Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hwah. :(

ふゆやすみ, カームバーク! カームバーク! D: (LMAO Osaka)

... Yeah. Sorry about that.

I was going to write something relevant, but then I forgot what it was. >>

... OH. I remember. Yesterday, Tanyerson said that she wants to see me dancing to English dance songs, because she's only seen me dance to Japanese dance songs. And now I'm wondering if RHHS hosts a Valentine's dance...? (Although with the whole Valentine's Day theme, I think it would be a little off-putting to go by myself... ^^;;) (だいじょうぶですよ! だって, 月さん と ヴァルツちゃん と わたし は いっしょにだよ ね?~ ♥) (... does that mean I'm getting delusional? o_O) (And if the person reading this can actually read/speak/recognize Japanese, I apologize if my grammar is quirky. I'm still learning~ |D;;)

でわ, みんな おやすみなさいよ~ ♥
Alrighty then, g'night y'all~ ♥

PS. Hiragana does some weird shit with the font on this blog. It makes it go all squishy. Apologies for that. o_O

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