Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random babbling.

Sometimes you wonder what you want out of life. Sometimes you know what you want out of life.

Sometimes your heart tells you to believe an illusion... nothing more, just believe in it, and in yourself. And then you see what you're truly living for.

Even if it's not really there.

Hope, love, innocence, bravery... sometimes people lose faith. They see the world in a perpetual downwards spiral, humanity for what they believe it truly is.

Except... it's not.

To some, it's like a second chance at life, in another world with love and with purity and things people might call "corny bullshit".

Maybe they're right. Maybe it won't erase any broken hearts or shattered dreams or ugly truths... and it never will.

But to some, it's enough.

Even if it's not there, who's to say it isn't real?

I love you.


FANGZ said...

I love you too. That was deep. I was surprised and impressed. I might just turn that into a song. Maybe. Did Rach just have a revelation of sorts?

[心怡] - vanessa said...


The sudden appearance of "corny bullshit" was much appreciated.

(Love you too.)

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