Joannerface and Richerface are weeeeeird. ;P (Heh.)
... Does Joannerface even know this blog exists? o_O I know she knows Fanderson's blog exists, so perhaps she already found mine by the links. Or perhaps she didn't. I don't know.
Today, I heard the comment "too many nicknames". Perhaps it was Lauckerface who said it. I wholeheartedly disagree. :P
(By the way Lauckerface, you DO sound like Elmo when you try to sing soprano. Don't even go there, please.)
Today, we had a science test. Delby said it was supposed to be a half-period test, but most of us used the full period. (Wonder what would happen if he gives us a full-period test... D:) Also, we may or may not have a water gun fight in the forest and our own National Geographic documentary thingy at the zoo during the ecology unit. Fun. :D
... What would you do if I gave you a coconut?
It's a nice day out there today. ♥
In conclusion, status quo is good. And that is why my dad is going to buy me a new DS and English HeartGold on Sunday. Right? >8) -deflects any spoiled child comments aimed in my direction-
Claimkeycard.Com Bug Pour Acheter Des Habits Gratuitement Sur Roblox
Claimkeycard.Com Bug Pour Acheter Des Habits Gratuitement Sur Roblox
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5 years ago
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