Thursday, September 18, 2008

Okay, here's my REAL post for today.

Yeah, got everything done in about 15 minutes. xD

Angie: -sees me with seaweed as my snack- GIVE ME ONE. >;O
Me: o.O No.
Me: o___O;;;
Angie: -steals one anyway-

Shandy and that Bethany person who sits behind me were trying to play Kronos at band today. Oh, and we learned a new song called "Pathfinder's March." It sounds weird, and it's in 2/2. D;

Our first Music Council meeting is tomorrow. :O Fandi seems to have some kind of biasedness against Derek, because she was talking about the "miss two meetings without legitimate reason and you get kicked out" rule, and she kept saying like, "Yeah, I just think that Derek isn't going to commit himself to this... I think Derek is just joining Music Council for the sake of joining something and isn't going to come to meetings... so if Derek or anyone else doesn't come for like, so-and-so number of times, then they should get kicked out..." Like that. xD

Uhm, what else. Tomorrow's our spelling test. D; I DUN WANNA FAIL IT. EVEN THOUGH RACH HAS BAD SPELLING. DDx

Hmm. I'm bored now. :P

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