Saturday, February 27, 2010

TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.

And so will Pokémon.

... But that's okay. :)

Found this on the Pokémon WMG (Wild Mass Guessing) page:

The main protagonist of Pokemon Blue and Red is a twisted, sadistic freak.

He captures Pokemon and, after capturing them, records what he learns about them onto his Pokedex. Since he can only do this after capturing them, he must learn what he writes in the Pokedex entry from the Pokemon he owns. However, take a look at some of the entries this 'hero' records:

Raticate - "It uses its whiskers to maintain balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off."

To find this out, Red (or Ash, or whatever you want to call him) must have got a knife and hacked off the poor thing's whiskers just to see what would happen.

Golem - "Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage."

So Red has tried to use dynamite to blow up his own Pokemon. Oh, and there's more. Red is either extremely dedicated to scientific enquiry or just plain likes to hurt things. Therefore, Red's rival is the good guy trying to stop Red's mad experiments.

• Considering that Professor Oak gives him the Pokedex and sends him on the journey in the first place, Red is working as his lackey, probably to keep Oak ahead of his peers in "the field of Pokemon research." Whether Oak condones his more... violent experiments is debatable, but it wouldn't be surprising if he does.
• So, in effect, Red is Oak's Psycho For Hire?
• And expanding on that, the data Red collected made Oak so successful that other researchers across the world are adopting similar tactics, recruting children both for their ease of manipulation and less restraint when it comes to harming Pokemon For Science.
• This might also explain why Red becomes a hermit in G/S/C; his experiments were discovered, and he was forced to go into hiding to avoid prosecution.
• Oh god! this explains everything. And Red won't speak because he felt extreme guilt for the sins he commited and now can only scream in fear.
• AAAH! My childhood!

This evidence is from Yellow...

Staryu - As long as the center section is unharmed, it can grow back fully even if it is chopped to bits.

...The man must be stopped.

Slowbro's Yellow entry: "Lives lazily by the sea. If the Shellder on its tail comes off, it will become a Slowpoke again." Since Slowbro do not regularly devolve back into Slowpoke, we can only assume Red actively ripped this Pokémon into two pieces.

Shellder's Fire Red entry: "It is encased in a shell that is harder than diamond. Inside, however, it is surprisingly tender." Red, you sick, sick bastard...

Ooh, and we see a bit of daring do in the RS entry for Kangaskhan: "If you come across a young Kangaskhan playing by itself, you must never disturb it or attempt to catch it. The baby Pokémon's parent is sure to be in the area, and it will become violently enraged at you." What was he trying to do, steal the baby? Or maybe the smaller ones are easier to euthanize and dissect?


The protagonist of Red/Blue/Yellow was a lazy kid that made everything up.

More pleasant & frankly more plausible explanation. The dex entries are written immediately after a mon is caught, no way he actually took time to study them. The entries are lies he made up on the spot so he could go back to his fun adventure because he's you know, ten! Did the grown-ups really expect him to waste a perfectly good extended vacation on studying? Also this explains some of the more curious heights and weights (Snorlax sure doesn't look 6'11").

Don't get me wrong, I adore Red to bits, but this was just too hilarious to pass up. 8D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thought of the day.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm gonna have to reach for the brain-bleach if I click this...?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to life.

First and foremost, happy birthday Joannerfaceeeee!~ That French horn on your card took me a long time to draw. There are too many squiggly thingies. D:< But yeah. It was worth it. :) Also, I forgot to give you Rach's obligatory birthday beats today. ざんねん ですね! D: Perhaps next year.

I'll be surprised if anybody actually still checks up on this old thing, which incidentally probably shouldn't even be called a blog anymore due to the infrequent updates and the massive fangirl spam that I put on it.

Be glad I don't pull out my giant folders of fanart and dump them all on this blog. That would be a bit much, methinks.

... "Methinks"? This may or may not be a sign that Rachel is going insane.

Another sign that Rachel is going insane is the fact that she considers Cyrus/Akagi's battle theme to be as epic (but definitely not as sexy) as Red's. Maybe it's the epic simplicity of it that makes me like it. Rachel has an affinity for simplicity.

Today, I discovered that my handwriting in the second grade was absolutely terrible. Also, my old drawings/sketches/doodles are so eye-raping and brain-bleach-inducing that I want to bury them deep in the cardboard boxes in my basement so I never have to look at them again. Yeah, they're that bad.

Although I admit that one particular page made me lol:

Khalhala: HAHA! Your sword goes through me! >:D
Polos: Then... (walks through Khalhala, opens door, and leaves)
Khalhala: HEY! NO FAIR!

Yesterday, I discovered that Hoenn soundtracks make me nostalgic. 'Specially the Champion battle music. Epic loveeeeee. <3 (I think I'm supposed to capitalize Champion because it's a title, right...? o_O)

I also discovered that the Ruby/Sapphire OST calls the Elite Four the "Big Four". I lol'd and decided to keep the file name as "battle-big-four.mp3" <3

The Olympics are going on. My dad and I enjoy following it. We scream at the TV every time a Canadian or Chinese Olympian screws up. It is quite fun.

Tonight is Russia vs. Canada hockey game. I will silently try to jinx the Russians. D8< (Sorry fellow Russian classmates, but Canada ftw :P)

I should write more because there is so much going on these days, but I don't feel like it. In conclusion, Family Studies gives a fuckload shitload a lot of homework.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Customer: *storms up to desk* “I DEMAND A REFUND!”

(She slams a copy of Pokemon Platinum on the counter.)

Me: “Certainly, what seems to be the problem?”

Customer: “My freaking fire monkey DIED! See?”

(She pulls the DS from her pocket, turns it on, enters game, and shows me that her Pokemon [a chimchar] has no HP.)

Me: “Well, I can … erm … revive your ‘fire monkey’ if you’d like.”

Customer: “What are you, some freaking Pokemon priest?! MY FIRE MONKEY IS DEAD!”

Me: “No, no, look.”

(I control her character to go to a Pokemon Center and heal up her Pokemon.)

Me: “There, all better.”


Me: “Um … no problem, ma’am. Glad to help.”

Customer: “AND SO HUMBLE! YOU SAVED MY FIRE MONKEY!” *leaves store*

Monday, February 15, 2010

No life again.

(A mother approaches me with her daughter.)

Customer: “I’m hosting some of my daughters friends for the night and I couldn’t find your condoms.” *puts her hand on her daughter’s head* “Lucy is turning 13.”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Customer: “You know, condoms! Ketchup and mustard. We’re having a BBQ. It’s simple. Where are they?”

Me: “Oh! Condiments.”

Customer: “Yes, condoms. Where are they?”


(It’s my first day at work, and I’m putting away packages of little girls’ underwear. I don’t know the section, so I walk around for several minutes, holding the packages of underwear, trying to figure out where they go. A customer walks up with two of her kids in tow.)

Customer: “What the hell are you doing?”

Me: “What?”

Customer: “I can’t believe this! You’re disgusting. This is a public place, you pervert!”

Me: “Uh, miss–”

Customer: *jabs me in the chest with a finger* “You’re a filthy pervert! This is appalling! People can see you, you know!*

Me: “Ma’am, I work here.”

(I point to my logo’d shirt and my lanyard with my name tag on it.)

Customer: “Oh. My. God. I am so sorry!” *runs out of the store with her kids*


Customer: “How much is it to make copies?”

Me: “It’s ten cents a page for black and white and fifty cents a page for color.”

Customer: “You can make color copies?”

Me: “Sure. Just make sure you choose ‘color’ before you start copying.”

(The patron goes to the copy machine, and comes back a few minutes later.)

Customer: “It’s not working. I’m only getting black and white.”

Me: “Okay. Let me see if I can figure out what’s going on.”

(I notice the patron is trying to copy something that is entirely black and white.)

Me: “Oh, I see. To get a color copy, the original does need to be in color.”

Customer: “The machine won’t put the color back in?”


Customer: “I am looking for one of those things that are like a book, but not a book.”

Me: “Do you mean a magazine?”

Customer: “No, no. It is like a book, but not a book.”

Me: *speechless*

Customer: “You know! A book thing, but not a book.”

(After the customer tries to explain this object to me for about 10 minutes, my coworker comes back from lunch.)

Coworker: “What seems to be the problem here?”

Customer: “I asked your coworker if you have those things that are like books but not books, but she is too simple to understand.”

Coworker: “You mean a magazine?”

Customer: “No! Is it so hard to just find one of those things? I thought this was a bookstore!”

(Overhearing us, my manager tries to help.)

Manager: “Is there a problem?”

Customer: “I am looking for a thing that is like a book, but not a book.”

Manager: “Well, let’s go look for it…”

(My manager ended up leading the customer all around the store, pointing out every thing we had. The thing that was like a book but not a book? A bookmark.)


Me: “Hello, sir, how may I help you?”

Customer: “Do you have those books in that series?”

Me: “Which series is that?”

Customer: “You know, the one by that famous author.”

Me: “There are lots of famous authors, sir. Do you know what one of the books was called?

Customer: “I want the third book in the series by that famous author!”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but without more information, I don’t know which book you’re after.”

Customer: “This is ridiculous! How could you not know the ones I’m talking about? They’re FAMOUS!”


Customer: “Do you have a picture book of dinosaurs?”

Me: “Sure.”

(We walk to the dinosaur books and I show him many books with various sketches and paintings of dinosaurs)

Customer: “No, not pictures…PHOTOGRAPHS. Photos of dinosaurs, please. Where are those?”


Male Customer: “Do you guys accept tips?”

Female Coworker: “Yeah, but we try to discourage it. We’d like to think our service is free.”

Male Customer: “Well um… Here’s a tip.” (Customer pulls out his phone number on a piece of paper)

(Female coworker’s boyfriend is right behind customer)


(I’m a member of the security staff at a casino, and three men approach to me, one of them looking a little young.)

Me: “Can I see some ID?”

(The youngest one gives me an ID where it says he’s 22. I ask him how old he is just to check.)

Me: “How old are you?”

Customer: “17.” *pauses* “Ah, I f***ed up, didn’t I? I’ll just wait in the car.”


(I am the elf at a Santa’s Grotto display in a shopping centre. A very well-dressed, eloquent boy, no older than 5, sits on Santa’s lap.)

Santa: “Merry Christmas, young sir! Have you been a good boy this year?”

Boy: “Oh yes, Santa! I’ve been extra good all this year because mummy and daddy said if I am extra good, I can have whatever I want!”

(Santa looks up to the smiling parents, who are nodding approvingly.)

Santa: “Well, it does seem you have been EXTRA good this year! What would you like?”

Boy: “Angelina Jolie.”

(Santa looks again at the parents, who continue to smile and nod like this is a standard request.)

Santa:“You’d like Angelina Jolie for Christmas?”

Boy: “Because I’ve been extra good!”

Santa: “I’m sorry little guy, I don’t think she would fit in my sack.”

Boy: “Oh don’t worry, I don’t want Brad Pitt. You can give him to someone else!”


Customer: “These Christmas trees all look so fake! I want to get one fresh from the Everglades!”

(I chuckle, and then realize he is serious.)

Me: “Sir, the Everglades aren’t exactly known for there Christmas trees.”

Customer: “Oh yeah! I forgot, it’s all frozen.”

Me: “No sir, the Everglades are in the middle of Florida.”

Customer: “Oh, well I was never good at geometry anyway.”


Customer: “What cigarettes would you recommend?”

Me: “I’m actually only 16, I don’t smoke.”

Customer: “Oh well then which cigars are your favorite?”

Me: “I’m only 16, I don’t smoke.”

Customer: “Okay then. Do you sell marijuana?”

Me: “That’s actually illegal.”

Customer: “What? When did that happen?”


Me: “That’ll be €32,78 please.”

(The customer hands me American dollars.)

Me: “Sir, this is Germany. You can’t pay with US currency.”

Customer: “But this is the US.”

Me: “No sir, this is Germany, in Europe.”

Customer: “But…isn’t Europe part of the US?”


(I am working in a kindergarten where over half of the kids are Maori. The Maori word for scissors is ‘kutikuti,’ which is pronounced ‘cutty cutty’.)

Me, to a child: “Can you pass me the kutikuti please?”

Mother: “What did you say to my child?”

Me: “I asked her to pass me the scissors.”

Mother: “Don’t talk baby to my child. She’s smart enough to use adult words.”

Me: “I wasn’t. I was using the Maori name for scissors.”

Mother: “No, you said cutty cutty. That’s not Maori. I’m Maori, and I think I know Maori when I hear it.”

(The child interrupts. She grabs her mom by the hand and drags her off to a poster on the wall which has a few art objects and their Maori names under them.)

Child: “Mom, why do you always have to pick fights with people? I’m very disappointed in you!”

(When her mother left I gave the kid the biggest sticker I could find to put on her good behaviour chart.)


(I am working as a cashier and two customers come in talking loudly about how dumb minimum wage fast-food workers are. One of them decides to prove it…)

Customer: “Let me ask you a question. What’s 7 times 7?”

Me: “49.”

Customer: “What’s 8 times 8?”

Me: “64.”

Customer: “E equals MC squared?”

Me: “What about it?”

Customer: “What does it mean?”

Me: “Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.”

Customer: “Uhm…”

Me: “Would you like fries with that?”


(Note: I am a self-checkout attendant.)

Customer: “Miss, my debit card doesn’t seem to be working.”

Me: “Are you sure you’re swiping it the right way?”

Customer: “Which way is the right way?”

Me: “Stripe facing outward.”

Customer: “Miss, it’s still not working!”

Me: “I’m sorry sir, but that debit machine is currently out of order.”

Customer: “I want to use this one. Why isn’t this one working?”

Me: “I’m sorry, but we called tech support. If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to suspend your order and–”

Customer: “It’s your responsibility to put up signs if something isn’t working! I want to speak to your store manager.”

Me: “There’s no sign on that machine? I’m sure I put them up just a couple of minutes ago.”

Customer: “Do you SEE a sign?”

(I walk over to the machine, and see the sign laying by the customers feet on the floor. It was clearly ripped off of the machine, as it’s half torn.)

Me: “Hmm, I’m terribly sorry sir. It seems someone ripped the sign off.”

Customer: “Yeah, that was me.”

Me: “Can I ask why?”

Customer: “No, you can’t.”

Me: “Why would you use this machine is you had seen and read the sign, stating that the debit machine wasn’t working?”

Customer: “Because there was no sign!”

Me: “But you ripped the sign off.”

Customer: “Yeah, so now that it’s not there anymore the debit machine should be working! Forget this! I’m going to another store!”


Customer: “Hi, I need to schedule an appointment to test my car. I need it as soon as possible!”

Me: “Okay, let’s see. First available appointment is actually today. Would you like me to put you up for that?”

Customer: “Hmm…I don’t know. I really do need it as soon as possible. Can you check to see if you have anything earlier?”

Me: “Well, first available is today.”

Customer: “I really need it before that.”

Me: “Earlier than today?”

Customer: “Yes.”

Me: “Yeah, I don’t see how I could make that happen. Can you maybe tell me which day you would like?”

Customer: “Yesterday?”

Me: “Yesterday?”

Customer: “Yes, that would be great!”

Me: “Sorry, nothing available yesterday. How about tomorrow?”

Customer: “Okay, I guess that’ll do…”


(At the aquarium where I volunteer, a guest sticks her whole hand in our touch tank, rips off a sea urchin and proceeds to stuff it in her bag.)

Me: “Excuse me, ma’am, but you can’t do that.”

Guest: “What do you mean?”

Me: “You can’t rip the urchin off the tank’s wall. Could you please hand me it?”

Guest: “But I was going to take it home and eat it. Isn’t that okay?”


(A customer is getting a beauty treatment done and is trying to work out why she has skin problems.)

Customer: “I just don’t understand it. I take really good care
of my skin. I get facials and I only use really good make-up.”

Me: “Well, the problem could be caused by something really simple, like an allergic reaction. Have you always used the same brand of make-up?”

Customer: “Yes, and I only use the best! I can’t be allergic, I don’t ever use the cheap stuff!”

Me: “It’s probably something else then. What do you use to remove your make-up?”

Customer: “Like…what?”

Me: “When you take off your make up at night, what do you use?”

Customer: *silence*

Me: “Do you use a cleanser or soap and water?”

Customer: “I don’t take it off. Are you supposed to?”

Me: “Well, yes. Make-up can cause damage to your pores if you wear it constantly. Why don’t you take it off?”

Customer: “In case I have to answer my door when I’m asleep.”

Me: “In your sleep?”

Customer: “Don’t judge my social life! You probably don’t have many friends!”


Me: Hello this is [doctor's office], how may I help you?”

Caller: “Help! I’ve sprouted a nipple on my forehead!”

(From the caller’s voice, I could tell that it was a female teenager.)

Me: “Excuse me? If this is a prank, I can report you–”

Caller: “No, this is not a prank! This morning I got up, and there was this huge, red lump on my forehead…and now I’ve poked it and this milk is coming out!”

Me: “Hon, that’s a pimple, not a nipple.”

Caller: “Oh…” *gasps* “Is it deadly?”


(Note: our customer support number is close to a local driving school’s number.)

Me: “Thank you for calling. How may I help you?”

Customer: “How much for my daughter?”

Me: “Um…”

Customer: “She’s 16. It’s her first time. She needs training.”

Me: “Sir, I think you want the driving school.”

Customer: “Oh, what do you guys do?”

Me: “Adult websites.”

Customer: “Oh…OH! Oh my God!”


... yeah. Sorry, kinda spammed you guys with fail just now, didn't I? |D;;

Rachel should go to sleep. Her heart cookies look like blobs. And they're unfrosted, to boot. Dx

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have not blogged in a week, even though there was much to blog about for this past week. So, apologies for that.

On the bright side, Mich and I are done our short story English proj. Mich is still getting accustomed to that fact. xD Also, I finished my French. YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH-

On the not-so-bright side, I have family studies homework. Boo. :(

On the bright side again, it's not that hard. And I finished most of it in class. So yeah. :)

On the not-so-bright side, family studies requires me to think harder than usual. So does French, given that Selva instructs us almost entirely in French. So she has to play charades 90% of the time to get most of the class to understand what she's trying to tell us. And even then sometimes I don't get what she's trying to tell us. (On the bright side, Fandi is pretty much as French-incompetent as me. FAILBUDDY YES -shot-)

Speaking of French, if we get a grade 11 to tutor us for forty sessions or something (I forgot the exact amount; it's less than 10 hours though), then they get an extra 3% on their final mark and we get an extra 2%. Fandi instantly perked up when Selva mentioned this tutoring thing. Also partially due to the fact (or so she says) that she is terrible at French and needs tutoring to remember everything.

Also speaking of French, I'm thinking of playing Pokémon Sapphire, THE FRENCH VERSION. Gasp. :O Perhaps indulging in one of my crazy obsessions in French will help me suck less? 8D (Probably not, but it's worth a try. xD)

Lauckerface makes Sartor sound like fun. (And during exam week, there he was all stressing and WHOAOMG'ing about the timetable change. xD;;)

... I think I reminded myself to do something a few minutes ago. Now I forgot. x_o;; (Can't say that's out of the ordinary though. xP)

To end on a positive note, Red's remixed HGSS battle theme is pretty sexy epic SEXY AND EPIC OHBURN ♥ (<-- I hate that tiny blob thing that's supposed to be a heart D:<)

"Lugia will rape Red."
"No one rapes Red."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So yeahhh.

It is basically a half-assed way of explaining something. Rachel uses it often.

Today in Science, Rachel, Fandi, Jason, and Janet all tried talking to each other in the third person. It did not work because we could not find an appropriate substitute for the word "we". Rachel herself was perfectly fine with calling the collective group "we", she just liked referring to herself in the third person. Or something. So yeah.

Rachel was late for English class today because she forgot where the room was and wandered down the wrong hallway. Rachel got lost in RHHS. This is sad.

... So yeah.

Oh, by the way, seventeen-year-old Red is sexy. Even his "..." is sexy. ♥ (SHUT UP IT'S THE SEXY FANARTS I BLAME THEM)

Also, Rachel is prepping for Valentine's Day with the new layout ♥ (also because the old one was kinda starting to irritate her |D) (except the ♥'s look more like blobs with the tiny font o_O;;)
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