Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In Florida, yo.

A Holiday Inn in Jacksonville, to be exact.

(I hate the keyboard on my dad's laptop. Keep making typos. >:c)

Yesterday was not fun.

First of all, mom dragged us for almost 5 hours round an outlet mall, and we bought shoes and clothing and suitcases (xD) and stuff. Also, I ate Subway.

That wasn't that bad considering I had my almighty iPod and all I basically had to do for 5 hours was follow my mom and hold stuff. And not whine. (That was harder.)

But yeah, we stayed longer than my dad thought we would, so it was pretty much dark by the time we got back on the freeway and went to the first hotel of the trip. (Some golf resort place.) We followed the GPS's directions to the hotel, but ended up on some abandoned road with the surrounding area full of one-story trailer-like houses that looked really old and terrible and cheap. So naturally, we were like WTF and drove around, trying to find this so-called "hotel" but there wasn't a main building or a front lobby or anything in the area, and it was dark and cloudy and creepy and generally one of those places where it would seem like the lights in the windows would flicker on and off by themselves and you'd run over a dead body or something. Kinda reminded me of those CSI Miami episodes where people walk around in the dark and be ambushed and their bodies are randomly found by the CSI people the next day. Then, having thought of that, I was like "Oh shiiiiit, what if this was like, some kind of trap that a gang of serial killers or something made up and they lure POOR UNSUSPECTING TOURISTS to this CREEPY ABANDONED TRAILER PLACE and murder them and arrrghhhhhh"

While I was sitting in the backseat thinking of trailers and serial killers and dead bodies, my parents were trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and then my dad remembered that he had the hotel's phone number. So we called them and some nice dude gave us directions to go back on the freeway and take a different exit, and then we just followed the signs from there and ended up at the RIGHT hotel that actually looked like a hotel and not some creepy horror movie.

Apparently we weren't the first ones to screw up the location, since something about the postal code and there was a warning on the website (which my dad CONVENIENTLY FORGOT TO LOOK AT) about GPS's failing and all that. But either way, I got four gigantic poofy pillows all to myself in the hotel bed, so it's okay. :D

Today, nothing much happened. Drove for practially all day (mom made a point in having me count the states we drove through) (it's six, by the way: West Virginia, Virginia, North & South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida) and we almost got lost when some traffic accident sealed off the freeway, but then we stalked a FedEx truck that was going in the same direction so it's all good.

Tonight for dinner, I ate at this fast food place called Krystal, which CLEARLY we don't have in Canada. And I'm kinda glad, because it's pretty pointless. Basically they serve a bunch of tiny burgers instead of one large one (I got four; apparently that's the "default" meal, sorta like Big Mac for Mcdonalds or Whopper for Burger King). It tasted okay, but it was all mushy and half-melted, which was kind of gross but also kind of delicious at the same time.

Free internet at the hotel, yes. But dad said the hotel we're staying at tomorrow in Orlando (we're driving more ARGHH) you have to pay for the internet, so I don't think I'm going to be able to blog again in a long time (the internet on the cruise ship - nearly wrote shit there FAIL TYPING SKILLS - costs money too).

Tomorrow we're going to Kennedy Space Centre, and Friday is WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER YESSSS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sandy, I will try to bring you back a non-edible souvenir, only because I don't think food will survive the week-and-a-half trip in a stuffy car back to Canada.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Leaving tomorrow. O:

Blog reached 300 posts three posts ago. Forgot to acknowledge that.

The festival on the forum is also beginning tomorrow, which is the frickin' day I leave.

I think this timing is trolling me. Fosrs. .____.;;;

Well anyway, here's to hoping I don't drown and get eaten by a shark and that my timetable for Gr. 10 isn't screwed up!~ Kanpai! 8)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ah dang.

(I'm trying to heed to Fanderson's request about not swearing as much. It sounds weird, but it'll have to do. :P)

A day and a half, and then two weeks, and then school.

Do not want do not want do not want ffffffffuuuuuuu

And to top off all this suck, I'm leaving right when the OMGAWESOMESPARKLY festival on the forum starts. And right after my (other, non-lady-looking dude) character got a Castform. CASTFORM. ADORABLE EASY-TO-DRAW TRANSFORMING-CLOUD-BALLY-THING CASTFORM OMG WANT TO ROLEPLAY WORST TIMING EVER TO TAKE A VACATION WITHOUT INTERNET Y/Y/Y/Y/Y WHYYYYYYYY

May or may not quit whining when I come back (no cheap internet on the cruise so no blogging/RP for two weeks D<) depending on how good the actual cruise/vacation/Harry Potter theme park thingy is, but right now this suck timing is the suckiest suck that ever sucked ever. :c

... And snorkling too. Last time Rachel went snorkling, she nearly drowned in the salt water and nearly got eaten by a shark had to be pulled out by staff people. >> (Okay fine I was like ten, maybe younger, BUT STILL.)

Do not want do not want do not want ffffffffuuuuuuu someone save me I want my roleplaying back

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's official.

Rachel cannot draw guys. Always end up giving them girl hips by mistake. >>

Mom retching in the toilet in the background. Beginning to think that our family has serious health problems. Cue "Oh Crap" from me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

LOL TV Tropes.

"If long hair equals shaggy werewolf, does that mean if one of them goes bald, we have a hairless werewolf?"

"Indeed, Meyer werewolf are as different from regular werewolves as Meyer vampires are from regular vampire."

"Except she even said that they weren't werewolves. The Volturi had seen real werewolves; the "spirit wolves" are something different. This troper actually started a fanfic where they met another such tribe with a different spirit animal."

"I've never read these books, but the werewolves are Native American, right? I've read that Native Americans tend to be very resistant to baldness, so that issue probably doesn't come up much."

"By this logic, having your hair in a mohawk means your werewolf form would have hair like a poodle. Werepoodle!"

"I get the picture in my head of a werespinosaurus."

"That would be the best thing ever."


Why is it that whenever I try to sing Break Your Heart by ear, I always end up in a lower key than the actual song? Usually I'm good at this. >:(

In other news, I'm leaving on Tuesday (just when semifinals start WTF IS THIS) and I need to go out and buy six cheese buns today. But I'm lazyyyy and I don't want to walk all the way to Sobeys to buy cheese buns even though they're delicious and really cheap and a good way to keep my mom from yelling at me about not eating. :c

... Are there actually people in real life named "Wednesday?" Seems like an odd name to give even a roleplaying character (IT'S OKAY ROBYN WE LOVE YOU ANYWAY) but if that's actually someone's name in real life... wow. :O

... But then again, I'm the one who names my pokeymans things like "Nom." Consciously. As is "om nom nom."

Hehe. 8)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We leave in exactly a week.

Where has my summer gone? :( :( :(

Well, I know the answer to that question. Ahem.

- Roleplaying.
- Roleplaying.
- Roleplaying.
- Eating.
- Roleplaying.
- Sims.
- Roleplaying.
- Singing practice. (And failing.)
- Neopets. xD
- Did I mention roleplaying?

Today, I discovered that I, in fact, do get attached to my characters. If I make references to Pokeymans or my dude-who-looks-like-a-lady or this place when I get back to school, it's my roleplaying obsession taking over. (And yes, that was some shameless advertising right there.)

There are currently 14 guests lurking the forum. Uhm.

Stupid Sarah McLachlan and Taylor Swift. I hate the vocal ranges you sing at, the both of you. >:(

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bad timing.

I was talking to Ash and Ito and Jan today, and Ash randomly asked "Oh, where's everybody from?" because we had nothing else to talk about. Turns out Ash is from England and Ito and Jan are Americans (guess where I'm from, no really, guess) and that sparked a conversation about tourism and how England is apparently boring save for some castles and stuff (ASH SAID IT NOT ME OKAY) and apparently she's amazed by the fact that America's McDonalds are twice the size of England's. o_O


So anyway, Ash said, "I visited Florida once, and me and my dad almost got shot," and then I was all, "... Yeah, thanks dude, I'm going there next week. o_e;;;" But she laughed and said that it was years ago and they probably just didn't like her dad for some reason. o_O

We're so awesome. 8)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Geh he he. (Part Two.)

"As soon as the “pretty girl” spoke, Jericho realized something here was off. The girl’s voice didn’t sound like a girl’s voice at all. But the hair, the skin, the… okay, the chest was a little flat."

Doh ho ho. My plan is working perfectly so far. >xD

(^ LOL did I just invent a smiley? 8D)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Geh he he.

I named my (Asian half-Chinese half-Japanese DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY) roleplaying character's dad after that famous Chinese poet Li Bai dude, only because I couldn't think of any original Chinese names and Li Bai sounds normal enough. I don't think anyone noticed. xD

I'm good.

Yesterday, I recorded myself singing that Sarah McLachlan song "Angel." While I was hungry. Note to self, Rach - don't sing when you're hungry. It's painful and it makes you miss a lot more notes than usual. :c (No, you're not allowed to hear it.)

Back to roleplaying (sorry guys). Speaking of my Asian character dude, I use a picture of Fujisaki Nagihiko as his playby (read: to represent his physical appearance), because I felt like playing a dude who looks like a girl and have everyone call him out on it. (It's working, by the way. xD) But he's so used to it that he just goes like, "So? I have long hair and look like a girl, minus the boobs. Your point? -deadpan-" whenever it happens. Except a more polite version because he is a nice kid. xD

Yeahhh, I have a feeling that sane people are going to throw bricks at me sometime soon, so I shall stop here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A ten-year-old with the voice of a professional, seasoned opera singer.

I am not worthy.

I don't even know what else to say.

That girl is fucking amazing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

this is just

"sorry i didn't know she was a girl"


Sorry. I'm kind of... annoyed, as you can clearly see.

I have nothing important to say this morning. I woke up half an hour ago. I don't want to philosophise right now. It is too troublesome.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


In my last post, I claimed it was 11:37 AM at the time of writing.

It was not. In actuality, it was 11:37 PM.

Perhaps it was a good thing that I went to bed relatively early last night.

Reading back on my older posts, I said "addicting" when I was younger. OHGAWD THE SHAAAAAME.


Ignore the search function on the new layout because apparently it doesn't work and I'm too lazy to figure out what the problem is.

EDIT: Never mind, scrapped that layout because it didn't show dates for some reason. o_O

So now it's back to one of those premade templates, because Rachel is a painfully lazy butt.

... Is Rachel trying to compensate for something with her roleplaying?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nothing happened today.

My aunt is buying a house. The house she is currently going for has three kids in it. My dad and I toured it today. One of the bedrooms has a poster of Chuck Norris on the wall. The other bedroom was spammed with Twilight posters and Edward Cullen's gigantic sparkly face.

It was painful.

In other unrelated news, I am not going to force my roleplaying shit on you guys today. Additionally, this blog is nearing its twoth second birthday. It is currently 11:37 AM, the air conditioning is still on in this house, my feet are cold, and I still have to wait 43 days for the release of Black and White in Japan (not that I'm going to understand much of it since apparently the games are starting to put kanji in it WHICH I CAN'T READ OHGAWD THE TRAGEDYYYY so yeah).

Tomorrow, my parents want me to get out of the house, since my dad is off work. I don't know where to go.

My blog does not use labels at all. Is this a problem?

Rachel feels slightly proud of herself that she did not abandon her blog for nearly two years. (Though at times she came close BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In which Rachel tries (and fails) to describe things poetically.

I gave up after the first paragraph. It was too terrible.

By the way...

Van: Eh, Rachel prose RPs? (I knew the RP part, didn't know the prose.)

What other kind of RP is there? o.o (And don't say the kind where it's like a script, because to me that doesn't count. That's chatplay, not roleplay.) (Or "parchment-play" for those Harry Potter people. Gotta give them some credit for creativity. xD)

Also, I don't know why I keep posting roleplaying tidbits on my blog. Am I subconsciously trying to compensate for something?

Here, have some more of Rachel's internal organs. (LOL Van.)


Such a contrast between the city around her and the beautiful, wide sky above. One was dark and graffitied and downright depressing, while the other was... hm. Zoey tipped back her head and stared straight up, trying to find a word to describe the sight of the sky being painted a brilliant gold by the setting sun, as afternoon slowly slipped into evening.

Her fingers twitched over the guitar strings and she slumped further down the wall, ignoring the unpleasant squishing noise that signified filth smearing all over the back of her shirt. Her Psyduck stood in front of her trainer's crossed legs, staring blankly down the street with her tiny hands on either side of her head.

"Sucks not having a thesaurus around, eh Dictionary?" Zoey sighed, putting on an exaggerated pout in hopes that this would attract the duck Pokémon's attention. No reaction, as usual. The relaxed, cat-like smile reappeared on Zoey's face and she stretched a leg out to poke Dictionary with the toe of her boot. "Hellooo? Stop ignoring meee," she whined in fake hurt, but to no avail. "Hmph. Meanie."

She followed Dictionary's gaze and strummed lightly at her guitar, producing a soft, undistinguished sound that couldn't quite be defined as a melody. What was the Psyduck looking at? There didn't seem to be anything there, but Zoey felt too lazy to get up and verify that. She felt too lazy to move at all actually, but it wasn't like she was searching for anything in particular anyway. The world would come to her at its own pace, and she had no intent of hurrying things along. Nightfall wasn't a problem; she was decently strong and it wouldn't be the first time she slept out in the open either, even though this dark, smelly place was certainly a new experience.

It didn't matter. She could wait.


Apparently, some oddity up in the clouds had decided it would be hilarious to take her patient intentions a bit too literally - not that Zoey minded in the least. In fact, she was delighted at how amusing this first night in Avina City was shaping out to be, but held in her laughter just in case it would somehow scare the newly-appeared Slowpoke into running away.

Though after watching the pink Pokémon plod sluggishly along for a few minutes, she began to think that it wouldn't matter how scared it was, because speed was definitely not one of its strong points. "Well, what do you expect from a Pokémon named Slowpoke, Zo?" she lectured herself, shaking her head as if she were disappointed in her own obliviousness.

Dictionary, unlike her trainer, did not find the situation entertaining at all. As far as she was concerned, this pink intruder was interrupting her precious meditation session, and the Psyduck's particularly pounding headache that night did not do any favours to her mood. "Ugh... Please go away, hun," she groaned, blinking madly in an attempt to keep her vision clear. She spat a few droplets of water at the Slowpoke for further emphasis, but it wasn't nearly forceful enough to be harmful in any way.


... I keep thinking that "in any way" tacked on at the end is unnecessary.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Speak of the devil.

Fanderson has requested to see and "understand this fascination of Rachel's" (i.e. roleplaying) so I will post an intro of mine here because it just sucks that much - waitwat.

Ignore the part about Mightyena and Elite Four and Pokémanz if you must. Just pretend Mightyena's some huge, really smart doggie. |D


"Quiet, this place, innit?"

The large canine-like Pokémon lazily opened one eye at the sound of her trainer's voice and yawned, displaying an impressive mouthful of sharp teeth that glistened in what little sunlight filtered down to the forest floor through the viridian treetops. She whined in response and then extended a furry black paw at the redheaded man's coffee-coloured pants, now stained with spots of dark brown and green from sitting in the grass for the majority of the afternoon.

With a scolding "tch tch" noise, Sidney plucked his Mightyena's paws away from his pants. "Hey now, Glacia's already gonna have my head for gettin' all dirty," he chuckled, as if the wrath of a fellow Elite Four member was the most hilarious notion ever to him; he was never the type to worry about things, even if said Ice-type specialist was going to give him a good hard smack when he returned to Evergrande. "Don't need you rippin' up my clothes too, girl."

Mightyena sniffed and looked away, promptly losing interest now that it was clear she wasn't allowed to bother him anymore. Instead, she turned her attention to something of more importance - namely, the faint scent of food that her sensitive nose caught wafting from somewhere in the distance.

She abruptly leapt up and bounded down the dirt trail, retracing their steps to the lake they had passed earlier that morning and all the while smothering Sidney's alarmed calls with her loud barking. "Man, that girl just can't sit still," he muttered with a wry smile, heaving himself to his feet to chase after his overexcited Pokémon. "Eh, guess a little exercise in my vacation time won't hurt." A yawn, a quick stretch, and then, "Alright then! Now... Mightyena! Get back here, ya little rascal!"


Okay, to explain the rushed-ness at the end, it's because this intro (introduction, to introduce your character into the scene, for all you non-roleplayers) (I think you could have figured that out yourselves, but whatever) was eating up all of my muse and it was taking me an abnormally long time, so I just went like "screw it" and spouted some random crap to wrap it up. And it shows. Which sucks. Dx

So, there ya go, Fanderson. |3

Any comments, by the way? Does my writing style actually suck that much, Y/Y?



He then saw Lumera *doing what you chose* and decided to join up.

Intro done."


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Doh ho ho.


Oh my wonderful fellow roleplayers, I love you all so very much.

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