Sunday, February 27, 2011

Taking a break.

From my increasingly incessant ranting about school and work.

I have milk and cookies in front of me right now. I'm one of those people who don't like eating/drinking certain things in combination with others, which is why I never drink milk in the morning when I'm eating, say, scrambled eggs for breakfast. It's kind of disgusting. (Juice, however, is happily welcomed.)

On the downside, the milk is cold and it's making me cold. Yesterday I binged on spicy food at the restaurant and now I'm drinking cold milk that came straight out of the fridge and I think I'm really going to regret this when I get a massive stomachache later.


I think I got most of the choreography down. :D

Yesterday, Jacob and I discovered that BBCode works in MSN. Meaning now I can litter my MSN messages with italics and strikethroughs and all that pretty stuff without manually changing the font and ahmgggg ♥ (For the record, I flipped my shit out at this discovery with massive amounts of keyboard smashing. :D)

... Okay, I really am starting to get a stomachache. I should go put some socks on.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A day of unproductivity.

It is currently 8:32PM. I left the house at approximately 8:30AM this morning. I only got home about twenty minutes ago. I got nothing done today. Additionally, I got Japanese homework that is apparently being marked.

I mean, who knew you'd actually have to do work in that class, anyway?

Also, screwed for Science lab report. I actually have no idea what to write. HAZLEWOOD PLEASE LIKE MY BS KTHX

At least Ms Woo doesn't do homework checks. I don't think. I should do it anyway, or I'll be screwed once the test rolls around. ._______.

Oh yeah, ISP. And History test. And Civics journal response. KRYL PLEASE LIKE MY BS KTHX

Don't you just love it when you get work in all five courses you're taking?

At least I got to eat at a nice restaurant today.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Regarding teachers.

Today, I discovered that Ms Woo is a huge Mario fan. Apparently, someone cut in front of her while driving today—twice, in the span of about two minutes—and she was so pissed that she "wanted to throw a turtle shell at them. A red one, because those are the ones that chase you around. Or a banana peel." This segued into a (clearly very productive) class discussion about Mario, and she commented that "I kind of want to play now... I think I'll do that tonight. You know, just pull out my Nintendo DS, have a bit of fun." She also got defensive when she saw our clear amusement about this revelation, and she insisted that "just because I'm a teacher doesn't mean I can't enjoy video games! I can even bring my DS to school to prove it. I bet I can beat you in MarioKart. >D"

We did a lab in Science today. At the end of the period, I was rushing because I needed to get to Anthro and almost ran out of the room still wearing my safety goggles. Yeah, I'm slick. In the end, I basically had to run halfway across the room three times to fetch paper towels and clean equipment and give my textbook to Shander and pack my bag and replace the goggles and blahhh. Hazlewood was watching the whole thing and was deeply amused. ("You going to go to your next class with your safety goggles on?" "... RIGHT. Thought I was forgetting something. o.o" "|D That'd be hilarious though." "Thank you for your valuable commentary.") Coupled with my nigh inability to open simple things such as film canisters and oven doors, as well as my immaturity and hyperactivity in general, which nearly led to accidentally spilling six-molar hydrochloric acid all over Shandershon's hand (among other things) the last time we did a lab, I think it's safe to guess that he thinks I'm an idiot now.

Kryl seems to stare at me a lot when she gives lectures at the front of the room. At least, when I'm paying attention. Of course I don't do Science homework in Civics, what are you talking about.

... Now that I think about it, I don't know why Ms Woo is the only teacher to whom I refer with a title. (When not talking directly to them of course; bit rude to call teachers solely by their surname to their face. Even Delbi gets "Mr Delbi".) Maybe it's the slight similarity to Ms Wong. Although less so than Ms Wang, I'm sure. |D

Personally, I'm still not used to calling teachers simply by "sir" or "miss" unless it's a supply, and I don't think I ever will. On the other hand, the eleveners that surround me in Anthro all call Ms Woo "miss", so this may or may not rub off on me in the near future (in that class at least).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Regarding yesterday.

You've probably noticed that occasionally I have this random compulsion to post ambiguous thoughts on my blog even though the purpose of this thing is kind of to share my thoughts with the world. Which is kind of what I'm doing, except that nobody seems to get it.

And that's fine. I'd prefer to keep it that way, actually, since the thing I was referencing yesterday is... well, it isn't exactly something I should blab all over the place, to say the least. It has an alarmingly high potential for controversy and landing certain parties in deep, deep shit.

In short, forget I said anything. I'm going to look back on that post during my obligatory reminiscing time in two years when I graduate, and two reactions are possible: "Wow, I remember that... glad that drama is over." Or, on the other hand: "... fuck, I remember that. Why was I such a delusional freak again?"

I'm kind of hoping for the former, but...

In other news, my average in Anthro is currently 96%. I did surprisingly well on my essay, apart from my apparent failure of an introduction that lost me the only two marks I got docked out of 25. This makes me happy and also a bit annoyed at the same time. That possible 100% was right there, for Giratina's sake.

On the not-so-bright side, we had a Science quiz today and, alarmingly, I couldn't figure out the last redox question. After an enlightening conversation with Tanya after choir today (she also has Hazlewood, fifth period), I realised what I did wrong and it is like the most obvious solution on the planet I cannot believe I missed it and much wallbanging and raging ensued. I may or may not have scared Jacob with said raging, but yeah.

ALSDJFALSDJFLAJSDLFAF I just failed a quarter of the quiz because I was an idiot. ;-; Although, admittedly, it's better than thinking two times two equals two. If I somehow manage to top that one, I'm going to laugh. And then throw something. Very violently.

People are getting sick left and right. I feel like I'm getting sick myself, but knowing me and my annoyingly good immune system, the worst I'm probably going to get is a headache and being cold and some threats of throwing up during the school day. (This is endlessly irritating, particularly since in Anthro and Science in particular, you actually have to pay attention in class. Fffffff.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


of all people.

i can't do this.

do not even think about it, rachel. you're deluding yourself.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Apparently Ms Woo breaks overhead projectors a lot. She broke one in Anthro today, and also in her first period class.

Pretty sure Sarah is shunning me now. Other people were also shocked surprised by this development. I am genuinely confused; what of this merits such a dramatic reaction? o.o

Science formative quiz was actually ridiculously easy. It was slightly suspicious. (I may or may not have done something stupid and got marks off though. If it's because I can't add, I'm going to throw something. D<)

Base/acid reactions. I googled it after school today because he wasn't here to teach and gave us this worksheet that I don't think anybody could make a head or tail of what to do. Google gave me answers. Mind was blown. At first I was like "... @_______@" and then I was like "... OHHHHHHH OOOOO8" and now I'm confused by perchloric acid. Apparently it's like chlorate with an extra oxygen, and aqueous to make it an acid. I kinda get the "per" and extra oxygen connection, but... what? @_@

... I blog an awful lot about science now. And Anthro. Kind of ironic considering HATE CHEMISTRY but yeah. An improvement over endless Pokémon/Harvest Moon/video game/whatever spam, I suppose. |D

By the way, Kryl caught me blatantly doing attempting to do my science homework in the middle of Civics. She immediately launched into a conversation with me about something else. I don't think she cared. |D

Spencer: (walks up to us) Hey. Do we have choir today?
Jacob: o.o No, it's Tuesday.
Spencer: o__o Really?? It's Tuesday??
Me: (facepalm) No, Spencer, of course it's Monday.
Spencer: o_____o Wait, are you serious??
Jacob: Yeah, we were just messing with you earlier. It's Monday.
Spencer: So we do have choir?
Jacob: Yup, we were just on our way right now.
Spencer: ........
Me: ... xD
Spencer: ... So it is Monday?
Me: No, it's Tuesday.
Spencer: @______@ (to a random other person) Hey, is today Monday or Tuesday?
Person: Tuesday.
Me + Jacob: xDDD
Spencer: So... we don't have choir?
Me + Jacob: No. xD
Spencer: Okayyy. I suppose you guys enjoyed that bit of fun at my expense, huh? =3=;;

Sunday, February 20, 2011

tic tac.

^Apparently it's supposed to be stylized like that. Personally, I love stylizing words with all lowercase letters. I don't know why, but I find it kind of pretty. :D

Listening to Taylor Swift's "Mine" for like the tenth time in a row. Still not sick of it. Is this a miracle?

Civics project is done, Anthro thesis thing for ISP may or may not be done (ever since she called me up in the middle of class and basically told me that my essay wasn't a proper essay, I'm all paranoid of doing it wrong again and now I'm majorly stressed. Over a thesis statement for Giratina's sake @_@), last Science question/conclusion is being stupid (copper chloride/magnesium ribbon, go die D<), and we presented History on Friday meaning no homework for that. Yay.

... I'm actually in pretty good shape, now that I think about it. o.o Perhaps I will have time to write a bit this long weekend. ♥

PS. You've probably noticed that I'm updating a lot more frequently and with decently-sized, real-life-relevant content now. I shall try to maintain this trend, because now my blog is starting to become an actual blog and not just a wasteland of fangirly crap. |D;

Saturday, February 19, 2011

... Or maybe not.

Burning the copper wire or the magnesium ribbon can't possibly be a combustion reaction because neither has both hydrogen and carbon. I don't think. So that hypothesis was totally wrong. ._.

How to write an acceptable thesis? My essays apparently suck. I'm better at creative writing. D8

Richerface asked me via commenting on my last post why I don't like fire. I'm not quite sure how to answer that. I mean, I guess the primary reason is because it's dangerous, but that doesn't really explain why I'm afraid of a mere Bunsen burner flame or even the stove in my own house (seriously). Yes, I realise it's irrational and could possibly be labeled pyrophobic/arsonphobic, but I'm not that worried since it's not severely interfering with my life or anything, I don't think. I mean, I don't particularly like using the stove, but I still can (and have in the past) used the front burners (reaching over an open flame to get to the back burners freaks me out though). And besides, it's not like I'm afraid of heat or the stove itself or anything; the fact that I bake occasionally should be sufficient enough proof of that. It's just the flames that I want to stay faaar away from.

... Blehh, hate Chemistry. :c

Friday, February 18, 2011


We talked about them in Anthro today. Apparently Ms Woo has two older brothers.

Dude: Did you ever fight with them?
Woo: Oh yeah, definitely. I mean, never physically, but verbally, you know? We used to scream at each other a lot... sometimes I threw stuff at them.
Everyone: xDDD
Dude: Yes miss, because that's not physical at all.
Woo: Well, there was a distance, you know! So it doesn't count!
Girl: "The chair was all the way over there, mommy!"
Woo: Well no, I never threw a chair at them... I did throw a ladle at my brother once though. I think that's the worst I've ever done.
Girl: Why would you do that?? xD
Woo: I don't know, I just remember that he was like, provoking me and making me really angry about something. And then I threw the ladle.
Girl: Did he stop after?
Woo: Yeah. |3

Today in Science, we were doing a lab. I rediscovered my fear of Bunsen burners (and fire in general, really). I mentioned this to my parents later this evening but they weren't surprised; apparently I've been afraid of fire ever since I was little. (They even said I refused to sleep by myself in my own room for months because I was so paranoid of the house spontaneously combusting for some reason.)

In any case, this is a problem, considering I'm planning on taking Chem all the way till grade twelve and chances are those Bunsen burners are going to pop up again. With alarming frequency. What do.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitten in a washing machine.

Who does that? D<

Movie was fun. Dinner was fun. Conversation afterwards out in the freezing cold about video games and life was the best. ♥ (For the record, I didn't notice any coffee aftertaste. Hm.)

(... but then again, I was probably terrible. Deepest apologies for that. ;-;)

And before I forget, here's another lovely little tidbit from science class (which I seem to talk about quite often... well, it's the most interesting class of my day, so makes sense |D):

Michael: (randomly in class) Mr Hazlewood, what colour are your eyes?
Hazlewood: o.o Why do you need to know?
Michael: Just wondering.
Everyone: ..........
Michael: Are they green?
Hazlewood: No.
Michael: Are they hazel? O:
Hazlewood: ... Actually, yeah. |D
Everyone: LOOOL GJ
(Michael and Mich P, who's sitting beside him, start spazzing at each other)
Hazlewood: You know Michael, I won't lie, I'm a little weirded out by that question.
Michael: Well I'm sorry, we were having a bet!

Me: (panicking over Anthro test during transition time to Science) I HAVE A TEST NEXT PERIOD I HAVE A TEST NEXT PERIOD WHAT DO I DO
Shandershon: Calm down! And it's not next period, it's the period after that.
Me: What are you talking about? It's period three already.
Shandershon: No it isn't, it's transition time.
Me: That still counts!
Shandershon: No it doesn't!

(Later, at the end of Science)

Shandershon: (towers over me like the intimidating thing she is) Dude, I had Travel and Tourism last semester! Calm down!
Shandershon: RACHEL! First of all, CALM DOWN.
Me: O_O (salutes) YES MA'AM.
Shandershon: You're going to do fine! Now go, before you're late.
Me: (salutes again) YES MA'AM. (runs off)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


For finishing all 24 of those stupid oxidation questions!~~~ 8D

... except not, because I can't figure out #7 for some reason. It, like, laughs in my face. Every time. HATE YOU TOO QUESTION NUMBER SEVEN. D<

Anyway, locked in and printed out course selections today. AP English, AP Functions, AP Bio, regular Chem (D:), Vocals, Issues in Human Growth, Challenge and Change in Society, and AP Psych. Four AP courses in grade eleven (and then four more in grade twelve, so far) should be a bucketload of fun, y/y. (Although it's better than what I had originally planned, which was three in grade eleven and five in grade twelve. Good thing that's not happening, eh.)

... I like how Chem's the only one that gets a further comment. I've made no secret of my distaste for Chemistry, yes?

... If not, then: ALSDJFALSDJF HATE CHEMISTRY. That is all. (Also, I'm taking it because I need to, because med school durr B|) (I'm not sure I'll even make it into med school in the first place. What. D8) (Anyway, if I somehow totally bomb med, then I could always switch my major to literature or journalism or something. Be nice to put all that flowery vocabulary and grammar rages from roleplaying to good use. 8D)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Balancing chemical equations.

It is confusing. Refuse. D<

Also, I tried googling redox-or-something-or-other (the thing we're going to learn tomorrow) and my brain got extremely muddled after skimming through a few results. I am so confused now.


We got our ISP project/essay in Anthro already. What.

Basically, we have to write a research essay (research, not opinion) about an issue relating to social sciences/humanities. I chose gender roles, because it's interesting and I want to learn how to write trap characters better because they're fascinating.


It seems that so many people hate Valentine's Day. o.o I mean, even if you're single (and especially if you're single), doesn't that just mean you're allowed to express love for everyone without people going like "OMG YOU'RE SUCH A CHEATER!" or whatnot? Also, for me at least, giving tons of people Valentine's gifts (read: cookies) is a lot more fun than just giving one person. I like mass gift giving, and it also gives me an excuse to give things to certain people where it would otherwise probably be awkward and/or suspicious. But that's neither here nor there.

... Right, should be working.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

... Oh snap.

^My reaction upon seeing several of my heart cookies coming out horrendously deformed.

This time I only bothered decorating the teachers' because I was lazy and I didn't want to waste too much decorating gel. xD

Bennett: I tried drawing a cannon, since we're studying the world wars and all that. It does not look like a cannon. It looks like... a blob with a circle at the end. And then another circle on the other end. What.

Hazlewood: I honestly had no idea what to put on his, and so I was raging over my science notes trying to find something witty to spell out with the periodic table of elements or something (sorta like the "I ate some pie" math button). And then, after much raging, I noticed that I could spell out "oh snap" with elements (hydroxide + sulphur + sodium + phosphorus), which actually made sense because his cookie was one of the more terribly deformed ones. =3=;;

Woo: Planned on drawing a silhouette of a human head with a brain inside. I drew the outline of the head... and then realised it didn't look like a head at all. I even held it up to my dad and asked him what it looked like to him, and he was like, "........... nothing?" Cue headdesking. (The brain didn't come out that well either. @_@ I'm going to have to elaborate to her tomorrow about what exactly the thing on her cookie is, because I don't think she'll get it otherwise. At all.)

Kryl: Probably the easiest, I just put a little maple leaf and coloured it in (because the gel was red durr). I was originally going to draw the entire Canadian flag, but there wasn't enough space. |D

I made 37 cookies in all, including the ones for my teachers. This puts me at 4 cookies short, which is unfortunate. Ah well, least I tried. |D

(Also, dad now wants me to bake cookies again tomorrow for our family to eat. But I has Anthro to study for and possibly history proj to finish and whatever other homework I get tomorrow. WHAT DO.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I should be doing my Anthro essay right now, particularly since our group has History to work on tomorrow and then I have cookies to bake for Valentine's Day, but SCREW WORK.

I discovered the movie "The Professional". I kind of want to see it, except that it is excessively violent. My dad would probably like it.

It is nearly Valentine's Day. Yesterday in Civics, we (meaning Wendy, Shawney, Ocean, Happy and I) were talking about presents for boyfriends people (I think Ocean is the only one with an actual boyfriend =3=;;) and Ocean got Happy to write "Happy Valentine's Day" in Chinese so she could copy it. Aww~ x) ♥ (I should find out how to write "Happy Valentine's Day" in Japanese or something for next year or whenever I get into a relationship. Screw Chinese. :D /brick'd)

But seriously, I really want to bake cookies to give to people on Monday. Since I don't have a "Valentine" (for some reason using that word to describe a person makes me feel weird o.o) I'll just express my ~*~undying wub~*~ for everyone. xD

Counting time! Okay lessee (bonus points if I can refer to people by nicknames? 8D): Shandershon, Lauckerface, Fanderson, Micherface, Penguinface, Richerface, Joannerface, Tanyerson, Sarserson, Wenderson, Danerface, Darynaface, Tracy (... it feels so weird calling people all these weird nicknames and then suddenly reverting back. xD Tracerson? I dunno.), Ocean, Shawney, Happy (because I would feel bad if I gave Wenderson a cookie in Civics and then ignored the other three |D), all four of my teachers, Ms C if I see her around, and maybe about 15-20 extras for miscellaneous people whom I may have forgotten and/or who simply come over and bother me relentlessly for a cookie. There will probably be a lot of these miscellaneous people.

That totals to about 41 cookies. I have my work cut out for me.

... But before any of that baking I GOTTA FINISH THIS ANTHRO ESSAY GRARGHHHHH

Friday, February 11, 2011

Science class.

It is hilarious. And absolutely awesomesauce. WHITEBOARD GAME FTW

We should all like take AP Bio and be in Hazlewood's class next year y/y 8D

Michael: Mr Hazlewood, the stapler's not working.
Michael: I didn't break your stapler, your stapler broke my project! B|
Hazlewood: The hell... >B|
(While he's trying to fix the stapler, someone yells to Michael from across the room)
Michael: (yelling back) I'm coming okay? Control your hormones, god!
Hazlewood: Hey. B|
Michael: What? I'm telling them to calm down.
Hazlewood: Yes, but, school appropriate conversation. (puts down stapler and begins to leave the room)
Michael: Hey, where are you going?
Hazlewood: To find another stapler. Hopefully one you won't break. >B|

Me: (doing a partner evaluation) Shandershon, DID YOU FOLLOW PROPER LAB SAFETY PROCEDURES. O:
Shandershon: OFC.
Hazlewood: (overhearing us) Actually no, 'cause technically you're supposed to wear safety goggles when handling chemicals. But that doesn't really matter today, so.
Chadwick: (overhearing him) But, how could we even get to the goggles? They're locked up! D< (points accusingly to the safe box thing holding the safety goggles)
Hazlewood: ... (walks over and easily swings open the safe, all the while completely deadpan) B|
Chadwick: ...
Hazlewood: ... (sigh.)
Me + Shandershon: xDDD
Chadwick: Well, one lesson to learn from this: whenever you see a safe in this school, try opening it before assuming it's locked.

Hazlewood: (seeing me holding the paper like two centimetres from my face while trying to read it) ... You really should get your glasses back soon.
Me: Yes, I really should. You'd think? |D
Hazlewood: When are you getting them back?
Me: "Sometime soon", according to my parents.
Hazlewood: (rolls eyes, very sarcastically) Pfft, "sometime soon". Yes, of course. |D

Elaboration on that last one: one of the side thingies on my glasses snapped off last night, because the little screw that was holding it to the frame somehow got loose and fell off and got lost on the floor. And my parents conveniently couldn't find an old pair of mine until this evening, after I had to go through an entire day of school seeing fuzzy blobs everywhere. Which was absolutely lovely. At least I had help from seatmates, so thanks guys (mostly Shandershon)~ |3 ♥

Thursday, February 10, 2011


maybe i shouldn't have done that.

i have a stomachache. i have an essay to finish by tomorrow. i have a report to finish by saturday. i have a history project to do on monday. i have a quiz to study for by monday. i have a unit test to study for by wednesday. i have courses to pick by wednesday. i have a song to learn by thursday. i have volunteer work to look for. i'm beginning to have a headache. i want to sleep.

hello reality, how are you today?

fuckin' hell.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mood whiplash.

You see that post below this one? It seems all nice and normal and happy, right?

Just now, my parents came in and started lecturing talking to me about course selection and volunteering and blah blah, and my dad was all "NO YOU CAN'T TAKE AP PSYCHOLOGY IN GRADE 12 BECAUSE IT WILL BRING DOWN YOUR AVERAGE AND YOU CAN ALWAYS STUDY THAT WHEN YOU GET TO UNIVERSITY" and my mom was all "YOU HAVE TO APPLY TO A BILLION DIFFERENT VOLUNTEERING PROGRAMS SO YOU CAN GET A BILLION HOURS AND UNIVERSITIES WILL BE FLOCKING TO YOU WITH ACCEPTANCE LETTERS AND EVERYTHING WILL BE RIGHT IN THE WORLD" and I got all frazzled and then I read Jason's not-so-happy post just now and now I'm in a bit of a disheartened mood.

tl;dr -- presently I'm not nearly as cheerful (or normal, or whatever you want to call it) as I was a few hours ago. Not nearly.

One of the things I used to love to do back in grade seven and eight was sift through quote sites and collect my favourite quotes on a word document, and pull that up whenever I was in a particularly disheartened/sentimental/nostalgic/idealistic mood. I hadn't touched that document for more than a few months now—maybe even a year, I'm not sure—but since I wasn't feeling all that chipper I found it in my files and figured, why the hell not. And I took a look through it again for the first time in a long while.

So if you're in a particularly vindictive and/or downcast state of mind as well, particularly with course selection looming over our heads... I decided to share some of these, because I think we should all take the time out of our lives once in a while to step back, look at ourselves, look at the world, and just try and tilt our heads a bit and see things from a different perspective. These quotes are like my life philosophies of sorts, so you get a bit of a peek into what goes through my head on a daily basis as well. (If, on the other hand, you find these corny and hilarious, that's okay too. I don't mind being corny and hilarious; on the contrary, these kinds of things are probably one of the best ways to cheer myself up, however lame that sounds. Even though this post is meant to be one of the more serious and contemplative on this blog (granted, that's not saying much considering what I usually dump on here), it's fine if you find a bit (or a lot) of humour in some of these. Or all of them. x3)

"Dance like no one is watching, love like you'll never get hurt, sing like no one is listening, and live like it's heaven on earth."

"If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless."

"I keep on thinking things will never change
That things will always remain the same
But when we leave this year, we won’t be coming back
No more hanging out ‘cause we’re on a different track
As we go on, we’ll remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We’ll all still be friends forever."

"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, who could always brighten up a day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a hundred reasons to smile."

"Sometimes you just want to put other people's happiness before yours, because you love them, because they deserve it. Sometimes you want to go out of your way for other people just because you know that it's important that they get a chance to smile once in a while."

"Hugging is the ideal gift. Great for any occasion, fun to give and receive, shows you care, comes with its own wrapping and, of course, is fully returnable. Hugging is practically perfect. No batteries to wear out, inflation-proof, nonfattening, no monthly payments, theft-proof and nontaxable."

"We’re all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness and call it love."

"If you want to see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot do."

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

"He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still, sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin meant. That knowing is better than wondering. That waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst, most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying."

Yay for avoiding work!

(At the dinner table, parents + grandma + aunt are talking in Chinese. I manage to catch a few words here and there.)
Me: (hearing them talk about aunt's (non-existent) kids) Are you talking about kids?
Mom: Yeah. Did you know, we can predict how many kids you're going to have?
Me: What, you mean with that weird... hand... game... thing? Didn't you do that on me once?
Mom: ... I think we did.
Me: Yeah... didn't I get like, four or something?
Aunt: (looks at me incredulously) xDDD
Dad: What?? Wasn't it only three?
Me: Close enough.
Grandma: Wait—why would you predict her?? She's not even married yet!
Mom: (indicating aunt) She's not married either. xD
Grandma: Look at her age, and look at her age! There's a difference!

For the record, my aunt is at the most only three or four years younger than my dad. At the most. I think she's older than that.

In other news, I have a half-eaten mostly-eaten piece of KitKat bar in my bag at the moment. Blame Jacob for distracting me so much that I absentmindedly ate approximately 80% when I was originally planning to eat most of it at home. :c

... I think I'll get that out right now, actually. Even though I just ate dinner.

Back. Yum, chocolate. ♥

So, now that I've got a nice piece of chocolate bar on the desk beside me, time to resume our regular schedule.

Anthro feels vaguely like what university might be like. Lots of note-taking and sitting and listening and occasionally hilarious activities. Also, I've discovered that our class either doesn't like to share stuff, or doesn't have a clue how to answer most of her questions because they're only taking this as a BS course even in Grade 11. Perhaps it is a mix of both. But either way, this is a typical day in our Anthro class, about two or three times a class:

Woo: (hands out an information sheet) Alright guys, who wants to read?
Woo: ...
(moar crickets)
Woo: ... Nobody? :c

And she just ends up reading the thing herself. |D

Similar thing happens with asking/answering questions, but usually after a long silence, a single person just goes like "screw it" and throws out an answer just to get the class moving along. We're such good students y/y. |D

When she asks for one word answers and stuff though, nobody bothers with hands. Usually we just shout out random stuff.

And there is a little excerpt on what my week-and-a-half-long-so-far Grade 11 Anthro class is like. Apparently very weird.

I have to write a report for Japanese class. In English. An interpretation of the Japanese song we're doing for our karaoke project.

On the upside, PRESENTATIONS ARE THIS SATURDAY!~~~ ♥ So pumped to get up and sing and dance in front of a class again, even if the rest of my Japanese class isn't. (I think I'm still the only one who doesn't view this project as dawn of the apocalypse or something, which I find kind of sad.)

I have to learn my part for Hide and Seek for Vocal Fusion. By tomorrow. When I only learned of this lovely development yesterday. This is a problem.

It is extremely difficult to decipher the second soprano part from the piano mp3 file that we were provided with. If I can't get it, then I guess I'll have to skip over those parts and ask tomorrow. Bleh.

Also, we're going to have Wednesday rehearsals and also dinner rehearsals, extending till 7PM what is this i don't even. Hopefully I will not get a shitload of work to do in March/April or I am majorly screwedddd.

... Ew co-op app. Ew Anthro essay. Ew Japanese report. Ew learning new music. (Yay Kryl apparently not being present for the rest of the week and leaving us with approximately 20 minutes of work to do each day in the span of an hour-and-fifteen-minute period. I mentioned this to my dad and he has also gotten the impression that Civics is boring.)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blurb of the day.

During my Japanese oral exam:

Me: I really hate math. D< (flames math for a bit) Teacher, what's your favourite subject?
Teacher: Actually... it's math. xDD

Friday, February 4, 2011


"Hurry up, you need volunteer hours and you need to do them soon or you won't graduate and you won't get a good job and make enough money and you'll have to spend the rest of your life as a poor hobo working at McDonald's—"



(... Sorry for the capsrage and the complaining. But when you get something like this every single fucking day, there comes a point where it just starts to piss you off.)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year!

We ate dumplings for dinner tonight. Out of five large plates of dumplings, my grandma put dates (those sweet fruit thingies) in about six or seven of them. Apparently whoever gets one is supposed to have good luck in the new year.

I got three. In the span of about ten minutes.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My computer is lagging.

Really badly.

Anyway, exam review day and first day of semester two today! Rundown time, shall we?

Period 1 - Lunch. I'll probably spend all my "lunches" for the whole semester chilling at the library and being unsociable and reading psychology books because I'm just like that. :P (Sorry Fanderson.)

Period 2 - History. (At first I forgot that I had History second and thought I had Science second instead... so I went in the opposite direction to the Science classroom before realising my mistake and having to go all the way to the other side of the school for History. Thankfully I was at the library Period 1 so from the library to the Science classroom didn't take all that much time. xP) Today we listened to this song that apparently lists a bunch of events and people and inventions and stuff from various time periods? Bennett (why do I keep reading his name as Banette STOP THAT RACHEL) seems okay so far, but maybe it's too early to make a judgment. Shandershon randomly called John A. McDonald "Jam" right in front of Bennett. It was funny. (By the way Shandershon, I remembered to do the adding thing, so no worries :D)

Period 3 - Science. Hazlewood seems funny but kind of... I dunno, not that easy? If he really is going to prep us for AP sciences, I have a feeling it's not gonna be a cakewalk. xP Also, he found it amusing that over half the class was already looking forward to going to LaserQuest.

Period 4 - Ah yes, the lovely disaster of the day. See, I completely forgot to get my new timetable from the office ('cause first period lunch, no homeroom derp) and so I had no idea that my Anthro class switched classrooms. Apparently neither did three other people in the class, but eventually, with some greatly appreciated help from Shandershon who was stalking me to Anthro, we found the new room and came in like fifteen minutes late. Yeah, way to make a first impression. But Woo didn't seem to be all that bothered, she seems pretty nice so far. She kinda reminds me of Gloria for some reason. Uhm, we did a little diagnostic test thing in Anthro, I answered most of the questions, uhm... oh, and one of the questions I was actually reading about just two periods ago during my "lunch", so that's all good :D (Too bad my Anthro class isn't like Period 2, because then I could read all my psychology books and then reference random things I found interesting in the very next period... ah well. xD)

Period 5 - Currently Civics in the portable with Kryl, who has a funny accent. Yeah, so, uhh... she hasn't done anything so far that makes me want to rage? Wendy is in my Civics class and she sits next to me. Troy and Derek and Shawney also, but Troy sits on like the other side of the room and the latter two sit somewhere behind me (because Wendy was the first person there I knew and vice versa and she wanted to sit in the front row for some reason, so I was like okay sure :P)

And then I have to run back to the main building, upstairs to my locker, and then all the way to the other end of the school (again) to catch my bus home. Or go to choir if I have it. So that comes up to a lovely grand total of four times I cross the entire length of the school in one day: library to History, History to Science, Science to Anthro to Civics, Civics to locker to bus stop/vocal room.

Bleh. At least I'm getting exercise.
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