Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh yeahh.

It's the beginning of November. Which means blogging goals. I SO KNEW THAT. D:

Hmm. Last month, I set myself the goal of posting everyday (which I recently dropped because it was getting tedious) so I need to set something more realistic for November. Uhmm... get an 85+ average on report cards?

... Impossible. Well, technically not impossible per se, but... I dunno, just not very Rachel-like. I'm like Shandy in the eyes of Fandi- I set low goals for myself, academically at least. x___X (At least I'm getting on Honour Roll. I WILL. JUST WATCH ME.)

Ughh, I'm already breaking the Rach-law of not talking about awards or anything until grad. Damn. This just proves how suckish Rach is at goal-setting and -keeping.

Yes. So. Back to November goals. Uhhh...

Rach doesn't know. Rach will set goals later. Rach wants to procrastinate on this. :/

I wanna go back to the fun times when we talked about showering and hair and oaky and fat water absorbing barney toys. D; (Haha, Jason and Richard might know what I'm talking about. If they forgot, then I'll gladly remind them again. xD)

Wongies had Art today, which meant PLASTER PLASTER PLASTER :DD Van plastered me today, and I had a nice little half-nappie on my pillow. :) Van sort of got plaster all over my hair, but tis okay, because after shampooing it 3 times, it came out. :D Also, my mask is really round, because I have a round face. :O

Goddess: You know, this would make a really nice moon mask.
Van: ... Really? I suggested a Teletubby.
Goddess: ... That works too. xD

Yay Teletubbies? :P

After reading Angieness's recent entry, I realized that people sometimes have something in their lives that is really significant to them, even though other people might go "meh" at it. Like, Angieness has Ayumi Hamasaki and marks/academic stuff, Amy has Negima and Japanese, Jesca has pie, Jason and Fandi have procrastination problems and also academic stuff, and yeah. (Oh, and Sarah has Michael.) (Jksjks.) Now I'm wondering what is my... I dunno, obsession. Hmm. Love? ... But love is wayyy overrated. Obsessing over overrated things is bad. :/

End random contemplative moment. (I sincerely hope that my dear readers did not lose brain cells from reading that. Rach is more suitable to hyperactivity than contemplative thinking. That's Van's job.)


I phail at overhand serving? :/

I'm getting bored now.

1 comment:

j said...

wow dude
dont overhand serve yet until you master underhand..

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