Thursday, August 12, 2010

Geh he he.

I named my (Asian half-Chinese half-Japanese DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY) roleplaying character's dad after that famous Chinese poet Li Bai dude, only because I couldn't think of any original Chinese names and Li Bai sounds normal enough. I don't think anyone noticed. xD

I'm good.

Yesterday, I recorded myself singing that Sarah McLachlan song "Angel." While I was hungry. Note to self, Rach - don't sing when you're hungry. It's painful and it makes you miss a lot more notes than usual. :c (No, you're not allowed to hear it.)

Back to roleplaying (sorry guys). Speaking of my Asian character dude, I use a picture of Fujisaki Nagihiko as his playby (read: to represent his physical appearance), because I felt like playing a dude who looks like a girl and have everyone call him out on it. (It's working, by the way. xD) But he's so used to it that he just goes like, "So? I have long hair and look like a girl, minus the boobs. Your point? -deadpan-" whenever it happens. Except a more polite version because he is a nice kid. xD

Yeahhh, I have a feeling that sane people are going to throw bricks at me sometime soon, so I shall stop here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My first and last reaction was 'AHHHH NAGI!!!'

Or something along those lines. xD

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