Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yeahhh. We really are. T______T;;;;;;

And Castaway is a weird, sometimes really sad, and sometimes really creepy movie. ._. Or maybe I just don't like seeing blood and stuff. -shudder- x__X


Second stress night of the year. Whoopie.

...I'd better get back to writing that stupid essay.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm STILL sore. >.<

We had to run 2 laps today in Gym, as per usual, but I was still sore from Saturday. -__-;;; Meaning I died.

I only just realized that I hadn't blogged yet today, so I nearly killed my goal of posting at least once everyday. :O

Crap, I only have a few minutes left on the computer. xP Stupid new rules.

Andrea substitued for me at lunch monitoring, cuz I was still feeling weird from doing stuff in Gym that morning, and besides, she wanted to "sit there." :P After, I asked her how it was, and she's like, "Terrible." xD

That Castaway movie thing we have to watch for Survival is kinda creepy. Dx RACH SHALL NEVER BE A DOCTOR/SURGEON PERSON WHEN SHE GROWS UP. NEVER, EVER, EVER.

I'm boreeeeeeeed. -_____-;;;;;;

Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Sunday. Dx

I suddenly don't want to go back to school. ;o; OH WHAT TO DO~



I'm boreeeed.

I just realized from Jason's recent entry that I haven't written any poetry in a while. Hmm, let's see if I can just whip one up right now.

A Story of Procrastination

You hand me an assignment
That's due in seven days,
I don't want to be too stressed,
So I'll do a bit each day.

Six days left already,
And I don't have anything done?
I'll do it all tomorrow;
I think today I'll have some fun.

Tonight I'll do my rough copy,
Only five days more to go,
I still have lots of time left,
So I think I'll take it slow.

I'd better do something today,
My days are down to four,
But maybe I'll do it tomorrow;
Writing essays is such a bore!

Three days left; I still don't have much done,
But it's okay,
I promise I will do something
By the end of today.

Well, I didn't keep my word,
And now I'm getting stressed,
With two days left, I'll cram tonight
And simply do my best.

Oh dear, it's due tomorrow,
And I'm really getting worried,
I have to get this done tonight,
And I had better hurry!

I now give you my essay
And pray I'll get an A,
And from now on,
I will never, ever, ever procrastinate.

Meh. I don't like it. ._.

...I'm still bored. D8

Edit: Jason's response to this poem xD

Jason says (9:45 PM):

Jason says (9:45 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ] says (9:45 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ] says (9:46 PM):

Saturday, September 27, 2008


According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is very poor. People who score like you do feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are unable to control their moods. It’s hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions quite difficult, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having trouble offering support to others, likely due to the fact that they do not understand where others are coming from or they lack ideas about how best to help. Perhaps by working on your problem areas, you can become more confident in dealing with your own emotions and those of others.



Today was the first day of Bronze Cross. AND I DIED. ;-; STUPID @#$#%@*&$%@#&$%@ ENDURANCE SWIM AND HEAD UP FRONT CRAWL. T___T

At least our instructor, Eddie, is... interesting. ._.

Eddie: Oh, just to let you guys know, I might say some... foul language, so don't mind me. :)
Eddie: So yeah, we're going to be doing spinals and all that shit- er, stuff.
Even later...
Eddie: Okay guys, now we're going to- (notices something) CRAPPP. T__T
Everyone: LMAO, we're going to crap?? xD


Jason says (5:48 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ; ethical cell ] says (5:48 PM):

Jason says (5:48 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ; ethical cell ] says (5:49 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ; ethical cell ] says (5:49 PM):

Jason says (5:49 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ; ethical cell ] says (5:49 PM):

Rαcн [ survival ; ethical cell ] says (5:49 PM):


I'M BORED. I don't want to do homework. ;-;

Friday, September 26, 2008

PA Day.

Blah blah blah... played Sims 2 all day... blah blah blah... went to Chinese school... blah blah blah... didn't do my homework yet... blah blah blah.

Nothing to update on today. :/

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Parent-Teacher BBQ tonight.

Met Andrew, aka the No-Life Guy (according to Mich). xD He was there cuz his sister still goes to Crosby.

Me: Hey, you're the person who asked me if I was a guy! :P
Andrew: ...Are you? :O
Me: NO! T__T;;

Me: Is it just me, or do you look different?
Sandy: ...Yeah, you do look different somehow. o.O
Andrew: It's cuz I'm more wonderful. :)
Me and Sandy: -sweatdrop-

Nalini: Is it just you who came?
Andrew: Pretty much.
Nalini: What about other people, like Richard?
Me, Andrew, Sandy: Why would he be here? o.O
Nalini: You know, to visit Rachel?
Me: -promptly kills her- T__T;;;;

I saw Ramez too.

Me: ...You look shorter than you were last year. o.O
Ramez: ...Shut up! I will grow! I will! >8O
Everyone: xDD

At the actual session thingy:

Mr. Lew: Uh, yeah, in Music right now, we're doing-
-random announcement-
Mr. Lew: ........Yeah. Uh, as I was saying, we-
-another random announcement-
Mr. Lew: ._.;;;
Everyone: xDD

We got CLOWN MUSIC again in Band. .___. This time it's called like, ___ of the Clown (fill in the blank; I forgot what goes there xP). When we asked him why he likes clown music so much, Mr. Lew said something like, "Because of last year, you know? It's your fault! >8O" And we're like, "......o__O;;; How's it our fault?! D8<<" And yeah. xD

Tomorrow's a PA Day. That means I get to sleep in. ;3

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Post number 16! :D

Photo editing is fun. x3 The picture to the left is one I took at Scanlon of someone's burnt marshmallow (probably mine :P). This was when I was suckish at this stuff, so it's really simple.

I have actually set a goal for myself: to post at least once a day in my blog so it doesn't die. That, and not procrastinating on my homework. (I fail at the latter; I only just started my journal. D;)

Today was the Terry Fox Run/Walk/Thingy. We (meaning the Randomosity clique peoples) walked 2.5 laps. Yeah... not much else to say about that.

Hmm, I should be doing my journal. It's about how the computer made students be obsessed with typing things so they don't write good cursive anymore. BUT TYPING IS FUN. D:

(Btw, Van is freaking scary at Typing Tutor. O__O)

...I really should be doing my journal. Ciao. (Been some time since I said that, eh? :P) (CANADIAN.)

Edit: The picture screws up my post format. o__O Whatever.

Edit #2: Jason, in answer to your last comment- I was talking about Sophia who goes on my bus, not Soff Zhong. And lol, amazing war. xD

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Sleep-deprived. =.=

Sophia: Rachel hasn't said anything yet. She's like, thinking about something.
Kevin: She's thinking "I miss Richard, I miss Richard" >83
Me: ...... What the fuck. >.>

Seriously. Even now??


It's sad. Kevin (the guy who said that) can at least read music better than our Grade 8 trumpets. ._. And even then it doesn't sound as good as last year's people. =.= They need Mr. Lew to play with them so they get the music. Sigh.

I want to sleep. Stupid journaaaaal.... =___=;;;;

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm sleepyyyy....

It's only 5:15pm and I want to just fall asleep right here. Is that supposed to be a good thing? Dx

Something interesting happened in the computer lab today.

Us Wong people were in there researching for Survival, because the class that was supposed to have their computer period couldn't log in or something. So yeah, Mrs. Jensen gave us a free computer period. All was good, and then suddenly the Goddess Sutherland burst in with her minions class and started throwing what looked like pinecones at Ms. Wong the Force. The Goddess was yelling like, "YOU LET THEM HAVE SURVIVAL KITS!! RAWRRR!!" and the Sutherlandians were following her lead, getting all riled up over something that I didn't know at the time. :P

Later, Goddess Sutherland and the Force explained that Ms. Wong let us Wongies count survival kits and first-aid kits as one item, while Mrs. Sutherland disallowed that for her class. BUT... Ms. Wong told us that our two items of choice could only come from the plane, while that wasn't true for the Sutherlandians.

In the end, things were clarified, and the Goddess and the Force reached an agreement as to what the requirements are.

So yeah, that is the special event that happened today.

...I should be doing my lab report. D;

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogging when I should be doing hmwk/showering/going to bed.

...Long title. o.O

But it is so true. I really should be homeworking/showering/going to bed...ing. o.O

...It's 9:26 right now. Not THAT late, right? D;

I am so screwed for science. And music. OH WHY, MR. LEW, DO WE HAVE TO LEARN INTERVALS? DD;

...At least I have band/MTTBBQ/Music council to look forward to. ._. (Oh yeah, that reminds me, we need to think of ways to fundraise for Musicfest and stuff like that. I think doing bake sales and concerts that people are actually interested in are the best ideas, but... :/)

I'm getting into photo editing. :]

Mom is yelling at me to shower and go to bed. BUT I DUN WANNA. ;O;

...Screwed for Survival too.


Hai guyz.

I started typing up my lab report. SO THERE, STUPID LAB!! >8D

...But I'm not done yet. @__@


m i c h e l l e says (4:10 PM):
it seems like we like to talk about food...

m i c h e l l e says (4:10 PM):
a lot

inexistential.livejournal.com says (4:10 PM):
hehe, yeah

m i c h e l l e says (4:10 PM):

inexistential.livejournal.com says (4:10 PM):
and porn o.o

m i c h e l l e says (4:10 PM):

... .__.

I'm bored. Time to go photo editing.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well, for the lab report anyway. The lab report that I'm too lazy to start typing up because I just don't feel like it. xP

And Survival too. VANNN, WHAT WE DO?? D; (We have more than a week for that, but... it's not good to procrastinate. D8)


Durn. Math test on Wednesday. ;O; SCREW THIS.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Studying for Spelling test.

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:35 PM):
still didnt study for spelling though Dx

Jason says (9:35 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:36 PM):
too bad you cant quiz me over msn =P

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:47 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:47 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Jason says (9:47 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:48 PM):

Jason says (9:48 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:48 PM):

Jason says (9:48 PM):

Jason says (9:48 PM):

Rαcн [ hai-kitty.blogspot.com ] says (9:48 PM):

Okay, here's my REAL post for today.

Yeah, got everything done in about 15 minutes. xD

Angie: -sees me with seaweed as my snack- GIVE ME ONE. >;O
Me: o.O No.
Me: o___O;;;
Angie: -steals one anyway-

Shandy and that Bethany person who sits behind me were trying to play Kronos at band today. Oh, and we learned a new song called "Pathfinder's March." It sounds weird, and it's in 2/2. D;

Our first Music Council meeting is tomorrow. :O Fandi seems to have some kind of biasedness against Derek, because she was talking about the "miss two meetings without legitimate reason and you get kicked out" rule, and she kept saying like, "Yeah, I just think that Derek isn't going to commit himself to this... I think Derek is just joining Music Council for the sake of joining something and isn't going to come to meetings... so if Derek or anyone else doesn't come for like, so-and-so number of times, then they should get kicked out..." Like that. xD

Uhm, what else. Tomorrow's our spelling test. D; I DUN WANNA FAIL IT. EVEN THOUGH RACH HAS BAD SPELLING. DDx

Hmm. I'm bored now. :P

My first stress night of the year. D:

Wtf Ms. Wong. I don't want to take a bunch of notes on the Great Migration in one night. Dx And we have spelling tomorrow too. Screw that.

Last Friday:
Ms. Wong: Okay, I'm going to start the test now... [she's talking about the spelling test]
Jake: -raises hand- Ms. Wong, does spelling count?

...I should work now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yeah, I deleted RC from my blog, cause it was getting pointless. D;

We were discussing our singing at recess today. Apparently I'm an alto-ish, Van is obviously soprano, Fandi's tenor-ish, Jason's baritone, Mich is like... alto? And Andrea and Shandy are alto or something. We don't usually hear them sing, so it's hard to tell. :P

I dislike intervals. D; Mr. Lew tried to explain it to me personally cause people were recording in the back room and other people were... talking and playing cards, while I was actually trying to do my work. Dx (So what if I actually want to get decent grades!? Live with it.) I PHAILED. EPICALLY. (Now I'll probably remember how to spell "epically" for a long time, because Richard pointed it out to me yesterday that I spelled "epically" wrong in RC. :P Too bad I can't remember things like "apparently" or "relevant," even after sooo many people pointed out my typos for those words in the past.)

...I'M BORED. I finished my math at school, and I'm too lazy to write a good copy of the thing that's due on Friday right now. Dx Guess I'll listen to music or something. (Oh, by the way, teh Karaoke Queen requires some new songs to sing at recess. Suggestions are gladly taken. ;3)

Oh yeah. Angie and Fandi are unofficially the "Presidents" of Music Council, while Jason is "Vice." I stand in my position as "Teh Karaoke Queen", while Mich is "Photocopier". xD (That reminds me... we have band tomorrow. Marijuana Taxi time. ;D)


"You're a rapist! D;"
"T.T I'm not a rapist, I'm your rapist! D8<<"
"No! Stop it! Go rape Richard!"
"You're doing this cause Richard's not here, aren't you!"
".....-_____-;; WTF."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Survival!! D8

Jason says (4:49 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:49 PM):

Jason says (4:49 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:49 PM):
what about it?

Jason says (4:50 PM):
excited D:

Jason says (4:50 PM):
its like

Jason says (4:50 PM):
1 assignment per wek

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:50 PM):

Jason says (4:51 PM):
for 6+ weeks

Jason says (4:51 PM):
yu didnt know that?

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:51 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:51 PM):

Jason says (4:51 PM):
its gonna be really stressful

Jason says (4:51 PM):

Jason says (4:51 PM):
we need to know when ms wongs coming back

Jason says (4:51 PM):
cuz when she comes back

Jason says (4:52 PM):
we start survival

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):
survival = stress = no sleep

Jason says (4:52 PM):
no sleep = unhealthy

Jason says (4:52 PM):
= bad marks

Jason says (4:52 PM):
= more stress

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):
that's YOU

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):
and maybe fandi

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):
who you working with?

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:52 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):
you have to :D

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):
you working with tony right?

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):
and mich with fandi

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):
and shandy with... someone

Jason says (4:53 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):
i dont know about sandy

Jason says (4:53 PM):

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):
you know what?

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):
angie's with maddy

Jason says (4:53 PM):
me+angie = rivalry

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:53 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):

Jason says (4:53 PM):
double rivalry

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:54 PM):

Jason says (4:54 PM):
isnt that sad?

Rαcн [ Dx ] says (4:54 PM):

Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Conversations from Today

That I can actually remember. Dx

Everyone: o__O;;
Sandy: What is that?
Fandi: My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion! You know, theme of Titanic?
Fandi: Sing it seriously! D:<

Later, that same recess...

Me: When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you...
(Sandy and Andrea join in)
Us 3: When you're gone, the face I came to know is missing too,
When you're gone, the words I need to hear will always get me through the dayyyy...
And make it okayyyyy...
I miss youuuu~~
Me: Lalala, lalala, lalala, lalalaaa-
Fandi: ZOMGGG! It was such a serious song, and you just had to wreck it with your "lalala's"! D8<<
Everyone: LOL xD

It seems that a bunch of us have taken to singing karaoke at recess, simply because we're bored and have nothing to talk about. And to annoy Fandi. xD

In Music class...

(Mr. Lew is sitting at his desk, and me, Van, Sarah and Andrea are sitting in front of it)
Mr. Lew: (randomly) Rachel, do you still talk to Richard?
Me: o___O;;;; ......Uh, yeahh, and Peter and Lily and all those people.
Mr. Lew: Yeah? How's high school?
Me: Uhm, I think they said it's not that stressful this semester, or something. Forgot. :/
Mr. Lew: Oh, okay. Do you think they're going to volunteer this year?
Me: Well, Richard and Peter and Dennis say that they're going to volunteer... so yeah...
Mr: Lew: Are they? That would be nice, eh?
Me: (thinks of Randomosity Chronicles) Eh... x33
Mr. Lew: xD Eh, eh?

Yeah, he actually said that. xD

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reviews on Other Peoples' Blogs... And an added bit on mine ;3

Okay, so there are only two. So what?

Jason: arclithe.blogspot.com
A blog that actually didn't die over the summer. o.o Kuropuu err, Jason posts some rather interesting things, for lack of a better word. MSN conversations, complaints about homework and Sutherland, daily events... it's all here in a very Jason-like style.

Amy: kirakirakyukyu.wordpress.com
A new blog by teh Amii~ :D One entry as of now, but very... er, detailed and interesting to read. -shot- Updates on the life of a Negima-obsessed, anime-loving former Crosbian who accidentally speaks Japanese in French class. It sure is different in California than it is here.

OHYEAH. Added the Memorable Moments section below Archives. Will be updating whenever I hear something worth putting on it. ;DD

I'm bored now.

Technically, I'm supposed to be doing my Genealogy (which I'm actually not that dead for :D) or my Facebook journal thing (which I'm more dead for xP) but I just finished my spelling, so I'm bored now.

Dinner now, be right back.


So anyway, I'm writing here because I don't want to do my journal or my genealogy anymore, and I just want to... take a break, if you will.

...Then again, I don't have anything to write about. Sigh.

It's so boring on weekends.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Teh Rach has returned!

From the dead, yes. I figured out a way to make my account not screwed, so I'm using furkittie as my email address now.

Okay, let's start by summarizing this year so far. Me, Van, and Andrea ended up in Wong's and everyone else in Sutherland's, where they are apparently dying. Jason (and Fandi I think, not sure) are dead on their art and used their "freebie" extension thingy to finish. Tsk tsk. Not good.

As for life in Wong's... Peter says that Sutherland is the better high school prepper. I wanna be prepared for high school, goddamnit. >.> As he said, I'm "oblivious to school." Hmph.

Uhh, yeah. I'm like, dead for geneology, cause it's due on Monday and I don't really have anything done... so yeah... oh god, I'm probably going to have a nervous breakdown on Monday when it's my turn to present. Dx (Btw, geneology is this project where we have to research our family history. Ms. Wong said the presentation has to be 5-10 minutes. Wtf? How am I supposed to talk about my family for 5-10 minutes? @__@)

There's also this thing with spelling words, and this other journal thingy we have to write... this time the journal is about Facebook. Last time it was about listeriosis. Yeah.

Ms. Wong changed our seating plan today. D: Before I sat next to Van in the front row next to the side counter near the side board, now I'm sitting farther back beside Shannon. Jason and Fandi tell me to "learn the art of Shannon," but seeing as she got in trouble with Ms. Wong today with Michelle P, I don't think I want to learn her "art," thank you very much.

My back hurts. We had Chinese school today, and Fandi and Sandy (and Jason Q) are in my class. Yay.

Basic translation of what we had to do today:
I am: Zou Yu Qi
My school is: Crosby Heights
I like to learn: I don't know what I like to learn. o.O (aka, my favourite subject)
I don't like to learn: HISTORY. UGH.
I live in: Canada
My favourite colour is: Purple
I am a: Capricorn
I like to eat: Sushi
My favourite movie is: I don't watch a lot of movies...
My favourite book is: I don't know. Dx
I like to: Go on the computer.

My hand hurts. I'm going to stop now. :P
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