Thursday, April 1, 2010

Creative title goes here.

^ That wasn't very creative at all, was it.

I knitted a lot today. (I blame family studies, which I'm too lazy to capitalize right now.) Also, my finger hurts. And IE doesn't have spellcheck, so no more red lines and telling me that Pokémanz isn't a word and stuff.

... I miss my Sims 3.

That was pretty random.

Ow. My right index finger gets all sore when I type. I have no idea why. IT IS A MYSTERY. D:

... The Cheshire Cat is adorable. D:

Me and Mich's French presentation today (shut up grammar freaks) was more successful than I anticipated. People found it hilarious. I saw Tony double over in his chair in laughter. I shot him a weird look from my position on the floor but I don't think he noticed. :P

... Red and Lance's battle theme is still epically sexy. I am listening to it right now. Although Green's Kanto Champ and Kanto Gym Leader themes are also pretty sexy. And his hair. I loveeee Green's hair. It's so gravity-defying and awesome. 8)

To the point where I'm wondering if it'll poke my hand if I touch it instead of flattening.

... 8D

I'm weird.

Although if you've been following this blog since (almost) the beginning, I think you'd know that by now.

PS. Oh, and also, happy April Fool's Day. :D

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