Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Literacy test tomorrow.

But that's not important.

... It's almost April. April, May, June, vacation, grade 11. alkslhgsehehsfhldskj.

Today, I did something very idiotic.

There is something wrong with me.

Is there such thing as social anxiety that pertains to reluctance to mingle with others outside of class and also erratic behaviour when coming into close physical contact with the opposite gender?

... I feel selfish.

Half of me wants a hug, and the other half never wants to see another human being again. Or at least for a little while.

There is something wrong with me.

Can I just, like, hate everything that ever existed in the history of forever and be done with it?

1 comment:

[心怡] - vanessa said...

:( feel better soon.

The 'around people of the opposite gender' part, for you, might be androphobia? (fear of men)

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