Yeah. So uhm... HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D This is my first blog post for 2009! Yay!
... Nothing more to say on that. :P
I know, I know, I haven't been updating for soooo long. D: But... the whole holiday's been mostly like:
- Yay it's the holidays, even though I have a shitload of work to do for when we go back to school! Oh well, there's plenty of time for that, let's just play for now! :D
- There's still plenty of time for homework, let's keep playing!
- Hmm, there's only 1 week left... but 1 week is still a lot of time, so whatever. I'll start tomorrow!
- Oh shit there's 3 days of vacation left and I still haven't fucking started, I'm so fucking screwed! D:
Yeah. Wongies probably know what I'm talking about (and Mich, but that's not the point). I'm sooo screwed for that math projectamabobber that we're supposed to do for probability... that's sort of due on Tuesday. .______. And I haven't started yet. Project that requires thinking + procrastinating + newfound nocturnal-ness + 3 days including weekends which my parents will probably clutter up with shopping and other random crap = FUCKING SCREWED AHHHH
Mmhmm. I may be semi-bad at math, but I can do that equation. And it's not a pretty one. It's like one of those curvy graph thingies that they use in algebra. Eww, graphs. I hate data management. And geometry. Algebra is fun though. Well, up until the point where they shove a bunch of formulas in your face and expect you to whip out the answer for a question that's meant for people 4 years older than you in no less than half an hour COUGHkumonandparentexpectationsCOUGH.
... Run-on sentence, it burns. D:
I don't tilde or heartmark my posts anymore. (Probably to Angie's relief... but that's beside the point.) Oh yeah, the word heartmark reminds me of watermark. Isn't watermarking the thing where you put like a logo or a name or something on something that you don't want stolen? When I was small, I thought that they used water to stamp it on or something... until I learned that you can watermark images on the internet. Dumping a bucket of water onto your computer is... not such a great idea. Kids, don't try that at home.
... Rambling, shiny.
Why do people call paragraphs and collections of non-animated pixels "shiny" anyway? Well, to be exact, why do Van and I (grammar, HA) do it? o__O Pixelated hearts are not shiny. They are black and only slightly ugly. Well, unless you code the HTML or whatnot to make it pink or whatever. Pink is a shiny colour. Sort of. Depends on how you define "shiny". Also, why the hell did I just describe my pointless rambling as "shiny"? They are flipping letters in a text box. And in one of those kind of fugly (shut up Spellcheck, fugly is SO TOTALLY a word) font thingies that look really typewriter-ish. Well at least it looks kind of better than Times New Roman. Times New Roman is too... defaultish. Unless you're some kind of boring, uncreative, defaultish freak (no offense to those who are boring, uncreative, and defaultish, but not freaks) then Times New Roman... is a fugly font. Tis the cruel, cruel truth.
... Now that I read that over, it sounds absurd. Absurdity seems to be a specialty of mine. That may or may not be a good thing.
... I'm running out of things to ramble about. I think I'll end the first blog post of 2009 (and January) here.
Claimkeycard.Com Bug Pour Acheter Des Habits Gratuitement Sur Roblox
Claimkeycard.Com Bug Pour Acheter Des Habits Gratuitement Sur Roblox
[image: Alt/Text Gambar]
[image: Changer le port d'écoute du service Terminal Server...
5 years ago
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