Sarah came in here, saw my outline, and screamed. Now Angie's reading this as I type. NO SPOILERS GUYS. >:O
Yeah, I'm actually writing an outline for the chapters nao. O: Yayyy me.
Wow, apparently I'm torturing people by not updating and withholding the spoilers. xD
... Angie said I should write or she'll slap me. Onoes. D:
I wrote all that when I actually was at Sarah's house. That was yesterday. Twilight kinda sucked. The quality was bad. And it kept freezing near the end. (Which pissed Emi off soooo much. :P)
Yeah, I'm procrastinating on reading responses and pointillism, so this chapter's gonna be kinda bad, because I can't think straight right now. D:
Rachel has rabid fans. Rachel goes o__O;;; at the thought. Rachel does not want rabid fans. Rachel wonders what it's like to be J.K. Rowling. Rachel imagines she has even more rabid fans. Rachel goes ._."
Rachel should probably post chapter 6 before Rachel's rabid fans go insane. o.o;;
Randomosity Chronicles II - Part 6
"This is called the MYSTICAL NECKLACE OF TIME AND SPACE," Pikachu informed them after he slipped the necklace they found in the construction paper closet around his neck. Sarah stared at the bright purple heart-shaped jewel on the necklace. It was shiny. And purple. She liked that necklace.
"See," Pikachu continued, ignoring the fact that Sarah was drooling over the necklace like an idiot, "this necklace enables you humans to understand me. So no more random Pika Pikas for you people."
"That's good," Fandi commented.
"Now," Pikachu said after Thunderbolting Sarah a third time to snap her out of her trance, "it isn't ONLY good for communication - this necklace also has 1337 GODLY P0W3RZ. We can use it to warp to different dimensions and manipulate time."
"Ooh, then let's use it to get home!" Mich suggested excitedly. Pikachu shook his head.
"I can't control where we warp though, so we have to get lucky. Besides, shouldn't we find the others first?"
"I CONCUR!" Sarah yelled. Pikachu was mildly pissed off when he saw that she was still staring admirably at the necklace. He zapped her a fourth time.
"Oh by the way," Pikachu shouted over Sarah's spazzing, "I know that entire explanation is a total Tsubasa ripoff, but since the entire story is simply a pile of shit in prose, nobody really cares." He hopped onto Mich's shoulder and pointed forwards, arranging himself in an epic pose.
Skye prided himself for being able to escape any dire situation he might land in, with his SUP3R AW3S0M3 N1NJA P0W3RZ, but this seemed hopeless. Rabid fangirls had come after him before, but none of them could compare to this particular rabid fangirl who had him tied to a random chair in the Music Room, rambling absentmindedly.
"Z0MFGITZSKYEEE!!" she squealed excitedly, approaching him with an IMMA-GONNA-RAEP-YU-NAO-KTHXBAI look in her eyes. He shuddered and wriggled around, trying to loosen the ropes (that Angie somehow found in the back room) that bound him to the chair. He failed.
Suddenly, Angie froze.
Skye was confused until he heard it too.
"... Wait, so are you saying that they want to steal your wallet again??"
"That's Shandy!" Angie said, and peeked outside through the small window on the door.
"Wow, the Music Room again??" Rachel complained irritably, folding her arms. "This is like the eighth f**king time we've been here!"
She promptly hightailed it down the hallway with Sandy flying behind her, ready to give her the death poke of DOOM.
Angie watched this with amusement, but then something brown and rectangular caught her eye. It was Richard's wallet, sticking out from his pocket, and practically begging to be jacked.
She tilted her head, deep in thought, and then an evil smile crept across her face. "The wallet... the wallet! SKYE!"
Skye just stared as Angie tore off the ropes that held him captive. "You're a thief, right? Go steal Richard's wallet! And come back! I still need to raep yu, ya know."
"But what's so special about the wallet?" Skye asked, baffled, ignoring the second part. Angie shrugged.
"I dunno. But Sarah and Andrea were being all spazzy about it, so I wanna see for myself." She glared at him. "But no fancy escape attempts. Or you'll get the SUPER SCARY ANGIE RAEP PUNISHMENT! BWAHAHAHAHA!"
This particular rabid fangirl was not only obsessive, but also maniacal, Skye concluded.
Nicky stared.
But for once, he wasn't staring at either Nalini or Yuedi in a way that questioned their sanity. He was staring at the hallway, or, more specifically, the screaming group of crazy people running down the hallway.
Behind him, Nalini and Yuedi were still trying to beat each other up. (They were kinda failing, by the way. But that's beside the point.)
Van examined the book. It was shiny, and looked like it was in perfect condition. Definitely not from the school library, where the books get mauled and dog-eared three days after they're bought.
She bent down. She picked up the book.
When Van stood up, she heard a sound. Well, actually, a variety of sounds.
"Give it back!"
"Sorry Sandy!"
"Nicky, come back!"
"Oi, Rach!"
"Skye, I have to rape you now!"
"Nalini still wants to hear you moan!"
"Why isn't anybody calling out MY name?!"
Van barely had time to react as a group of people (who were all unfortunately taller than her) hurtled down the hallway straight at her. There was a massive collision as everyone collapsed onto a pile on top of Van, who yelled out many colourful words as she got crushed (like white and red and pink and purple... no, just kidding).
"VAN IS PISSED OFF AT BOOK NAO," Van screamed angrily as the Grumpy Bird book beaned her again in the chaos, this time on her skull.
Yuedi, Nicky, and Nalini were the last to arrive. Nicky and Nalini stopped and stared at the struggling mass of people in front of them. Yuedi did not.
Hehe... who said family reunions had to be boring?
By the way, if you're wondering where Andrea went, you'll find out. Soon enough. Hehe... >:D
RACHEL wat r u tryin to do with Andrea? What has she ever done tooo u? oh and thx again for including nicky there with me. I really appreciate thatt. No reallly.
Ehehe, LOVE. ♥
I like being a rabid fangurl, heehee.
ZOMFG SKYEEEEEE !!! You have satisfied your crazy fans, Rachness. TTVM =D
ha ha, poor van... go make out with chicken nalini!!!!!
DANA why the hell would i do that?
muhahahahaha! you suck nalini!!! now get off ur laptop so that i may blog to my leisure ... something smells like soup ... smells good ... o.o
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