Because I felt like putting a random and totally irrelevant title. Without caps too. Because caps are overrated, kthxbai. :]
Today was the spelling bee, but we 8'ers unfortunately didn't go watch it. Damn you, whoever is in charge of this thing. D: Nat (representative from our class, along with Van) made second place, after that Mars kid that pisses Fandi off in Chinese class. :D Third was Maddy... and when they announced her name on the announcements, we could literally hear the Sutherlandians screaming in joy from the other room. Good job Sutherlandians. xD
Uhm, what else. Swing dancing tomorrow. Yea. LOTS OF FUN FUN FUNN!~ 8D
Ah shit, I need to draw a turtle transporter thingymabobberthing for Monday for science project. D: I'm working with Andrea and Nalini by the way... someone needs to make sure those two didn't beat each other up. (Although I think most of the beating up part would come from Andrea's side. Just a hunch.)
Sarah's getting a bloggg~ :D This blogging thing is soooo addictive. And charismatic. :)
For Survival, we have to draw a comic depicting what we do in response to that freaky Pentacost earthquake that happened. Ohnoes. Also, we have a music project where we have to choose a piece of music and... write random crap about it. o.O And, uh... yeah.
Ohright, dance and health and reading responses too, nuuu. Dx I don't like school anymore. :(
On the bright side, I met a few mainstreams today in my usual fashion. I think Mackenzie was kinda freaked out when I suddenly came up behind him and hugged him~ xD Also, I tried to jump on Jeff. It didn't work. And I also tried to jump on Jason who had jumped on Jeff. That also didn't work.
You see, we're totally awesome when we mingle at recess. This should be a sitcom... CROSBY STUPIDITY&INSANITY FTW. :]
... Or maybe not. :P
In conclusion, you suck. :)
PS: Jks jks. :)
Also PS: The below statement is true.
Also also PS: The above statement is false.
Also also also PS: You still suck. :)
Also also also also PS: Jks. Again. :)
Also also also also also PS: ... I should probably stop now, shouldn't I?
Also also also also also also PS: Affirmative.
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Claimkeycard.Com Bug Pour Acheter Des Habits Gratuitement Sur Roblox
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5 years ago
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