Tuesday, February 15, 2011


For finishing all 24 of those stupid oxidation questions!~~~ 8D

... except not, because I can't figure out #7 for some reason. It, like, laughs in my face. Every time. HATE YOU TOO QUESTION NUMBER SEVEN. D<

Anyway, locked in and printed out course selections today. AP English, AP Functions, AP Bio, regular Chem (D:), Vocals, Issues in Human Growth, Challenge and Change in Society, and AP Psych. Four AP courses in grade eleven (and then four more in grade twelve, so far) should be a bucketload of fun, y/y. (Although it's better than what I had originally planned, which was three in grade eleven and five in grade twelve. Good thing that's not happening, eh.)

... I like how Chem's the only one that gets a further comment. I've made no secret of my distaste for Chemistry, yes?

... If not, then: ALSDJFALSDJF HATE CHEMISTRY. That is all. (Also, I'm taking it because I need to, because med school durr B|) (I'm not sure I'll even make it into med school in the first place. What. D8) (Anyway, if I somehow totally bomb med, then I could always switch my major to literature or journalism or something. Be nice to put all that flowery vocabulary and grammar rages from roleplaying to good use. 8D)


FANGZ said...

why am i under the impression you don't need to go to med school for psychology? I could be wrong. You should check.

mich said...

you go to med school for the intense psychology...like the one that you can prescribe medicine to ppls...i think the ones who just talk to ppl don't xP according to my chat with angie from a while ago

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