Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In which Rachel tries (and fails) to describe things poetically.

I gave up after the first paragraph. It was too terrible.

By the way...

Van: Eh, Rachel prose RPs? (I knew the RP part, didn't know the prose.)

What other kind of RP is there? o.o (And don't say the kind where it's like a script, because to me that doesn't count. That's chatplay, not roleplay.) (Or "parchment-play" for those Harry Potter people. Gotta give them some credit for creativity. xD)

Also, I don't know why I keep posting roleplaying tidbits on my blog. Am I subconsciously trying to compensate for something?

Here, have some more of Rachel's internal organs. (LOL Van.)


Such a contrast between the city around her and the beautiful, wide sky above. One was dark and graffitied and downright depressing, while the other was... hm. Zoey tipped back her head and stared straight up, trying to find a word to describe the sight of the sky being painted a brilliant gold by the setting sun, as afternoon slowly slipped into evening.

Her fingers twitched over the guitar strings and she slumped further down the wall, ignoring the unpleasant squishing noise that signified filth smearing all over the back of her shirt. Her Psyduck stood in front of her trainer's crossed legs, staring blankly down the street with her tiny hands on either side of her head.

"Sucks not having a thesaurus around, eh Dictionary?" Zoey sighed, putting on an exaggerated pout in hopes that this would attract the duck Pokémon's attention. No reaction, as usual. The relaxed, cat-like smile reappeared on Zoey's face and she stretched a leg out to poke Dictionary with the toe of her boot. "Hellooo? Stop ignoring meee," she whined in fake hurt, but to no avail. "Hmph. Meanie."

She followed Dictionary's gaze and strummed lightly at her guitar, producing a soft, undistinguished sound that couldn't quite be defined as a melody. What was the Psyduck looking at? There didn't seem to be anything there, but Zoey felt too lazy to get up and verify that. She felt too lazy to move at all actually, but it wasn't like she was searching for anything in particular anyway. The world would come to her at its own pace, and she had no intent of hurrying things along. Nightfall wasn't a problem; she was decently strong and it wouldn't be the first time she slept out in the open either, even though this dark, smelly place was certainly a new experience.

It didn't matter. She could wait.


Apparently, some oddity up in the clouds had decided it would be hilarious to take her patient intentions a bit too literally - not that Zoey minded in the least. In fact, she was delighted at how amusing this first night in Avina City was shaping out to be, but held in her laughter just in case it would somehow scare the newly-appeared Slowpoke into running away.

Though after watching the pink Pokémon plod sluggishly along for a few minutes, she began to think that it wouldn't matter how scared it was, because speed was definitely not one of its strong points. "Well, what do you expect from a Pokémon named Slowpoke, Zo?" she lectured herself, shaking her head as if she were disappointed in her own obliviousness.

Dictionary, unlike her trainer, did not find the situation entertaining at all. As far as she was concerned, this pink intruder was interrupting her precious meditation session, and the Psyduck's particularly pounding headache that night did not do any favours to her mood. "Ugh... Please go away, hun," she groaned, blinking madly in an attempt to keep her vision clear. She spat a few droplets of water at the Slowpoke for further emphasis, but it wasn't nearly forceful enough to be harmful in any way.


... I keep thinking that "in any way" tacked on at the end is unnecessary.

1 comment:

[心怡] - vanessa said...

I guess I was referring to chatplay, then...! But A MORE COMPLEX FORM THAT SOMETIMES INVOLVES ACTION TAGS AND PROSE.

I don't know, I prefer it because it seems a lot more streamlined, and I find a lot of prose styles grating. Picky Van is picky, but I don't actually RP. ._.;

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