Monday, May 31, 2010

Oh yeah.

Clothing for RHHS

(First and foremost of all, nobody really gives a damn about this stuff. I would have said a more vulgar word, but that would not be appropriate. Either way, this is soooo BS.) THESIS STATEMENT GOES HERE.

This is pretty straightforward. If it’s hot, wear short sleeves, straps, or shorter pants/shorts. If it’s cold, wear longer stuff. YAY DONE BAM.
Also maybe stuff like what’s popular or whatever (LOL FUGGS). Peer pressure contributes to environment WHY DO I EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS
Yeah. That’s about it, I think.

What is this. Only thing I can say is... don’t break the dress code? At least I’m practicing my typing skills while doing this BS. I think a better use of my time would be to type up my French... I’m pretty screwed this weekend because I have to do French and a Chinese exam... ew. And according to Microsoft Word, “ew” is not a word. And I’m getting waaaay off topic here, and I don’t even care about spelling anymore SHUT UP SPELL CHECK YOU SUCK SO MUCH
Yeah. Hi.
Back to the dress code... since I don’t have my agenda here, I’m gonna have to list them off the top of my head. Okay, um... don’t wear strapless stuff? I have no clue why that’s a rule though... not like anyone’s gonna flash anybody else with that stuff (unless you’re Yuedi, but I digress). What else... No gang stuff or discriminatory stuff on your clothing? Because that’s OFFENSIVE TO PEOPLES’ SENSITIVE LITTLE EGOS or whatever the hell. People talking about food behind me is making me hungry.
I think the library people think I’m working. Maybe I should make the font tinier so it’s harder to tell that I’m NOT working but actually typing up random BS like I’m possessed (according to Dave, who is sitting beside me right now).
Soooo... what’s up world? I’m pretty sure this entire “report” (putting that really loosely) is going on my blog as evidence of the BS that we always do in Family Studies while we’re in the library... well, all the time, actually. And again, I am complaining about the uselessness of Family Studies while I’m supposed to be doing work and I’m really paranoid that someone authoritative is reading this behind my shoulder.
Back to the dress code, again. Now, the shorts can’t be too short and the straps have to be THREE FINGERS WIDE. And people are talking about doing drugs next to me. This is... kind of disturbing. And... basically you’re not allowed to have anything offensive or even mildly suggestive of “bad behaviour” on your clothes.
Let’s just start on Part Two.

This feels like something you would do in fashion design... is this course basically prepping us for a bunch of other different courses, which is why I can’t exactly explain what this course is actually about?
... My fingers hurt from typing. I don’t know why.
I ran out of BS to type now. This is rare. Family Studies wiped out my creativity... insert big no here. D:
I want to see how much I can type without looking at the screen... or with my eyes closed, for that matter. Good excersi... I forgot how to spelle excercise. WHT IS THIS. Whoops. I just looked back at the screen and realized that I forgot an “A” in that “what”. This is a bad thing. I’m losing my touch at... touch typing. NO PUN INTENDED. Oh, I just looked back again and realized I misspelled “spell”. I find that oddly hilarious.
In all honesty, I’m so bored right now that my brain even feels numb. This has got to be a bad thing...
Okay, I just shrunk the font size again to size 7 Verdana to prevent any suspicion about my productivity... since all you see is BIG WALL OF TEXT OF DOOM and lots of capsraping and red lines and that can’t possibly be a good thing for people who are pretending to take this seriously. But then again, Nat and Michael Chen (???) and some of their friends are over there giggling and looking at some random site which is definitely not relevant to this work whatsoever.
I want to talk to somebody. I’m so lonely and bored in here. Save meeeee. D:
Bored lonely bored lonely bored lonely bored lonely whyyy can’t I have been in Russell’s class with Daryna at least that class is INTERESTING what what what why is repeating a word such a bad thing, spell check? Eurgh... normally, talking to inanimate objects and programs and what the shit is perfectly normal for me, but now I feel a sense of insanity... WHICH I’M PRETTY SURE IS HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW ARGHHHHH
In any case, this is definitely not working. I’ve heard of people being driven insane by lack of human contact and stuff like that, but being a not-very-social creature, I never thought that that would happen to me. Why am I even talking about this. Either way, I’m LONELY and I actually wish I were out there in like 40 degree weather playing baseball with Micherface and Fanderson and Joannerface and whoever else is in that gym class, or better yet, HOME and playing Neopets or doing my French or SOMETHING THAT IS NOT THIS WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF
There are red lines all over the place. And this computer is being watched by LanSchool.
I look at the computer screen next to me and see a picture of a thong. There’s something wrong with this class.

Let’s try that again. Okay, designing an outfit for WINTER... a long sleeve shirt, one of those sweaters that I always wear (later: they’re called hoodies, genius), pants or jeans (either is fine), those indoor kinds of boots (LOL FUGGS -shot-), um... earrings and stuff if I find something pretty? And underwear... normal underwear. As for outer wear... scarf, hat, mittens or gloves (probably mittens, only cuz they’re AWESOMESAUCER), um... maybe outdoor boots to change into? Oh, and a parka/coat/whatever. TIME FOR SOME ONLINE SHOPPING YEAHHH

I gave up working.

We have approximately seven minutes of English class remaining. And I feel somewhat compelled to speak in proper English on my blog, partially because this is ENGLISH CLASS (captain obvious) and also partially because of our debate topic, which is about this rather touchy subject.

I need to do my French homework at lunch. Today, I am not hungry.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

And so it begins...

... as May draws to a close.

'Course, the beginning of June isn't really that epic. French project, carnival, Chinese oral exam (D:), high school exams (DDD:), volunteering (Mich, if you're going to email, can you add my name too? :D), partying, end of school year.

How much you wanna bet that by the time exams come, I'll be like, "Geez, June passed so quickly," and after exams, it'll be, "WTF GRADE NINE IS OVER ALREADY WHAT"...?

I'm reeeeally looking forward to doing nothing over the summer vacation.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just for fun.

You see those eggies on the side of the page?

Yeah, those eggies. Click them.

I want to see if I can hatch one of those click-pet-thingies without spamming F5.


In other news, it is currently 12:28 AM and I need to do English.

Yeah, I have all tomorrow, but still.

Then again, if I actually was serious about finishing my English, I wouldn't be on here right now.

Shuup conscience, go away. Nobody likes you.




Click the eggies, kudasai. :D

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Discovery of the Day.

My dad (and to an extent, my mom) would mind if I date someone who is not Asian.

Which is quite unfortunate, seeing as approximately 75% of the people I've crushed on are not Asian.

Also, my mom says she will refuse to step inside my house if I have a pet, unless said pet is locked up, not there, or a fish.

... well, whatever. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Boromir: My brother... my captain...
Troper's Dad: boyfriend.
Boromir: My king.
Troper's Dad: Oh.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Uhm, what?

I had something interesting I wanted to blog today, but I forgot. D:

So... what's up guys?



In other news, Orlando Bloom shot his director.

While the latter was playing a cameo part in the last movie, 'course. (If he actually shot him, that would be pretty scary. o_O)

Baking muffins in Family Studies tomorrow. Whee. :D

My bear is all knitted except for the scarf. Stupid scarf. D:


I was researching recipes just now for the Fam Studies appliance project thing (sandwich maker) but since my lunch was ridiculously small today, it made me hungry. I wants dinner nao. D:

Thursday, May 13, 2010


"Oh man, sucks to be you."

"Oh come on, you aren't even trying. I know you can do better than that."

"Hark, thy fate sucketh?"

"That is... much worse."


"... I don't think we've won a fight yet."

"We talked that annoying wizard guy into getting himself killed. I count that as a win."

"I guess anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough."


Crowning Moment of Hilarious Part I and Part II.
(Fan comic, of course, courtesy of the awesomeness that is Shamus)


"Hail to the king, baby! Aragorn, son of Anduril, is back!"

"Anduril is the name of your sword, dumbass."


"What do you mean 'saddle up'? You don't have any horses."

"What happened to the horses we had earlier?"

"You left them outside of the caves of the dead."

"No I didn't. Did I ever say, 'we leave the horses behind'?"

"No, but you didn't say you brought them with you."

"Look, I didn't say I brought my sword. Are you going to assume I left it behind for no reason? What about my pants? I haven't brought them up in the entire campaign. I must have left them in Riverdale!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010





Can't compare with that dude who plays Aragorn in Lord of the Rings though. He broke two or three of his toes kicking a helmet. And he had to act out the rest of the scene too. And he nearly drowned in some river scene before that. Poor guy.

We should totally marathon those three movies sometime. And then watch the Hobbit when it comes out next year-ish. 8D

Stupid English. Gets me fixated on a shounen (RACHEL STOP DOING THAT) "epic high fantasy" thingy series (according to Wikipedia) that I never would have given a shit about otherwise. GOOD JOB ENGLISH CLASS...?

Okay, no going back to capsrape. SO WHATSUP GUYS.

Family Studies. Rachel hates it forevers and evers and evers preciousssss, à la Gollum.

The knitting is fun though. :D

New discovery of the day - Orlando Bloom (aka Legolas Pretty-Boy Ridiculously-Accurate-Archer Elf Dude) looks kinda like Jake from CSI Miami. In some of his pictures. o_O Weird, seeing as I don't find Jake hot at all, but the former, on the other hand...

... I think that last sentence may have carried some rather unfortunate implications there.


Right. Moving on.

The seniors were throwing stuff at each other in the Art Room again today. Thankfully, I did not get hit with any erasers as of late.

Rachel has been trying to sleep early lately. Right now it is nearly 10PM. Rachel reckons (LOL NEW VOCAB WORD LOL LOL LOL) (I'll stop.) that she should stop blogging and get to bed soon. (And wash her hair, it's disgusting. Dx)

PS. By the way, I've noticed that some "Anonymous" person has commented on my blog a few times, and he/she does not really sound like anyone I know. If Mr./Ms./Mrs./Alien Anonymous sees this post, would he/she/it please care to clarify whether or not Rachel knows him/her/it in real life?

... which basically amounts to: "Anonymous", please tell me who the hell you are, 'cause Rachel's getting a little freaked.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Voici le pencil.

"The nine Ring-Wraiths in Lord of the Rings are a Quirky Miniboss Squad. Minus the quirky. Plus Nightmare Fuel."

Monday, May 10, 2010


So like, the title of this document is called “fam studies appliance proj this sucks.doc”. I win.

Again with the boring Family Studies Mondays. This actually a document for a new project that we got about researching an appliance or something or other. Our group got a sandwich maker. (Which actually doesn’t make sandwiches... go fig.) So, since our appliance doesn’t actually do much (it grills sandwiches; the most common recipe for this thing is a grilled cheese sandwich), we (meaning me and Hanna, since one of the members of our four-person group is not here and the other is playing games) finished our research already and now we have nothing to do. I really should get started on the report that we have to write about this (due the 18th) but noooo, I don’t feel like doing anything more for fifteen minutes. And Hanna is sleeping.

In other news, a bunch of people were writing AP exams today, so the caf was closed for the first half of lunch. We ate in the English pod stairwell like usual (and some guy just tried to fold down my laptop’s top screen, but he didn’t get a reaction from me, so he put it back up) but the caf opened up afterwards and I bought a brownie. With ice cream. And then afterwards, I felt like stalking someone.

The gaming dude in our group just asked to borrow my pencil, but I wasn’t paying attention and thought he was asking to borrow my rubric, and I was like “why?” seeing as he had a rubric of his own, but then I looked over and realized he was asking for my pencil so I was like, “oh okay” and then the dude and his friend laughed at me.

Run-on sentence, it burns.

I’ve been typing away for the past two minutes, and I keep hitting the mousepad on this laptop while I’m typing, so I keep moving the blinking typing line thingy to somewhere else, which makes me accidentally type half a word somewhere else in this entry, and then I have to delete that and start over from my cut-off word/sentence.

And now Hanna woke up.

So, I’m really bored. There’s nothing to do in Family Studies on Monday except maybe for brushing up on my typing skillages (stupid Van). So yeah.

I wonder how long this entry will appear on my actual blog, seeing as on my actual blog, the margins are waaaaayyy tinier and so this thing will probably appear way longer, and I wonder how long I can keep this sentence going without having to stop and figure out something more interesting to say.

... Never mind, I just stopped.


You can tell I’m really bored. And I think I said that already. And I really should stop starting my sentences with the word “and” because that’s not grammatically correct.

I just realized that Ms. Russell is supervising us while McCulloch is away. o_O I hope she thinks I’m working (although I’m pretty sure that this looks somewhat like working to teachers, since I’ve been typing madly away for the past five minutes or so, albeit about really random and pointless things).


And that is what I wrote during Family Studies today.

In Science, Delby (I don't know why I spell his shortened name like that, it just makes more sense to me o_O) told us to be quiet because people were writing AP exams in the next room. Fanderson was like "oh crap" because AP exams are hard and long and they don't replace your regular exams, but then she was like "must ganbarou work hard" and now I think she is still taking 6 AP courses sometime in her high school career.

Fanderson is going to grow more white hairs than Richerface one day, I'm predicting, the way she's going right now. And that would be a bad thing.

The Lord of the Rings (the first movie, at least) is pretty much all about men being all manly and showing off their manliness by being awesome and killing things with ridiculously accurate arrows and BFS's and stuff. And there's a lot of Ho Yay in there too. And sexy actors. ESTROGEN BRIGADE BAIT CAST YES 8D

... Apologies for the numerous TV Tropes references in the above paragraph. But honestly, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary. And your grammar. And possibly your life. D:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A day doing nothing.

Because Rachel finished all her homework yesterday. JOY TO THE WORLD. :D

In other news, my other-aunt-on-my-dad's-side (who does something in business like selling tractors or something - I don't know) came back to Canada from who-knows-where-it-was-this-time and is staying in our house for two days. This is pretty normal, so whatever.

What is not normal is that she brought some white dude with her (coworker? dunno) and he's staying here too. For two days. And he's sleeping in my room.

In my bed.




(Nothing to do with race, btw. You probably wouldn't want a total stranger sleeping in your room and in your bed either. D:) (Although, given, a giant white dude staying in a house full of Asians is bound to feel a little weird for both the dude and the Asians in question.)

Good thing he's not going to use my office-room-thing though. So this room is still mine for the two days. (I think. My aunt knows how to use my computer, so... o_O)

... Hold it. My parents are speaking English downstairs right now (cuz Mr. Dude can't speak Chinese DUH RACH xP) and I swear I just heard her say the words "my daughter-in-law".

Rachel does not have a brother. In any way, shape, or form.


In any case, I think this will be a very awkward two days. D:

Friday, May 7, 2010


Title is from that random play we did in Grade 8 with the Cloudcuckoolander and sata andagi and Some Fat Kid and Evil McVillainperson and stuffs. Remember that? :D

But in all seriousness, there actually was a bomb. I think. In New York. Where some RHHS'ers are supposed to be. This is kind of a problem.

... But not really, since there was no explosion. But still, Times Square is closed off so the RHHS'ers will probs just have to revise their schedule.

In other news, Dustin-the-scary-senior-dude-who-got-a-haircut accidentally chucked an eraser at me. Twice. He was aiming for Selin, but still. :P


I'm obsessed with that song right now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Looks like updates are getting frequent again.

... (Long title.)

But seriously, nobody seems to update anymore except Lauckerface with his Tumblr photoblog thing (unless Fanderson does so on her Tumblr thingy too, which I don't check anymore due to forgetting the URL).

This makes Rachel feel lonely in the blogging world. D:


Chapter Three - What

“I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread, bread, bread-”

“... You’re doing this just to piss me off, aren’t you?”



“Rach? Hellooo?” Sandy waved a hand in front of her figurative sister’s face.

Rachel snapped out of her thinking process. (No, not that one.) “Yah?”

Sandy, being Sandy, simply gave her a questioning look.

“Well,” Rachel began slowly, “I was just wondering... if, hypothetically speaking, we were merely part of a strange fanfiction that written by an anime-and-manga-and-other-stuff-obsessed psycho, then shouldn’t we all have specific character roles to fill? Like, for example, someone has to be the hero-”

“Hmm. A sole hero (or heroine) in this group is kind of hard to define.”

“And the lancer, or the sidekick, or whatever you call it-”

“Well, considering we don’t have a definite main character...”

“And the smart guy-”

“Probably Angie or Van or somebody.”

“And the deadpan snarker-”

“Fandi. Definitely.”

“And the only sane man – probably you, even though you’re not a man-”

“... Thanks.”

“And the ditz-”

“Probably you, since you-”

“Burned soup of all things, yeah. I’ve heard that one before.”


“But you get my point, right?”

“Yeah. But you know, if we all had specific character roles, wouldn’t that prompt whoever actually bothers to read this shiz to expect a plot coming? Since we have a ‘team’ and all...”

“... Good point. Status quo is good.”

“Stop it with the TVTropes references.”

“...ごめん [sorry].”


“Why are Sarah and I the only ones who can use magic?” Sandy randomly wondered out loud one day.

“Because you’re special, and the psycho who’s writing my dialogue right now says so,” came Rachel’s dismissive reply. “Although Sarah’s probably only in it for the people, not the actual magic.” She paused. “If Sarah takes offence to that, the psycho apologizes.”

There was a long silence, broken only by the sound of Rachel’s pencil scratching against the paper as she planned out an elaborate new training scheme for her Typhlosion. Across the table from her, Sandy continued practicing wand motions.

“... Why does your trainer card say you’re from Hoenn when you’re clearly not?”

“Because Sapphire was my first game, and Emerald was the first one I beat. If I were to pick a region for my ‘home region’, I like my Hoenn.”

There was another long silence. Rachel set her paper aside and started a plan for her Mothim.

“... Why are the two of us the only characters mentioned by name so far in this chapter?”

“Because the psycho who’s writing this a) can’t put Fanderson in it ‘cause of discomfort issues, and b) doesn’t have any ideas other than making two characters have endlessly boring conversations that lampshade stuff and break the fourth wall waaaaay too much.”

Rachel half-twirled the pencil around her fingers, trying to figure out a way to combat Rock-types other than using Psychic.

“... Why is the author writing this in the first place when she has a Family Studies test to study for, a French project to finish, another Family Studies project to do, and an English ISU response to BS...? And laundry to do?” Sandy added as an afterthought.

Rachel twitched at the big wall of text that was her to-do list. “... You know, that’s a really good question. I believe that this falls under the ‘breaking the fourth wall way too much for Rachel’s reality-avoiding mindset to handle’ category. If that made any sense.”

“I think it did.”

“... By the way, how does Shandershon even know about all the work that the author has to do anyway? Stalker much.”

“Because I’m not the real Shandershon, since this is an alternate-”

“Okay, okay, don’t get started on the technicalities, because the author really can’t afford to waste any more time writing this crap because she needs to do the laundry to prevent her mom from yelling at her again.”

Wingardium Leviosa!

“... Stop that.”

Sunday, May 2, 2010

o lol no.

Sean is wished a very merry birthday on this fine day, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't know this blog exists.

Rachel is actually bored. Bored enough to resort to typing alskdjflksdjflkajsdflk on her blog even though that doesn't accomplish anything.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oh yayyyy. (Soup, Ch. 2)

Who actually checks up on these old blogs anymore?

Chapter Two – Allegro

“Are you still trying to figure out how to play your guitar?” Rachel demanded when she heard the unmistakable sounds of amateurish string-plucking from the other room. “You could just ask Lauckerface or somebody to teach you, you know...”

Fandi, as usual, let her pride overrule her sense. “No! I can do this by myself, just watch!”

“I’ve been watching and listening to you for over an hour, and nothing’s happening.”

“Well, that’s not my fault! Isn’t this supposed to be the Sims? Aren’t I supposed to automatically get better at this by myself even though logically that would be extremely unlikely?”

“I think maybe the writer is feeling sadistic today.”

“Yeah, me too. I may or may not have made a fool of myself just now.”

“Actually, I don’t think so. But either way, the writer apologizes for that.”


“Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker’s man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can! Stir it, and pour it, and mark it with a B! Something-something-something for baby and me!”

“You’re terrible at improv, aren’t you.”

“Be quiet.”


“The writer really is feeling sadistic today,” Richard commented as he looked around his newly “renovated” bedroom, complete with bunny wallpaper and a flowery pink bedspread with the Barbie logo printed on it.

“Richerface! You there? I wanna see your new bedroom! Joannerface’s looks awesome, so what-”

Rachel and Sandy stopped at the doorway and stared. Then they burst into laughter.

“What did you do?” Richard demanded.

“Don’t talk to me, talk to the deity who renovated your house. And while you’re at it, ask her why you and Joannerface aren’t sleeping in the same bed – er, room.”


“I bumped into Sakura the other day, and she said that she was training with her Guardians every night in the field next to Chelsea’s farm. Something about nothing magical happening for the past few years, since Eriol’s been a good boy. I wonder if she would agree if I asked her to train Shandershon and Sarserson at their magic...? (And my Pokémon too, while they’re at it.) Although I’m pretty sure the Cards’ magic and Potterverse magic and Pokémon attacks are all different...”

As usual, Jason and Fandi ignored their housemate and went on eating.


“Heyyy, Tangie! Wanna come to a barbeque at our house tonight? And why are you working at a picnic table?”

Angie looked up from her paperwork. “Sorry Rach, can’t. I have too many cases to take care of right now, so I’m really busy. And as for the picnic table thing... you know how Sarah gets. I can’t work in that house while she’s in there.”

“O rly nao? Being a lawyer sure sounds complicated,” Rachel sighed, folding her arms and looking over Angie’s mounds of files and crap. “Makes me kind of glad I chose to be a freelance writer.”

“But at least I’m more financially stable than you,” Angie pointed out, “which is sort of why our house has an indoor pool and a spa and five sports cars and a full-blown buffet in our kitchen.”

“Hey hey, you sorta derailed there. Besides, don’t you ever get stressed?”

“Don’t you? Considering how you were back when you were writing Randomosity Chronicles.”

“First of all, you’re not even supposed to remember that, and second of all, apparently people in this universe like my BS. Just like my high school teachers.

“... Why was there a strikethrough in the middle of your quotation?”

“Don’t ask me.” Rachel plopped down at the table across from her friend and began leafing through her papers.

“Hey! Don’t mess up my pile.”

“These things actually have an order to them?”

“Well, obviously.”

Rachel placed the papers back and yawned. “Anyway, going back to the topic at hand...”

“Which was...?”

“I dunno.”


“You know, I think should record this conversation somewhere and put it in a story that may or may not make a crapload of sense and may or may not be posted on a blog floating somewhere around the Internet.”

Angie raised a sceptical eyebrow. “And just who would actually find it interesting?”

“Hey, you know what? Coming up with fresh ideas is harder than it looks. Making up descriptions for scenery is even harder.” Rachel looked up at the late afternoon sky, painted a pale orange by the final rays of the setting sun. Then she winced at how cliché and lame that last sentence sounded. “This sucks. Maybe I should have gone for culinary arts after all.”

That elicited a chuckle from the other girl. “Really? Are you serious? Rach, you burned soup of all-”

“You guys aren’t gonna let that go for a looooong time, are you...?”

“What? It’s funny. And kind of sad at the same time.”

“... Be quiet.”


The title means nothing. Whut.
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