Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Because McCulloch extended the due date for our Family Studies proj until after March Break, I suddenly have a whole shitload less work to do today. Therefore I can finally find time to blog again, because I still have that lab report to do for science, and I feel guilty firing up my DS while I'm not finished (yet for some reason I'm perfectly fine with blogging when I'm supposed to be doing science... IT'S ALMOST DONE ANYWAY. xP)

The RS arc of PokéSpe is scaaaaary. o_o The combination of an insane Archie and an insane Maxie in particular is like, walking Nightmare Fuel right there. And people actually die. That includes four main characters. And it is quite unfortunate that the artist is a fan of horror and scary stuff, because some of these death scenes (and heck, even in scenes when people aren't dying) are f**king scary. (Although I'd probably find it even scarier if I didn't know they were gonna come back to life, buuuut...)

Oh, and there's murder too. And attempted murder. And a freaking little kid getting his head sliced open. And there's blood. And Wallace Ruby a whole shitload of people get beaten up. And presumably killed. And there's more blood. Urgh. And people say Pokémon is for kids? (Granted, the games and the manga are two separate things, but still...)

asdljflskjf. I should get back to work and spaz about my obsessions later, yeah? D:

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