Sunday, January 31, 2010

Regarding having a life.

Rachel is getting better at doodling non-eye-raping fanart. Rachel is proud of this. 8)

Rachel has spent the past few hours sifting through 240 pages of a Japanese fanart website looking for quality fanart of Mister Walking Sex Johto and Sinnoh crap. And she's still not even close to done. 8D

March 14th, come faster. Rachel wants her HeartGold in English. :(

Rachel is going batshit insane. The frick is this. :(

Today, Rachel discovered that she likes eating cereal at night.

That will be all. Rachel will now resume not having a life.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Continuity, yo.

I have no idea when I'll stop fangirling via my blog. I think people who actually bother to still check up on these things are bored with it already o_O

As expected, Dad got mad at me when I told him my exam marks (which I'm not posting 'cuz they're too bleh D8<). Now he's giving me the cold shoulder. ;-;

And so, naturally, I went on an extra-squee fangirling adventure to help cheer myself up. :P And then I discover...


I am so doing that with my future boyfriend. Soooo cuteeeee ♥

(PS. Totodile, you're doing it wrong. |D;;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My blog has been taken over.

By Rachel's inner rabid fangirl, which came out again while she was playing Pokémon Platinum.

For one of the least important NPC's in the game, no less. |D;;

Buuut, the guy is pretty hot, so it's all good. 8)

Mostly in the fanart though. Not too crazy 'bout the official stuff. Blech. :P

And who is this new guy who has found his way onto Rachel's (ever-growing) obsession list?

... Not telling. ;D

Just kidding. It's Riley. The guy on Iron Island that gives you a Riolu egg.

Full story: While Rachel was training her 'mons on Iron Island with Riley tagging along as the stat trainer (taking advantage of stat trainers is soooo much easier xP), her overactive imagination started acting up again. Then she decided to search up some fanart of mister Sir-Aaron-from-the-eighth-movie-Expy (Rachel DARES you to say they're the same D<<<) and then it just went on from there. Yeah.

Rachel does not particularly like the name of the ship though. IronWillShipping. whut. xP

This is strange though. Usually Rachel squees over stoic, cold, rude, moody guys who are actually (somewhat) nice people deep down inside. (Waaaaaay deep down inside.) (Yes, Vaughnerface, Yuecchi, and Silver, I'm looking at you three in particular xP)

Butbutbut, Rye-Rye (lolwhut? xD) actually has social skills. And he's polite. And nice. Right off the bat. ZOMFG. :O

I'm going slowly mad, I tell you.

In other news, tomorrow is Exam Review Day. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU-

Although, granted, the only mark I'm actually stressing over is Vocals. Must not lose 99% average rawrrrrr D8<

Rachel will now go back to her fangirling heaven, brb 8)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Someone described Yuecchi as "dazzling".








Monday, January 25, 2010

Hehehehe. x3

Sakura sighed as the two held each other closely. She didn't get to use this card often, and she could feel it eager to help. "Switch the souls of these two, CHANGE!"

The young couple glowed briefly. Then they blinked and slowly pulled away from each other. The boy looked disbelievingly at his hands, while the girl dropped to the ground clutching her side.

"What the hell?! Why do I feel like I'm being stabbed?" Takashi complained.

Chiharu grinned evilly. "Oh, did I forget to tell you? You're going through PMS. Enjoy."

Takashi blinked. "You go through this EVERY MONTH?!"



Yukito gazed over Tomoeda as he stood at the open hallway in front of Syaoran's apartment. He held no reaction as a dejected looking stuffed animal flew over to him and sat on his shoulder. "No luck?"

"Sakura's asleep on the couch and none of the windows are open," Kero-chan replied.

"Don't want to wake her," Yukito commented, brushing his platinum hair away from his glasses.

"Of course not." Kero-chan huffed. "But how can we tend to her if we can't get in there?"

Yukito smirked. "Yue's thoughts on the matter would likely wake her up, but it'd certainly open the door."

"Oh, yes. Blowing up the door would get us in, and make Sakura upset," Kero-chan groused.


Tomoyo: (as narrator) 16 years later, the princess grew up to become very beautiful.

Yamazaki: (as queen) Princess! Oh, princess!

Syaoran: (from offstage) Yes, mother. (He stumbles in with his poofy pink dress and ridiculously curly blonde wig. Cue fairy-like music.)

Touya: (does a double take) THAT GUY'S the princess?! o_O;;;

Kero: (to Tomoyo in the control room) Ooh, he's looking pretty good!

Syaoran: (He sees Yukito waving in the audience and makes a determined face.) (yells towards Yamazaki) WHAT IS IT, MOTHER?! D8<

Kero: (falls over)

Yamazaki: Tonight is your 16th birthday party. Hurry up and get dressed.

Syaoran: (still yelling) YES, MOTHER! D8<<

Kero: (folding his arms and muttering under his breath) It's a casting mistake... =_=;;



I was just reading TV Tropes, and some troper said that this song from that horrendous shit-excuse-of-a-dub called Cardcaptors is pretty awesome. I was slightly curious to see exactly which part of Cardcaptors merits this description, and I have to say that the song is actually pretty good.

... Except that it's all wrong. |D;;

Dear Goddess, Sakura is not the "guardian" of the cards, that's Kero and Yue's job. Sakura is the goddamn mistress. This pisses me off not-so-very-slightly (and it gives me a reason not to call this song completely awesome. :P Honestly, the rest of the dub really is shit. You hate dislike what you dislike (because, according to Fanderson, I am incapable of hate xP).)

... Ahem. I really should stop rambling about things like this on my blog, yeah? xP I bet someday in the far future, I will come back and read this and think to myself "Gee, I sure was an idiot back then, yeah?" :P (Or, on the other hand, I might say something like "Ahh, good times," in which I would be retaining my otaku tendencies in that far future. Uhm. D:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today's suck factor has been upped considerably.

Exams start Friday. This Friday. The day after tomorrow.

I can't remember half the stuff we learned in Geo. I can't remember half the stuff we didn't learn in Geo but we have to know anyway.

Math is a bitch.

I'm screwed.

I think this is an appropriate time to say fuck you, reality.

PS. Today, Joannerface and Divya discovered my fangirlism tendencies when I am exposed to large doses of Vaughn being adorable. And then they were like "whut". ;)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I feel kind of old.

I'm only 15. whut xD;;

Happy birthday to me...? (hope that didn't sound too egotistical o_O)

In other, not-so-happy news, exams start on Friday. Geo exam + vocal exam is on Friday. Vocals I'm pretty sure I can pass with an above-decent mark, but Geo exam is clearly ohshit-worthy as of now. Math is next Wednesday, but it is also ohshit-worthy, just to a slightly lesser degree (in my humble opinion anyway :P). Fanderson suggested that we use all four lunch periods this week to study and review as a group; anybody want to join us in this oh-so-happy (not really) activity? D:

I finished the rest of yesterday's cake this morning. Hehe. |D;;

Three people spammed me with chocolate for my birthday (Daryna, Micherface, and my aunt on my dad's side, if you're wondering xD). Finally, my sugar is backkk~ ♥

Tomorrow, I plan on tying my hair into low pigtails. Or whatever they're supposed to be called. Maybe. Whether or not I follow through with that is still TBA. I may or may not do it if I feel like it tomorrow morning. :P

I managed to plow my way through five subjects (birthday, exams, cake, chocolate, and hair) without mentioning anime or fanfiction or tearing myself away from reality in any way shape or form. PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT YES

"Hoe" is pronounced "ho-eh" or "ho-ee" depending on my mood (usually the former), and it is often used as an exclamation of shock, surprise, or confusion. It does not mean "whore", as some folks are so wont to believe. Neh, Lauckerface? :P

"Hoe" was jukked from Sakura. Apologies for that~ ♥


Okay, now this blog post is starting to sway towards my usual Japanese/anime/fangirl tendencies. This may or may not be a bad thing.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I can't wait for Valentine's day~ ♥ And then I can't wait for March Break~ ♥ And then I can't wait for natsuyasumi summer vacation~ ♥ These little happy things that I'm looking so forward to are the things that always get me through the day.

すごいですね?~ ♥

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hwah. :(

ふゆやすみ, カームバーク! カームバーク! D: (LMAO Osaka)

... Yeah. Sorry about that.

I was going to write something relevant, but then I forgot what it was. >>

... OH. I remember. Yesterday, Tanyerson said that she wants to see me dancing to English dance songs, because she's only seen me dance to Japanese dance songs. And now I'm wondering if RHHS hosts a Valentine's dance...? (Although with the whole Valentine's Day theme, I think it would be a little off-putting to go by myself... ^^;;) (だいじょうぶですよ! だって, 月さん と ヴァルツちゃん と わたし は いっしょにだよ ね?~ ♥) (... does that mean I'm getting delusional? o_O) (And if the person reading this can actually read/speak/recognize Japanese, I apologize if my grammar is quirky. I'm still learning~ |D;;)

でわ, みんな おやすみなさいよ~ ♥
Alrighty then, g'night y'all~ ♥

PS. Hiragana does some weird shit with the font on this blog. It makes it go all squishy. Apologies for that. o_O

Friday, January 8, 2010

Enough of that.

I am eating a carrot as we speak as I type this. Carrots are delicious, right, Vaughnie? I SAID NOTHING.

Today, somebody had a seizure. It was some kid guy in Lauckerface/Fanderson/Micherface's business class. He may or may not have fainted. An ambulance came and hauled him on a stretcher and into another room so people would stop gawking at him.

Daryna was out for lunch. Micherface was observant enough to notice that this is the second time something bad happened at school while she was away. This may or may not mean something.

I feel like writing a CCS/RL crossover. The frick is this.

Some time ago, I asked Fanderson for a word starting with the letter A. She gave me apple. I never really elaborated on that idea with a HM fic, but now I may or may not do it with CCS/RL. Mwahaha.

What would happen if Yuecchi had the same reaction to sweets as Suppi?

I really should stop doing that.

Nine days to my birthday. ♥

Thursday, January 7, 2010


200th post is a milestone, I've got to say. 8)

Although it may or may not depend on how many of those 200 posts count as spam. xD;;

When I typed "spam", I thought of lunch meat. The frick is this. xD

... That seems to be (yet ANOTHER) new catchphrase. THE FRICK IS THIS. 8)

I should be sleeping. whut



I'm yelling at myself via blog. For the wholeeeee world to see. This may or may not be a good idea. :/

Today, I got better. I know this because my ridiculous appetite came back during lunch today. Then I did the beep test. Then I got a sore throat. Then I went to Vocals. Then I went to choir. Then I saw something that I really didn't want to see. Then I did something that I really should not have done. Now I feel sick.

And that, my friends, is the tragic tale that unfolded in this chapter of Rachel's pathetic, little, boring, fictional-character-and-anime-obsessed (I really should knock that obsession off, yeah? >>) life.


Unfortunately, I cannot.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh whut.

While I was doing my Geo homework, I almost wrote "Fredericton-chan" instead of "Fredericton, New Brunswick". The frick is this. Rachel should stop obsessing over anime and manga and fictional characters. This is baaaad. D|

The plot for RC Special (title jukked from Pokémanz Pokémon Special because RCIII is too long D<) is coming along slowly but surely. Maybe. Possibly. We'll see. o_O

(Maybe I shouldn't even name it after Randomosity Chronicles... it has practically nothing to do with RCII or RCI. xP)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

And yet another one... or two.

Because I want to take full advantage of my no-life-ness before I get hauled off to school again. >>



1. Vaughnerface
2. Yuecchi...erface o_O (that sounds awkward)
3. Kairi. (no clue why I suddenly remembered him o_O)
4. Trent. 'Cause his IoH/SI sprite is sexy as hell. AND THEN THEY WAVE HIM IN FRONT OF OUR FACES DAMN IT
6. Silver. He's just too adorable ♥
7. Fai D. freakin' Fluorite. (And yes, I know he has the hots for Kurosama, but... he's still pretty hot himself D<)

Would you ever date number 1?
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES - I got my point across, yeah? |D

Have you ever liked number 6?
Yeah, but later it felt kinda squickish 'cause he's more short and adorable and little-kiddish than hot o_O

Will you ever marry number 4?
Mebbe. If Vaughnie or Yuecchi or any of them didn't exist :P

Has number 3 ever eaten in front of you?
He ate a strawberry in one episode. Amu-chi fed him ♥

What would you do if number 1 confessed love for you?
ALKS*&@#IUF&*R#@*HF@*#RY*@#&$*#@H*@#&$^*&#@!!!!!! (if only D:)

Who would you say is the smartest?
They're all smart. :P I'd say Fai and Yuecchi are the most knowledgeable though (mainly cuz they're older, heh xD)

Would you tell a secret to number 3?
Sure why not. o_O It's not like he'd blab...

Would you ever trust number 2 with your life?
Chyeahh. He was created to be a Guardian, damnit. xD

Would you hold hands with number 5 for 5 bucks?
FWEEE yes. :)

If any of them sweet talked you, who would you believe the most?
Vaughnerfaissssse. Only 'cause Fai's homo, so I wouldn't believe him at all xD;;

Ever been on (or wish you could be on) a date with 7?
Again, he's homo. :P xD

Would you kiss number 2 for 10 bucks?
YAH. ♥ (Not that he'd be very... willing, though, I daresay xD)

Who has the nicest clothing?
Faiiiii. And Yuecchi. Their outfits are both pretty ♥
Vaughnie's cowboy-ness is more badass than "nice", so. xD

Have you ever liked any of them?
Pretty much each and every one of them. ♥ xD;;


You & your friends are trapped in the mall for a night whos in there with you?
1. Vaughnieee ♥
2. Yuecchi ♥ (noticing a pattern here? xD;;) (also, Yukito by extension ;D)
3. Shandershon
4. Lauckerface (LOL REAL PEOPLE FOR ONCE xD)
5. Micherface
6. Fanderson
7. Sakura 8D
8. Syaoran
9. To-ya
10. Kero-chan 8D

who is pigging out at the food court?
Kero-frickin-chan. And Yuki. And me. Who else? xD

Who is shoving clothes in there purse?
Pretty much only Sakura and I have purses. And we both have too much of a guilty conscience to steal xD

who is in lasenza trying on all the bras & is running around though the mall?
Ooh, me. FOR TEH LULZ, can't you tell? xD (And to see the looks on the guys' faces ♥)

Whos in cotten ginny acting like a grannies?
HAHAHAHAHA. <-- Ditto. xD

Whos in a shoe store re-enacting, "Shoes" by Kelly?
The frick? o_O

Whos in sears sleeping in a bed?
Me, dragging an unsuspecting Vaughnerface with me. >8D (And Yuecchi, if Yukito manages to stop eating and making out with Touya :P)

Who is in sobeys acting like a wild rockstar trashing the store?
Li Syaoran on crack I have no idea why I just wrote that. o_O

Whos in future shop jamming out to rock band?
Fanderson and whoever wants to join her, because according to her, it is "a pro game". :P

Whos in the pet store letting all the mice out ?
andrea, probs. (and the rabbits, and the hamsters, and the dogs, and the kitties... etc, etc.) <-- LOL. Same, 'cept maybe with Vaughnie? 8D

Who screams and jumps on the ceiling fan?
hahaha, jason when i try to greet him in my usual fashion. :) <-- LMAOO. Although I must say he's gotten a lot less dramatic nowdays. :P

Who jumps up thinking your gonna save them, but actually gets stuck on the fan?
haha, what? xD

Who puts on a blow up sumo suit & starts too fight?
fandi. 83 <-- LMAO. (And then Touya and Syaoran would beat her up with their EPIC MARTIAL ARTS SKILLAGES.) (And Sakura if she uses Fight. But she probably wouldn't. xD)

Who cheers them on?
everyonee, let's go watch fandi walk around in a sumo suit like an idiot!~ :D (sorry fandi, i couldn't resist :3) <-- LMAO. Go former self. xD

Who is making out with a boy manican?
you spelled mannequin wrong, HA. >:D <-- Ditto above. xD

Who is in Toys R' Us with a Hannah Montana wig on?
Just shove one onto both Syaoran and Touya's heads. They wouldn't mind crossdressing just one more time, nehhh...? xD (Although since they both possess EPIC MARTIAL ARTS SKILLAGES, that would probably be a bad idea. xD;;)

Whos in build a bear with the store full of stuffing swimming around?
DARYNA - wait whut. o_O
Me and Micherface? Stuffing's too awesome to resist ♥

Who's laughing because they're stuck?
everyone else. D: <-- haha, yeah D:

Who is in VIP Nails doing their nails?
HAHAHA nobody here is of that type, so. xD

Who is having a photo shoot?
Lauckerface and possibly Shandershon :P (although most likely not of people xD)

Who is playing Hide & Go Seek in Sears?
all~ hide&seek is funn :D <-- Mhmm ♥ ;D

Who is in the movie store, watching twelve different movies?
Fanderson. She loooves them movies xD

Who's having a fashion show?
Again, nobody of that type is present |D

Who comes out of Claires with at least three new piercings?
lolwhut? xD;;

Who is in the makeup store putting on makeup to make them look like hookers?
HAHAHA and no. xD

Who is starting a food fight?
Kero-chan and Yukito would be sad over wasting food, so no :P

Who's making dirty jokes?

Did you all have fun?


Mwee hee hee. My overactive imagination is running in overdrive. I'll stop nao. ♥

End of Winter Holidays. ;-;

As usual, expect Rachel to come to school tomorrow tired, grumpy, insane, fictional character-obsessed, and completely detached from reality. Perhaps my Shugo Chara will - oh wait, they don't exist. Damnit.

Yeah. Soooo looking forward to first day of school (and exams)... deshou? D|

At least I'll be fifteen soon.



Okay, I got bored. As final proof of the insanity that I have accumulated during the holidays, I will do one of those "pick a bunch of friends and answer squicky questions about them" Facebook quiz. Except most of said "friends" shall be fictional characters. (Not all of them, if I'm in the mood. >:D)

So, without further ado!

(PS. If you don't know who or what the hell I'm talking about, feel free to ignore the rest of this blog entry ;D)

12 Months, 9 People, 1 House
(#4 is yourself)

Pick 9 random friends (or fictional characters) you feel comfortable around.
1 - Vaughnerfaaaaissse. ♥
2 - Juliahhh ♥
3 - That sexy CCS Moon Guardian ♥
4 - Me, because the rules say so :(
5 - Shandershon, so I won't be alone xD
6 - Faiii ♥
7 - Kuropon, for teh lulz x3
8 - Dr. Trent. (... whut o_O)
9 - Kero-tan CHAN :)

These eight people (slash Guardians slash vampire x3) you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. (ALKJFO*W#$FOEIW^%*$@#UCDJCFO#&@$^*#UDVIHS*&#^R*& ♥♥♥♥)
There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up.
If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms. Who would be in each room?

Room 1 - Fai and Kuromin need their space. x3
Room 2 - Just shove everyone else in the same room, yeah? ♥ 8)
Room 3 - Maybe Shandershon and Julia and Kero can camp out here if things get too weird for them xD
Room 4 - N/A. Muahaha. x3

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
Me. And Kero. (YURERUUUUU, YURERUUUUUUU, SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING WATASHIIIII~ xD) (Yes, I just made a Tsubasa anime reference right there.)

If someone was considered the Dad and the Mom of the house, who would it be?
Fai-mommy and Kuro-daddy, DUH. ♥ ;D

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 8 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
Yue. The guy doesn't eat anyway. xD

If two people were caught making out in a closet who would it be?
Me and whichever hawt being (human or not) is unfortunate enough to have been standing closest to me at the time. I'm so evil. ♥ x3

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
I do not have to be watched while brushing my teeth. o.O T.T <-- I agree with my former self. Awkward turtle silence, much? D:

Someone's caught on the phone all hours of the night, who is it?
Trent and Vaughnerface, being the workaholics they are. D:< And then me and Julia would have to drag them away.

There were two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
KERO-CHAN!!! -insert Sakura rage here-

Someone's caught singing in the shower every day at 2 o'clock, who is it?
Me, with the aforementioned "YURERUUUUUUU" song. ;3

Who would hate being in the house the most?
Kuromyuu, def. xD Maybe Yue too, being the moody, crabby thing he is. And Vaughnie, following that logic. (I wonder if Shandershon would get sick of us all...? xD;;)

Someone took your (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
Uhm, whut? o_O
Only thing I can think of is Kero-chan jukking them for a makeshift pillow. But even then, that's a little farfetched. o_O

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?

If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
"Kurowanwan!~ Fetch, doggy!" "YOU BASTARD!"
Also, I would expect Julia to smack Vaughn around for being such a jackass all the time. And Trent to tell Kero off for gorging on sweets so often. And Shandershon facepalming at practically every beyond-logic thing that happens. ;D (although that's not really an argument, is it... xD;;)

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn't in the house with them?
Julia. The only one in this asylum HOUSE with a bf/gf/hubby (depending on the circumstances) outside of it. xD

You walked down stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, who would be the one dancing on the table in a leopard print thong?
VAUGHNERFACE YUECCHI Nobody. :) (If either of them did though, they would probably rip my face off before I could say anything xD)

A pillow fight broke out, who started it?
Me? Julia? Fai? |D

There's a marathon of your favourite TV show, what is it?

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
LOL "kid"... the three non-humans in this household are at least centuries years old xD
That aside... probably me and Julia and Shandershon and maybe Kero-chan if he managed to tear himself away from his food for long enough. ;)

There's a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house
lolwhut? xD

The music's too loud, who turned it up?

There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house.
a) Whos the one to jump into someones arms?
Nobody. xD

b)Who would be the one to kill it?
If anyone dared, Julia would turn them inside out.

Someone's crying, who is it and what happened?
Vaughnerface and possibly Trent, because I fangirl-raep'd them. |D (Yuecchi doesn't cry in front of others. xD)

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
Probably me. Love pancakes, can't cook. :PP <-- It hasn't changed. xD

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?
Kurotan, to Fai (not reciprocated though xD)
Also, Yue to Kero-chan (same thing)

Someone's tanning / burning on the roof. Who is it?
Nobody...? o_O (Although Yuecchi would most likely go chill on the roof at night... MOONTANNING LOL -shot-)

Who is the tallest in the house?
Kuropipi/Yuecchi. Can't tell who's taller. :P

Who is the shortest in the house?
Kero. He's a goddamn plushie. xD (if he's not in his false form, then maybe Trent, but I dunno :P)

Who is the loudest?
Me and Kero-chan and Fai. Because life is too boring without noise ;)

Who is the clown?
Fai. (Kero would be more like the chew toy. xD)

Who is the most respectful?
Shandershon and Julia and Trent, hands down. xD

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
Everyoneeee~ :DD <-- Yep. ;)

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?
Seeing as I'm probably the most dimwitted creature in that house, that would be me. :D

Who's in bed first?
Me. Dragging some hot guy down with me. ;) (LOL I really am evil xD)

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
Fai. Or me. xD

Who is always dancing?
Meeee. Dancing = ♥

Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them. Who is it?
Nobody in that house wears Aero sweaters other than me... xD

You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who is the first to slip on it?
Vaughn and Trent and Shandershon are smart and actually pay attention to their surroundings, so they would notice it and avoid it; Fai and Kurosama have magic skillages, so same thing; Yue and Kero can fly. :P
Which leaves me and Jules. The question becomes which of us is more ditzy xD (in the end, I'm predicting that the winner would probably be me. Unfortunately xP xD)

Someone is working out everyday, who is it??
"Working out"? o.O <-- LMAO. Naïve former-Rach is naïve.
Anyway, uhh... nobody, really. o.o

Theres a camera on the table who takes the first picture??
Shandershon. xD

If there was only one kind of drink in the house what would it be??
Quote Sarah: "BUBBLE TEA" <-- haha

Who would be always telling secrets??
Their own secrets, or everybody else's? D:
Only person who fits this trope quality (somebody's been reading TVTropes too much... @_@) would be... Julia and Kero? I guess. Not that they would intend to, buuuut... :P

Doneth. That was fun. 8D

Also, if you didn't get any of that, you could either painstakingly research it in order to understand what I'm referring to... or not. I think it's better for your brain and your sanity if you do the latter. :D ♥

Friday, January 1, 2010


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