mockingbird too, and maybe Brave New World. (For some reason, a part of me is wishing that Nineteen-Eighty-Four had been in there too. What.) Yeahh, that was kind of painful. Thankfully, the questions weren't all that hard, mostly just copy-pasting picking answers straight out of the text and rewriting them. (This goes to show just how pointless Kumon really is, at least when it comes to their Reading program. >>)

So yeah, there's my little brain vomit on Kumon. That seems like so long ago now, it's surprising. When did I quit again? I forgot. o.o

In unrelated news, there is Vocal Fusion practice tomorrow. Yay! Except now Ms. C is challenging us to do duets (I think you can do three or maybe four people too, at which point it is no longer a duet; Ms. C just handwaved the technicalities) in two weeks. Apparently we have to get the backup track, the lyrics, (the harmony? I'm not sure if that's a requirement) and all that ready by ourselves in two weeks. I don't know who I want to do it with yet. Maybe Joannerface and Divya if three people are allowed? Or Tanyerson? Or Sarah, if she hasn't dragged Jacob away already? (100 wizard dollars that she's going to do just that. LOL MICH AND MADDY)

Or who knows, maybe Ms. C will just forget about that altogether. I think she forgot about our "Do, Do-Re-Do, Do-Re-Mi-Re-Do" testing, so. |D

Wow, a decent-sized post that's actually talking about normal, blog-worthy stuff for once. xD ACCOMPLISHMENT Y/Y?

PS. Yes, I renamed my blog. "I Really Lack a Life" was getting on my nerves. xD

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Discovery of the Day.

Out of the nine(?) watches Sarah has stolen from several guys (well, I'm assuming they're all guys), Jacob was the first to have two. And he wore his second one today.

And then she promptly stole it. During the Students For Children meeting this afternoon.

Me: -in regards to the first watch- Don't tell me you slept with that last night. |D
Sarah: Yeah, of course!
Me: -facepalm-
Sarah: I mean, what else could I do with it? -thinks about what she just said and starts giggling-
Me: ... Do I even want to know what else you did with that watch?
Sarah: 8D
Me: |D

(By the way Tony, Shandershon makes a much more productive secretary than you. Just sayin'.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Maaaajor squick.

I was looking through our cruise pictures (again) and I came across a bunch with my dad and I, because neither of us wanted to take ten thousanddd pictures of my mom and she gave up and started paparazzi-ing us but anyway, the point is that there are a bunch of random pictures in the middle of us two talking and fighting over his pro camera and stuff like that.

-catches breath-

Yeah. So, that reminded me of this reaaaally awkward moment on the ship, when my mom was... somewhere (forgot exactly where) and my dad and I were going to our cabin to get something. And we passed this random kid in the hall (looked about maybe twelve or so OKAY I CANNOT BE THAT FAR OFF THIS TIME) and he just kind of stared at us and then randomly asked me: "Is that your husband?"

Cue awkward pause, and then me bursting into laughter.

Naturally, I clarified that he was in fact my dad, and I think the kid was kind of embarrassed (who wouldn't be? xD) so I did him the courtesy of leaving him alone and acting as if it was no big deal. But I did find it extremely hilarious, and also kind of weird. How old do I look again? xP

I have no idea why this moment escaped my mind while I was gushing about my trip, but it gives me an excuse to write a decently-sized blog entry again.


Monday, October 4, 2010


Why do I keep doing that anyway?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I don't believe it.

I never thought mary-sues/gary-stus existed much except maybe that one girl Tiana-or-something-or-other from a while ago, or that one other Vocaloid-obsessed dude on my forum.

But this is just getting ridiculous:

"Stephen was never an normal trainer since birth,infact his father was the pyshic gym leader,his mother was was save by Ash Keptchum from Pallettown.He also had very powerful physic powers.He was able to muntilpulate peoples body movements,take control of their body,make whoever he wished to fly in any direction at his whim,and teleport at will,but He didn't like an unfair fight,he only used it when there was an emegerency or if someone needed help."

That was his entire paragraph "intro." No location, no personality (except "cheerful," which he put in his list intro), no interactions, just a big wall of text explaining how ~*~super speshul and awesome~*~ he is.

Oh, and not the mention there is no male Psychic-type gym leader, except for Tate (who, incidentally, I was playing) and he's twelve. And before you start arguing with me saying that there's no canon proof of his and Liza's age, just look at a picture of them and you'll agree that he looks a tad bit young to be fathering a 20-year-old.

What is this world coming to?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting really annoying.

You see a lot of people making characters with Japanese names, whether the character is actually Japanese or not. In the former case, that's fine, but why doesn't anyone let their Japanese characters have normal English names? I think I saw maybe two other people other than myself who've done that, and in my case, my guy's legal name isn't even English (it's Chinese; LOL stealth gender-flipped self-insert |D).

But then again, the French people are probably saying, "Why can't people's French characters have normal names?" and I admit I'm guilty of that, so I guess I can't really complain. BE QUIET YOU SHOULD STOP JUDGING ME THIS INSTANT.

In other news, we have a math test on Monday. (Well, some of us, who actually have math this semester.) I sort of studied yesterday. If looking over my notes counts. While stalking the RP boards on Neo. And two Pokémon forums.

'Kay you know what I am most likely going to take Creative Writing next year or the year after and it will be all worth it so you should not judge me. >:O
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